Pirate Family

Chapter 1085

An aura ten times more terrifying than that of Versailles before enveloped the sea, and the giant sea kings raging on the sea felt this aura, like some weak animals in the animal world, feeling the aura of a predator, and went crazy It seemed as if he wanted to escape into the deep sea.

However, the movement of this sea king is still too slow.

Its tentacles had just been retracted, and half of its body hadn't dived into the sea, so it couldn't move anymore.

A layer of hoarfrost condensed on the surface of its smooth skin, turning it into a huge iceberg.

Not only that, but the entire sea was completely frozen.

"Sorry, it seems to have been done."

Aokiji withdrew his hand from Versaille's head, the eyes of this young physique expert widened, full of unwillingness and a hint of disbelief.

He didn't believe that the gap between himself and Aokiji could be so huge.


At this time, a weak voice sounded from under the window of the cabin that was knocked open.

Drenched all over, Magore crawled out of the sea, and he was almost frozen under the ice.

"Leave the rest to you, it should be fine."

Aokiji said softly.

"give it to me."

It was only at this time that Magore saw the huge ice sculpture kneeling in front of Aokiji, and Versaille in the ice sculpture, took a deep breath, and then said slowly.

"I will definitely bring everyone to the G-2 branch safely."

Qingzhi didn't speak, but turned around and walked towards the depths of the cabin.

Mager noticed that General Aokiji's right leg seemed to have been traumatized, and his walking was a little bumpy, which is why Versailles felt that his steps were a little irregular.

"General Aokiji's injury... seems not as simple as he made it out to be."

In an instant, Mager made such a judgment. This time, it was also after the incident in the G-1 branch that he saw Aokiji for the first time. Although the strength shown by Aokiji is still strong, he killed Versaille who made him helpless in one fell swoop.

However, Magore has an illusion.

Aokiji seems to be supporting his body.

The ice gradually melted, and after a brief repair, the naval fleet continued to sail forward.

Since the route has been guessed by the pirates. Then they don't need to hide anymore. Mager ordered the entire fleet to head for the G-2 division along the fastest route.

Only when they reach the G-2 branch can they breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise they are like rootless duckweed floating on this sea. There will be a steady stream of attacks from pirates.


"You mean, did someone attack Aokiji's fleet?"

Sdio, Lorne looked at Violet in front of him and said with some surprise.

He also thought that this group of foxes hiding in the dark would observe for a while before choosing to do anything. Unexpectedly, some warriors couldn't bear the temptation to pick off an admiral with their own hands so soon, and stopped Aokiji's fleet.

"Is such that."

"The one who did it was the second leader of the Brotherhood of Black Heart, Versaille Black Heart."

"It's just that Aokiji made a move in the end. It is said that the entire surface of the sea was frozen by his ability."

"The fleet of the Black Heart Brotherhood was completely defeated, and Versaille Black Heart was also captured by the navy. Life or death is unknown."

Violet said neither humble nor overbearing, after the fleet of the G-1 branch left the G-1 base, the spies of the family have been following the fleet, so it is clear what happened to the fleet.


Lorne said with a smile. The leak of the Aokiji flight route is not something incomprehensible.

Because many people can guess that the destination of Aokiji must be the G-2 branch, which is also located in the New World, and there are only a few roads from the G1 branch to the G-2 branch.

As long as the key points are blocked, the whereabouts of Aokiji can be found.

And even if those people know the whereabouts of the navy fleet, those cunning old foxes will definitely not be the first to appear in front of Aokiji, and the first to be unable to hold back must be those young people who are eager to prove themselves.

He had heard of Versaille Heixin. He had good strength, but he had never had any outstanding achievements. He had always lived in the shadow of his brother.

Therefore, this time, it is understandable that he took the lead in resisting it and became the first bird of the others.

"It's just that Aokiji can still make a move. In other words, when he was in the G-1 branch, his injuries were not as serious as we imagined."

Lorne thought about it, this is not good news. If the strength displayed by Aokiji is too strong, other pirates may lose their desire to attack. And the heroes of the pirates in the chaotic sea have conspired for so long, and the results obtained are not as rich as imagined.

However, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Did the whole sea freeze at once?"

He chewed on Violet's information, always feeling that there was something he hadn't discovered.

He trusts his sixth sense.

"Young master, do you want to make a move?"

At this time, Violet seemed to have misunderstood what Lorne meant, and said.

"Master Enel is now in the castle in the sky."

Thunder vs. Ice, the contest between two top nature-type ability users, no matter who wins the final victory, they will definitely have a deeper understanding of the application of nature-type abilities.

"Do you want me to do it?"

Lorne smiled and looked at Violet.

Violet was taken aback. The reason why she said that was because Enilu was doing nothing in Sky City during this period, yelling every day that her bones were about to rust. To keep your ears clean. So she subconsciously mentioned this just now.

Thinking about it now, the Vennhill family's move represents a completely different meaning from other pirates' moves.

If the emperor-level pirates end in person, it means that the all-out war between the navy and the pirates has officially begun.

This kind of decision is not something she can decide.

"That fellow Enel must be annoying you to death."

Lorne smiled and didn't continue to ask.

"Now, it's not the time yet."

Lorne returned in this way. Vegapunk's "Ascension to the Gods" plan has now seen initial results.

If this plan is successful, he will leap to become the god of this sea, a "god" that even the pirate overlords in history will never be able to match.

He needs time, time spent with the Navy, and he can afford it.

"I overstepped."

Violet bowed lightly, and then said apologetically.


Lorne changed his voice, and then said suddenly.

"It's not impossible to go and see."

"A man like Qingzhi shouldn't die in Xiaoxiao's hands."

There was a smile on the corner of Lorne's mouth, as he said.

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