Pirate Family

Chapter 1082 Black Heart Brotherhood

A single soldier, or a single naval officer, with individual strength, does not have much advantage in facing the pirates in the new world. It can even be said to be at a disadvantage.

And what the navy has relied on to suppress the pirates in the new world for so long is relying on cooperation and the natural discipline of soldiers.

"Only the victorious is righteous."

"Only the living are worthy of glory."

This sentence comes from the mouth of the current Admiral Sakaski.

Magor didn't plan to have any duel at sea with these pirates at all, to engage in a man's glory, a bloody side-to-side battle.

Use shells directly to let them understand that the navy is not so easy to bully!

"Get ready, the second round of shelling!"

Mager continued to order, and the thick voice resounded through the entire naval warship.

The gunners reloaded and moved the muzzle down slightly.

"Ready to launch!"

The second round of artillery shells spewed out, sweeping towards the pirate ship fleet ahead.

Boom boom boom boom!

Due to the closer distance between the two sides, this time, more shells hit the pirate ship. For the first time, the loss of the pirate ship has exceeded 50%.

Ordinary pirates probably turned around and fled when they saw such fierce artillery fire from the navy. And beating the dog in the water is exactly what Lieutenant General Mager is best at.

He wants a big victory, and he wants to use this victory to declare to the whole new world that the navy is not as fragile as they imagined.

In the direction of the pirate ship, on the deck of a three-masted sailing ship with three skeletons hanging on it. A young man with a black turban and blue hair tied into a braid put down the binoculars, and then asked the watchman next to him.

"Now, how far are we from that group of navies?"

"About, about seven hundred meters."

A monkey-cheeked pirate replied like this.

"Seven hundred meters?"

The young man narrowed his eyes, and then said slowly.

"Two rounds of bombardment, we were three hundred meters closer to the navy,"

"That is to say, during the next round of bombardment, we will be able to get close to the naval warship by 500 meters."

"Is such that."

The monkey-cheeked pirate replied.


The young man nodded. He didn't feel sorry for the pirate ships sunk by the navy, because most of these ships were the spoils he seized from other pirates, and he took most of the valuable things on board. .

Those who control these ships are just some of his subordinates.

Moreover, even if these ships were real, and the ships full of pirates were sunk, he didn't feel distressed.

Because, compared with the glory he is about to gain, these things lost are really worthless.

"The battle is going on so fiercely that the green pheasant has not yet shown up, that is to say, the rumors are true."

"He was seriously injured by the explosion in the G-1 branch."

"Even injured and unable to move!"

A cold light flashed in the young man's eyes. He licked his lips excitedly, and then said slowly.

"In other words, the head of this noble admiral belongs to me!"

From the bottom of his heart, he despises the group of careerists who hide in the dark, those who worry about gains and losses, are not qualified to stand on this sea.

Since they want someone who will risk their lives, he will act as this person.

"The glory of killing the green pheasant belongs to me!"

As the navy's third round of barrage hit, a cold light flashed in the young man's eyes. He bent his body slightly, and his calf suddenly exerted force.


The front end of the entire ship was directly stepped into the sea by him. His whole body, like a cannonball, leaped towards the naval warship.

Some shells hit his body without leaving a mark on him, not even slowing him down.

At this time, the distance between the pirate ship and the naval warship was 500 meters, and he actually wanted to leap over this distance!

"That's the second head of the Brotherhood of Black Heart, known as the Black Beast"

The emaciated Commodore recognized the identity of the pirate rushing over, and said solemnly.

"The bounty is 880 million, Versaille Blackheart!"

The bounty of 800 million is not very high in today's new world, but it is already some people standing at the pinnacle of this sea.

You know, most of the main subordinates of emperor-level pirates are only worth this bounty.

Among them, there are monsters like Katakuri, Marco, and Enel, who has the title of god.

"Arrogant guy!"

Lieutenant General Mager snorted coldly, and pulled out the long sword that was attached to his waist.

As a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, he will not be afraid of any pirates in a frontal battle!


Magore yelled. He is going to use the head of this arrogant pirate to deter other ambitious people hiding in the shadows.

But at this time, the naval warship suddenly shook violently.

"Has the warship been hit by the pirate's counterattack?"

Magore grabbed the railing in front of him and roared.

The warship shook so violently that it seemed as if it was about to sink.

But it doesn't make sense! The counterattack of this group of pirates was too insignificant in the face of the navy's shelling. And because they kept rushing forward, their counterattack was only symbolic.

If the warship was hit by shelling, Mager would not fail to feel it.

Not only the naval main ship that Magore was on, but other naval warships close to the main ship also began to bump violently.

If a warship is hit by a shell, it is impossible for all the warships to be hit at the same time.

But soon, Magore knew the cause of the bumps.

A huge tentacle protruded from the depths of the sea, wrapped around a naval ship, and tried to drag it into the sea.

The tentacles are nearly 100 meters long, and the navy's warships are no different from toys in front of it. The soldiers on that warship grabbed the railing of the warship so hard that they didn't fall into the sea.

Magore tried to save them, but he soon found himself in danger.

Another tentacle hanging from the viscous liquid protruded from the bottom of the sea. And its target is the naval main ship on which Mager is riding.


The sea water fell from the sky like a waterfall, and at this moment, Mager finally saw the whole picture of the monster clearly.

It was a huge octopus stretching hundreds of meters with countless tentacles.

"Giant Neptune!"

Magore's pupils shrank, and he said solemnly.

He didn't even know when this Neptune was hiding under the fleet.

Was it driven by the Black Brotherhood?

Magore didn't know, and he didn't have time to think about it.


At this time, Versail also jumped onto the deck of the naval main ship, smashing a deep hole on the deck.

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