Pirate Family

Chapter 1075: The Missing Legend

A day later, an indifferent man in a suit and sunglasses boarded the Chambord Islands.

At this time, the residents of the Chambord Islands seemed a little uneasy. After some difficulty, he stopped a middle-aged woman who seemed to be in a hurry.

"May I ask what happened here, did pirates attack this island?"

the man asked.

The middle-aged woman looked at the man, and then said a little uneasy.

"It is said that there is a very terrifying pirate hiding on this small island, and the navy sent a fleet to fight that pirate."

The woman said with some fear, thinking of the tragedy that happened on Golan Island not long ago, the ability that was said to be able to destroy the world reappeared in this sea.

She was very scared, afraid of that very scary pirate, who was the culprit who caused the disaster on Golan Island.

This is also the thinking of most residents of the Chambord Islands, so the streets of the Chambord Islands have been depressed a lot these days.

"turn out?"

The man thought for a moment, then asked slowly.

"Navy warships blew up that small island, well, I think, it seems that the island 55 was blown to pieces."

"Fortunately, there are not many residents living on that small island..."

And the man didn't continue to listen to the woman's next words at all, his face became completely gloomy.

Islands No. 50-59 of Chambord are the shipyards of this small island. Almost all the pirate ships that arrive at the Chambord Islands are coated with film on these islands.

And in his line of work, the person he wanted to find happened to be a boat membrane craftsman.

The man bid farewell to the woman and walked towards Island 55.

From a distance, he saw thick black smoke slowly rising from a distance, and the shoal of a small island was burned to black charcoal, as if after a fierce battle,

Countless navies are gathering on that small island to conduct a carpet search.

"No trace of Pluto Rayleigh was found! He seems to be fleeing to other places!"

The man walked slowly along the small bridge between the islands. Approaching the small island 55, at this moment, he heard a navy talking with a phone bug in a building not far away.

After hearing the words Pluto Rayleigh, the man couldn't help pricking up his ears. Lowering his footsteps, he slowly approached that building. Stick your body against the wall of the building.

Because, this man is exactly the target of his trip!

"The navy companion who fought against Pluto first has been wiped out, so we can't decide the direction of his escape."

The naval officer seemed to hesitate a bit, he paused before continuing.

"The colleagues deployed on Fishman Island are already on the alert. If Rayleigh passes by Fishman Island, he will definitely be discovered."

The man wanted to continue listening, but saw some marines coming towards the side of the wall he was close to. Forced to do nothing, he could only give up the opportunity to continue listening to the Navy's intelligence, and left this place instead.

The sailors watched the back of the man leaving, and just wanted to catch up and ask, but they heard an exclamation from their own officer.

"I found Rayleigh's trail! Not long ago, he appeared in..."

These soldiers gave up the idea of ​​chasing the suspicious man, but leaned towards their commander.


The man left island 55, found a remote corner, and took out a phone bug from his pocket. After thinking about it, he still dialed the phone bug.

"Dark Moon-98, report to you!"

The man lowered his voice and said slowly to the phone bug.


From the other end of the phone bug, came a cold female voice, the female voice was flat and without a trace of emotion.

"The operation to contact Pluto Rayleigh failed. Pluto Rayleigh seems to be at war with the navy and is nowhere to be found!"

The other end of the phone bug fell into a brief silence, and after a while, the woman spoke slowly.

"I see."

"Now, you continue to track the whereabouts of Pluto Rayleigh. Once there is any news, it will be like a family report!"


The man nodded, and the phone bug hung up.

He tidied up his clothes, pretended to be a tourist, and wandered around the coast of the Chambord Islands.

No one saw that there was a pattern hidden on the man's white shirt.

One, the pattern of the misty moon.


"We're late."

Sdio, Lorne was handling family affairs on his throne, when a puff of smoke appeared above the silent and empty hall, and the smoke gradually condensed into the appearance of a young woman.

"Before our spies arrived, the Navy dispatched a fleet to fight Rayleigh."

"I don't know the result of the fight between the two sides for the time being, but Lei Li himself disappeared after this battle."

The woman walked slowly in front of Lorne, bowed slightly, and then said with some hesitation.

"Although I have ordered that spy to continue to follow Lei Li's whereabouts, I don't hold out much hope."

"I see. It's not your fault, you've done a good job, Agatha."

Lorne nodded. Of course he understood why the woman thought this way, because after all, Lei Li was one of the few living legends in this sea. It was almost impossible for an ordinary spy to find his whereabouts.

Unless, the other party exposed it deliberately.

"I underestimated the determination of the world government too much."

Lorne sighed helplessly. In fact, he should have thought of it after the Golan Island incident broke out.

The world government is determined to expose the "plague fruit", a powerful fruit, and destroy an island. That one would not have thought that he could find clues to the location of Ralph Drew through the mouth of someone who had arrived at Ralph Drew.

He originally thought that in this sensitive period, the world government should not offend a legend who has retired, and create more powerful enemies for itself.

However, the facts told Lorne that he was wrong.

The meaning of the world government is very clear. Even if Raleigh is completely angered and let Leili go to sea again, Lorne will not be able to find the last piece of the puzzle of this historical text in a short time.

"It seems that the controller of the world government also knows the secret hidden by Ralph Drew,"

Lorne was silent for a while before speaking.

"Otherwise, they shouldn't be so resistant to having pirates find the location of Ralph Drew."

"What kind of secret is hidden in this place?"

Lorne became more and more curious.

And at this time, Violet suddenly came out from the shadows, a rare solemnity flashed across her plain face.

"Did something happen?"

Lorne rarely saw Violet like this, so he couldn't help asking.

"Miss Crocodile just called."

"She said she found an interesting game."

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