Pirate Family

Chapter 1080 Worries of the Warring States Period

On the sea not far away, the deck of the Crimson Rose.

As the air gradually became hot, Garrett took off her single clothes and snuggled into his arms.

She looked at the fireworks in the distance, with stars in her eyes, like an ordinary girl,

There is no girl who does not like this beautiful scenery, and she is no exception.

The hot magma erupted hundreds of meters, and then spread out, and the volcanic ash fell to the sea like a meteor.

"Is this the fruit of death you mentioned?"

Garrett narrowed her eyes slightly, then said slowly.

"This kind of powerful ability is really hard to guard against."

The G-1 branch of the navy, which has the title of Iron Fortress, was captured so easily with the general guarding it.

If someone had said this to Garrett before, she would not have believed it, but the fact happened right in front of her eyes.

She even replaced the G-1 branch with Sidio, and she was shocked to find that if those pirates wanted to attack Sidio, they would have no way to resist this fruit of death.

It's hard to guard against!

"After death, does the body become a crater?"

Lorne, on the other hand, looked at the erupting volcano and said slowly.

Like Garrett, he eased his position with Aokiji. Compared with Aokiji's ability to freeze the lava that erupted initially, Lorne didn't even have the ability to stop it.

If that ability user died in Sidio, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lorne originally thought that with his own seat, Sdio was no less than the Marine Headquarters of the Navy, or the steel fortress of Mariejoa, the sacred place of the Tianlongren. But after seeing the G-1 branch that fell so easily, Lorne was still too naive.

"You can't let this ability fall into the hands of others!"

Lorne looked at the erupting volcano, a chill flashed in his eyes.

He has only truly seen the power of the fruit of death now.

The volcanic eruption lasted for several hours, until the edge of the sea level turned white and the first ray of sunlight shone on the sea, the disaster gradually stopped.

At this time, the entire G-1 branch has been completely reduced to ruins, and countless cooled volcanic rocks have left traces of flowing on the G-1 branch. The high-rise building collapsed, and a highly toxic gas permeated the island.

The sea near the small island is filled with countless cooled volcanic rocks.

The corpses of some marine creatures living in shallow seas floated on the surface of the sea. A small silver boat broke through the turbid sea and headed towards the small island.

The Crimson Rose had been floating not far away until the volcanic eruption stopped, and Lorne waved his hand. The sailor, who suspected he had already put on a gas mask, boarded the boat and sailed towards the island.

Several huge boxes were placed on the boat, and some silver-white metals were neatly placed in the boxes.

The leading sailor was holding a small box in his hand.

Inside the box was a mouth-watering, little apple.


The news of the fall of the G-1 division quickly spread throughout the sea. People did not expect the counterattack of the pirates to be so swift and violent.

When Warring States heard the news, he subconsciously thought that someone among the pirate emperors, or even a few people, finally couldn't bear the end, but he didn't know until after reading the report.

"The fruit that triggers the effect after death?"

It was not the first time he had heard of this fruit, but it was indeed the first time he had seen the terrifying effect of this fruit with his own eyes.

This is almost a strategic level of power. In the face of this kind of power, no force dares to say that its small island is indestructible.

"So, what happened to the people in the G-1 branch?"

Zhan Guo put down the information in his hands, looked at the messenger in front of him, and asked slowly.

"General Aokiji discovered the abnormal situation immediately, and prevented the first eruption of the volcano through his own ability,"

The herald seemed to know that the Warring States would ask this question a long time ago, so he had already prepared the words in his heart.

"Through the time bought by Admiral Aokiji, everyone quickly evacuated the G-1 branch and are now rushing to the Navy's G-2 branch."

The G-1 branch is not too far away from the G-2 branch, but it's not too close either.

One is adjacent to the giant whale sea area and the Roxor sea area, and serves as a key point for monitoring the Whitebeard Pirates and the Vinhill family.

And the other one is near the Ten Thousand Nations Sea, responsible for monitoring another monster in this sea, Charlotte Lingling.


The messenger hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"Admiral Aokiji was too close to the center of the volcanic eruption, and when the entire island exploded, it was too late to evacuate."

"Although he used his ability to avoid the vitals, it is said that he was still seriously injured."

"Is that so?"

There was a thoughtful look in Zhan Guo's eyes.

"As far as the Vinhill family is concerned, is there any change after the delivery of this matter has passed?"

Warring States said in a deep voice, the fastest route to reach the G-2 branch is through the edge of the Loxor sea area.

And once the news of the green pheasant's injury spread, it would be like a piece of sheep placed in the wilderness, and it would definitely attract the eyes of the wolves hiding in the bushes.

In this era, no general has ever died in battle. Even the Pirate Emperors dare not say that they will be able to kill a general head-on.

Therefore, if any pirate kills Aokiji, he will become famous in one battle, even comparable to several pirate emperors in prestige.

Sengoku didn't worry that Aokiji would die at the hands of Xiaoxiao, a certain department in the New World. The injured admiral was, after all, an admiral.

What he was more worried about was whether the person who lived in Sidiou would do anything after learning the news.

After all, it is inevitable for the Vinhill family to go to war with the navy, and any wise man will not let go of this opportunity to weaken a powerful enemy.

And more importantly, due to the incident on Golan Island, most of the navy's power was restrained to the paradise, and it was impossible to send people to the New World to support Aokiji and the others!

"The Vinhill family..."

At this time, Garp, who was sitting in front of the Warring States, stood up suddenly, and the old man with the title of a naval hero put his navy cloak on his back, and walked out the door without saying a word.

"What are you doing, bastard Garp!"

After seeing this scene, Warring States was furious.

As a navy, what I hate the most is this kind of subordinate who doesn't obey the commander's order.

"Of course, go save someone!"

Garp took a bite of the senbei in his hand, and then said loudly.

"Let your companions be besieged by pirates, what kind of justice is this kind of thing?"

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