Pirate Family

Chapter 1081 Attacked

Zhan Guo looked at the back of his old friend who was gradually leaving, with a complicated expression.

From Marin Vanduo to the G-1 branch, it would take at least fifteen days even on the fastest warship of the navy.

And can the injured Aokiji really survive for fifteen days?

Zhan Guo didn't know, he was silent for a long time, and finally picked up the phone bug on the table, and then gave an order.


Three days after the G-1 branch exploded.

Due to the comprehensive suppression by the navy during this period of time, the pirates on the sea were very depressed, but this incident undoubtedly gave the pirates in the new world a boost.

It turns out that the indestructible naval fortress is so fragile. It turned out that the admiral, who was so powerful that he was almost invincible, would bleed and run away in embarrassment like a wild dog.

More people were concerned about how the G-1 branch was breached, and soon the information about the fruit of death spread throughout the sea.

This kind of fruit is different from other fruits, it can create a strong person, but its characteristics, if used well, can do many things that even powerful people can't do.

There are even some careerists who set their sights on the few Pirate Emperors high above the sea.

The indestructible naval station was easily broken by a fruit.

So, what about the residences of the Pirate Emperors?

Many careerists are ready to move. Due to the appearance of the fruit of death, the forces in this sea may have to reshuffle the cards.

More people turned their attention to the naval fleet of the original G-1 branch that was fleeing at sea at this time.

Many people want to be the first to kill the admiral and become famous in the first battle, but these careerists hide in the dark, watching the naval fleet with cold eyes,

The injured admiral was an admiral after all, a group of people standing at the pinnacle of this sea.

It is not yet known the extent of Aokiji's injury. If Aokiji still retains most of its combat power, they don't want to lose both with the navy fleet, and then let others benefit.

They are waiting for the first person to emerge.

Waiting for others to test out the depth of the naval fleet for them.

Soon, the first force trying to intercept the naval fleet appeared.


On the sea, a fleet of naval fleets sailed, surrounded by waves.

The watchman stood on the watchtower of the main ship, looking into the distance with binoculars.

A black ship appeared at the end of the coastline.

The navy soldier took down his binoculars in surprise, and wiped the lens.

This route is quite remote, and there are vortexes hidden under the sea surface all over the route. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will die, which is extremely dangerous.

So very few pirates choose to travel on this route.

But when he picked up the binoculars again, he realized that he was right.

Not only that, more ships appeared on the sea level.

On these ships, the black skull flags are fluttering in the wind!

"It's a pirate!"

The watchman reacted quickly, standing on the watchtower and shouting.

Hearing his voice, the soldiers on the deck quickly moved into action. After a while, a vice admiral came to the deck and took over the binoculars handed over by his subordinates.

"Three-headed skeletons are the Black Heart Brothers!"

The vice admiral shook his solid muscles, and the tattoo of a male tiger on his shoulder was very majestic.

"Lieutenant General Magore."

Due to the fact that he has been stationed in the G-1 base, Magor rarely goes out to catch pirates, so his reputation is not as great as those of the vice admirals who are fighting on the front line.

However, none of the pirates would underestimate the strength of this strong lieutenant general, because without certain strength, the navy would not rest assured to arrange him to station in the dangerous new world.

"Are these people treating us as prey?"

Magore snorted coldly and said angrily.

When did he experience this kind of humiliation? It was always when they hunted down pirates in the sea. The pirates ran away after hearing the news. Now that the identities of hunter and prey were switched, this group of bastards dared to come to trouble him.

After hearing the words Black Heart Brothers, the faces of the other navies without exception became serious.

Compared with those vicious pirate emperors, or the Qiwuhai under the king, the reputation of the Black Heart Brothers is also not so terrible.

However, as a pirate force that has come all the way from the Rocks era, they must not be as weak as they appear to be able to last for so long.

The first generation of black-hearted brothers once competed with Lockes at the time for the position of the overlord of the new world, but unfortunately lost in the end. Everyone thought that the Black Heart Brothers would just drown in the sea. Fifteen years later, Lockes had just been defeated, and the once dominant Lockes Pirates fell apart, splitting into Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and Big Mom. Big power.

A few young people claimed to be the children of the first generation of Black Heart Brothers, and rose up to re-establish a new Black Heart Brothers.

Decades have passed, and what is now appearing in front of the fleet should be the third generation of Black Heart Brothers.

They're young, crazy, and desperate to prove themselves.

And what could prove one's strength better than the head of an admiral?


A commodore next to him said solemnly. He is thin and thin, but as one of the few civilians in the navy, he is not required to fight on the front line.

He looked at the approaching pirate ship, paused, and then continued.

"Among this group of people, there isn't any capable person, but relatively, to be able to become a hero in the new world, they must have other advantages."

"Their physical skills are very powerful."

This commodore is responsible for collecting information on pirates. In the entire G-1 branch, no one knows the pirates in the new world better than him.

"I see."

Magor nodded, he is not the kind of reckless man who only knows how to fight.

He had a better idea than driving the entire navy ship towards the pirates.

"Notice down, convey my order!"

"All naval warships turn their bows and aim their guns at the pirate fleet ahead!"

With Magor's order, the naval warships behind quickly raised their main guns, and aimed their black muzzles at the pirate fleet ahead.

When the distance between the two sides reached one thousand meters, that is, after the artillery range, Mager suddenly roared.


Countless shells formed a barrage and shot out of the gun barrel of the naval warship.

Boom boom boom boom!

The shells landed in the sea, causing great waves.

And some of the shells directly hit the side of the pirate ship fleet, or the deck, or the flagpole. Smash it into a big hole.

The sea water spread in from the hole, and the ship was destroyed! In just one round of bombardment, the pirate fleet lost 20%!

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