Pirate Family

Chapter 1077 The Wrath of the Navy

It has been modified.


This sea area, some small island.

A towering and majestic naval fortress stands on the small island, and the navy patrols the small island wearing neat uniforms.

In the navy office, a middle-aged man in a navy uniform was lazily lying on a chair basking in the sun.

The boyfriend has dark skin and tousled hair. He wears an eye mask and seems to be having a good time.

At this time, a navy rushed to the face of the sleeping man.


The voices of the marines were so loud that they nearly filled the entire office.

The man woke up from his sleep. Lifting the blindfold, he looked around in a daze, only to see the panic-stricken navy soldier standing in front of him,

"what happened?"

the man asked lazily.

"Yesterday, the warship of Captain Uer, who was patrolling at sea, was attacked. The entire warship sank, and the 300 people on board, including Captain Uer, were all missing!"

"Pirate attack?"

The man frowned. This kind of thing is not uncommon in this chaotic sea area, but few people set their sights on the navy warship.

One reason is that the Navy's G-1 branch is located above this sea area. This is the largest branch of the Navy in the New World, and its functionality is even comparable to that of the Navy's headquarters, Marin Vanduo.

In the event of an accident, the navy stationed at the G-1 branch will quickly arrive at the location of the incident, and no pirate force will be foolish enough to challenge the aggressive navy.

Because, there is no need.

Another reason is that, as the most important base of the navy, at least three vice admirals and one admiral are stationed here at any time.

"That's right, and according to information from the intelligence agency, some pirate leaders in this sea area have joined together and seem to be planning something secretly."

Said the navy soldier with a serious face.

"It's really troublesome, An Anxin, isn't it good to divide your duties?"

The man scratched his messy hair, and the drowsiness dissipated.

He stood up from the chair and put on the navy cloak hanging on the chair. Then he yawned.

"It's time to go out and have a look."

This middle-aged man is the current admiral stationed here.

"Get ready to go."

The man said lazily.


Said the sailor excitedly.

The missing Ur was exactly the navy cadet of the same period, and the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

So when he learned that Ur was attacked by pirates, the marine soldier was very depressed.

But the man's words gave the soldier hope.

There is no other reason, just because this man's name is Kuzan.

On the sea, this man has a more famous name.

"Blue Pheasant" Kuzan!


A naval fleet left the port of the G-1 branch mightily.

The navy staying at the base didn't care at all that the G-1 branch would be attacked by pirates because of their departure.

Because this place is impenetrable, unless the emperor-level pirate forces are all out, otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of capture here.

Not far from the G-1 branch, there is a reef on the sea. Behind the reef, a young pirate wearing a blue turban held a telescope. After witnessing the departure of the entire naval fleet, he took out a The phone bug, and then said slowly.

"The fish is hooked."


The bearded man whipped at Hai Hai, whose hands were hanging in front of him, his skin was torn apart.

Rows of blood flowed down from the navy's body.

This navy has been tortured for a long time, and his body is extremely weak.

He opened his eyes vaguely, and what he saw was the ferocious smiling face with the beard.

"You finally woke up."

The bearded man squinted his eyes and said, he stroked the whip in his hand, as if he was stroking his lover's arm.

"My hospitality is not bad."

"The navy... will definitely avenge me."

Said the sailor weakly.

"You... these bastards."

"I will... go to hell."

"Hahahaha! Go to hell?"

And the bearded man seemed to have heard the funniest joke. He walked up to the navy and picked up his collar directly.

"When I choose to become a pirate, I am no longer afraid of going to hell."


He pointed to the endless sea outside the cabin.

"This is hell!"

For the vast majority of pirates in this world, the new world is not much different from hell.

But, in a sense, it's also paradise.

There are no rules, pirates can release their own nature, paradise.

"You guys will die."

shouted the Navy.


And the bearded man replied like this.

"Is that how you answered?"

"I gave you a devil fruit in vain."

After finishing speaking, the corner of the bearded man's mouth raised a strange arc, and then returned to his position.

"I hope... your companion will come to you sooner."


At the same time, a silver-white three-masted sailing ship appeared in this sea area.

The ram of this ship is a red coquettish rose, and emerald green vines spread on both sides of the ship.

The whole ship is like a rose floating on the sea.

If anyone sees this ship, they will be shocked and speechless, because there is no one in the whole sea who does not know this ship.

Because of the name of the ship, it is called the Crimson Rose.

And the owner of this ship is none other than the mistress of the Vennhill family, the demon's fiancée, with the title of Blood Queen, Vennhill Garrett.

"According to the information provided by Miss Crocodile, it is this sea area where those people conspired."

On the deck of the Crimson Rose, Lorne looked at the endless sea and said calmly.

"The G-1 branch has an admiral stationed in the Navy, and they do it like trimming the nails of a sleeping lion."

Beside Lorne, Garrett yawned, then spoke slowly.

"If it succeeds, it is equivalent to cutting off the sharp weapon of the lion, but if it fails, there will be nothing left to be eaten by this angry lion."

"Perhaps it was the actions of the navy during this period that completely angered those pirates."

Lorne said indifferently that he did not intend to participate in this game, but he would not let go of this opportunity if he could make a profit.

This is why he appeared in this sea area.

At this time, on the Crimson Rose, a sailor suddenly shivered, and then said to himself.

"Why is it suddenly cold?"

He was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it, because the weather in the New World was inherently changeable, so the sudden change to this kind of weather didn't make people feel too surprised.

"He seems angry."

Lorne suddenly said to himself, then turned his head and took off his coat, and put it on Garrett next to him.

"Don't catch a cold."

Sorry sorry, today I thought there was a manuscript, so I coded another book.

I will change the content later, make up!

terribly sorry!

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