Pirate Family

Chapter 1084 Fist

A layer of hoarfrost even condensed on the surface of the wine placed in the cabin.

cluck cluck.

In the distance, there was a burst of footsteps. The sound was irregular. It was not so much footsteps as it was something hitting the floor.

And there was a hint of joy in Versaille's eyes.

Because he felt an unusually powerful aura that was constantly approaching here.

Just as a young lion can always find an old male and challenge him.

On the entire naval warship, there was only one person who could make him feel a little threatened.

"So, you can still move."

Versailles licked his lips, no longer wasting his thoughts on Magor, and directly knocked the man into the air with a casual punch.

Magore's body rushed out involuntarily and hit the window of the cabin. If a layer of hoarfrost hadn't condensed on the window in time, Magear might have fallen into the sea.

"Is that little thing outside your pet?"

A man's lazy voice came from the end of the corridor.

The tall figure of Aokiji appeared at the end of the corridor.

He scratched his messy hair, and then said with some dissatisfaction as if he was woken up from a nap.

"It bothered me."

"That's really... a little sorry."

When Versaille saw this man finally appearing in front of him, there was a hint of excitement on his face.

"It's just that if I don't do this, you're probably still hiding somewhere, and you don't dare to come out to see me."

He felt the blood in his body start to boil.

His father, a strong physicist, once had a contest with a peak physical fitness expert named "Wang Zhi" decades ago. Although his father was defeated in the end, Wang Zhi did not He didn't kill him, but let Versaille's father return to his territory.

After that battle, the meridians of Versaille's father's hands and feet were all interrupted, and he could only sit in a wheelchair throughout his life.

But he didn't regret it, but passed on the experience he had gained when he was fighting Wang Zhi to Versail, who was still very young at the time.

"In this world, the most powerful thing is the human body. In front of the real peak physical powerhouse, the so-called devil fruit ability is just the icing on the cake."

When he said this, there was a look of longing on his face.

"When Wang Zhi fights, the blood in his body will burn. This is the secret of his strength."

"In front of a warrior who burns blood, any other power is false."

"Absolute power can destroy everything!"

Fan Saier murmured to himself, this is what his father said before he died. His father has always believed that the one standing on the top of the sea must be the most powerful physique expert.

Although at that time, the few pirate emperors who dominated the new world were all absolutely capable. But these words left an indelible memory in the heart of the young Versailles.

He wants to become a real strong man who can crush all capable people with his fists.

All capable users can only tremble when facing his fist!

This is Versaille's ambition, and the first step to realize this ambition is to become famous in one battle.

There's no quicker way to make a name for yourself than to stomp on your opponent's head.

Versaille looked at Aokiji not far away, and he felt that the blood in his body was almost on fire.

"Is this what my father said, the realm of a peak physical powerhouse?"

Versaille took a few steps lightly on the ground. He felt that he had integrated everything, as if his body was an extension of his own will. He looked at the lazy man not far away, and felt every stone in his body Cells are boiling.

They are all bloodthirsty, thirsting for the blood of the strong.

Facing a strong enemy, Versailles broke through again!

"Your head is mine!"

Sensing the surging power in his body, Versaille's eyes showed a fierce light.

The next moment, his body disappeared instantly.

"A technique similar to Shaved's teleportation?"

Aokiji frowned slightly, because he felt that Versaille's speed was obviously faster than before.

"No, it's just pure speed."

Shaving is a very typical technique, not complicated, but because the direction of movement is fixed, it is easy for people to see through.

At this time, Versailles did not use this technique, but relied on his own strength to break through the limit of speed.

"Did you just break through?"

Qingzhi slowly raised his hand, and a burn mark could be vaguely seen on the cuff of the white shirt.

There were constant air explosions, coming from the other end of the corridor.

Cracks appeared on the walls of the corridor, and the cracks continued to spread towards Aokiji.

Just the air caused by the movement is enough to produce such a large destructive power!




Fan Saier roared, he felt stronger than ever before.

Even Kaido at his peak, no! Even the so-called demon man standing in front of him, at this time Versaille felt that he could punch him!

Versaille's body instantly appeared in front of Aokiji, and the corridor behind him also became a mess.

He swung his black scarf-wrapped fist fiercely towards Aokiji's head.

At this moment, Aokiji just raised his right hand.

"Aokiji is dead!"

Versail made a judgment in an instant. In the face of absolute speed suppression, the opponent had no time to fight back, and because of his armed domineering, the elementalization of the body that natural ability users are best at is meaningless.

Facing Versaille's fist, Aokiji did not dodge.

Do you not want to hide...or can't hide in time?

Versailles didn't know, but he knew one more important thing.


He could almost imagine that after this battle, he challenged those peak powerhouses step by step, thereby unscrewing their heads.


At this time, a lazy voice broke Versaille's fantasy.

A thick arm appeared in front of his head, covering all his sight.

He could only see a pair of indifferent eyes through the gap in his arms.

When did it appear in front of you?

Versailles didn't have time to react, this arm directly grabbed his head.

Then, Versail felt a chill that almost froze his soul, and it instantly spread throughout his body.

He didn't have time to think, and his body movements kept slowing down. Finally, the fist landed in front of Aokiji's head.

There is only less than one centimeter away from Aokiji's head.

However, after all, Versail never had the chance to swing the last centimeter.

His whole body turned into an ice sculpture.

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