Pirate Family

Chapter 1078 Death Fruit

The temperature of the sea continued to drop, and it could even be seen that a thin layer of frost had formed on the surface of the sea.

"It's too fucking weird!"

A sailor hugged himself tightly, he exhaled a burst of hot air, and this hot air quickly condensed into water droplets.

Finally, these sailors couldn't take it anymore, and they returned to the cabin one after another, found some thicker clothes, and put them on.

"He seemed very angry."

Perhaps because of the cold, Garrett shrank back slightly, then approached Lorne, and snuggled into Lorne's arms.

"After all, this group of pirate heroes has been plotting for a long time. If you can't lure him out of the station, then it will be meaningless."

Just as the two of them were talking, an iceberg suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance. The white ice continued to spread on the sea, and quickly condensed the surrounding sea into ice.

The speed at which the ice condensed continued to slow down until it reached the front of the Crimson Rose before stopping.

Most of the sea area was actually frozen!

After a while, the ice that froze the sea surface gradually unsealed.

A naval warship is gradually approaching from a distance.

A man with curly black hair, thin figure, about three or four meters tall, yawning and looking lazy was standing on the deck, just in time to see Lorne standing on the Crimson Rose.

The other navies also saw the Crimson Rose through binoculars, their faces suddenly became serious, and they stood neatly on the deck, ready for battle.

As long as the man gave an order, they would immediately start fighting.

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

When the warship approached, the man glanced at Lorne and said lazily.


Lorne shrugged his shoulders and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"I'm just here to have a look."

Lorne did not lie. He came to this sea area with the intention of taking a look. And he was very clear about the character of the man in front of him. Although he looked lazy, he insisted on his own justice. If he thought that Lorne was involved in this matter, he might do it.

"That's good,"

The man nodded, and did not question whether Lorne was lying.

He didn't want to fight Lorne, at least, he didn't want to fight Lorne here, not now.

The current situation between the pirates and the navy is already tense, and if they start a war with the Vinhill family in such a place, the already tense situation will be further aggravated.

Even, it is not impossible to directly trigger an all-out war between the navy and the Pirate Emperors.

A war between the two sides will definitely happen, but at least not now.

This point, everyone is very clear.

The warship passed by the Crimson Rose, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief after the warship completely disappeared on the sea level.

Not just the Navy, but the crew of the Crimson Rose.

"Devil fruit?"

Lorne, on the other hand, showed a thoughtful expression.

In his mind, the navy soldier lying on the deck, looking like a gossamer, appeared in his mind.

It seems that Qingzhi decided to send troops precisely because of this navy.

Reminiscent of the devil fruit that the pirates got before, Lorne suddenly understood what they were planning.

"A fruit of death?"

Not long ago, Vegapunk told himself that he had information about the fruit of death.

Those fruits, when the capable user is alive, have no special features, and the ability of the fruit will not burst out until the capable person dies due to some other reason.

Lorne remembers what Vegapunk emphasized.

"Compared to ordinary devil fruits, the abilities of those death fruits are often stronger."

Lorne did not expect that he would encounter the first fruit of death so quickly.

"You mean, those pirate heroes are going to use the fruit of death to deal with Aokiji?"

After hearing Lorne's words, Garrett showed a thoughtful expression.


Lorne nodded. He is not sure about this now, but since he has learned the information about the possible existence of the fruit of death, he will never give up.

"Is there any sea iron on board?"

"Hai Tie?"

Garrett froze for a moment before realizing that this was her own boat. After thinking for a moment, she said slowly.

"Before, in order to repair the Crimson Rose, a batch of sea irons were specially delivered from Sdio, and those sea irons that were not used up are now being placed in the cabin."

"how many?"

Lorne asked back, and Garrett probably guessed what Lorne was thinking, and said slowly.


"That's good."

Lorne said so, then looked at the direction where the Aokiji warship was leaving, and said to the first officer who was holding the rudder.

"Turn the bow and follow the group of naval warships."

The Crimson Rose turned around slowly on the sea, and then headed in a certain direction.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be speechless in shock.

Because this direction is exactly the direction of the Navy's G-1 branch.


Aokiji returned to the port of the Navy Branch with his men, and Captain Ur walked down the deck with difficulty with the support of several navy soldiers.

"It's a pity that other navies have already died heroically. I only found Captain Ur who was still suffering in the cabin of the pirate ship."

As soon as he got off the boat, he saw his orderly walking over in a hurry, and he said apologetically.

Aokiji didn't need to apologize, but to him, it was his dereliction of duty that his men died in the sea.

More than 300 fresh lives on a ship lost their chance to return to their hometown forever because of his dereliction of duty. He was very sad.

That's why he was so angry just now.

The naval medical team hurried over and put the seriously injured Captain Ur on the burden.

"It will be all right."

The messenger looked at Ur, who was weak and unconscious, held the opponent's hand tightly, and said with concern.

And Aokiji returned to his office without saying a word.

He hated such heavy things as parting from life and death, and such things seemed to have become much more frequent recently.

He squinted his eyes and thought for a while. It seems that this kind of thing started to become more frequent after the navy declared war.

"Is war really a good thing?"

He couldn't help being suspicious.

As night fell, the medical room of the G-1 branch. A nurse yawned after finishing today's work.

During the day, a seriously injured sailor was sent here, and the doctors worked all afternoon to rescue the sailor from the dying state.

Now, the doctors dragged their tired bodies back to rest, and there were only a few medical staff on duty in the entire infirmary.

And he is in it.

Not far away, the doctors on duty were yawning again and again, but no one noticed that the nurse had a smile under his mask.

A trace of a strange and ferocious smile.

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