Pirate Family

Chapter 1086 Lurking


Lorne muttered to himself, he suddenly remembered that when he first arrived in Chambord Islands, he met Aokiji by chance.

At that time, I was no match for Aokiji at all. When I met him, I was frozen into ice by Aokiji, and then handed over to the later navy soldiers.

If it is not a fluke, I am afraid that the current self is still in the Xinjin City Prison.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the status of both sides has changed, and now he has become the top hunter in this sea.

And the green pheasant is the prey that the heroes of the new world are chasing.

"Things are right and people are wrong."

Lorne smiled, but there was no trace of contempt for Aokiji in his tone.

Today, those pirate heroes can use a death fruit to kill the blue pheasant, then tomorrow, they may fall into the same trick.

In this sea, a problem facing all heroes is how to deal with their enemies if they use this strategy.

Looking at the destroyed G-1 branch, no one has an answer.

Even the high-ranking Pirate Emperors have no answer.

The current Vennhill family is not at ease. In fact, the Vennhill family has more enemies than most people in this sea imagined. If some desperate lunatics accidentally get a fruit of death , and then came to the case of Sidio's suicide attack, Lorne had nothing to do.

The best way to solve this matter is to strengthen oneself and make everyone dare not move any ideas.

Lorne suddenly opened a small box on the table, and inside was a taupe fruit that resembled solidified lava.

This fruit is the culprit that led to the incident of the Navy's G-1 Division.

"Volcano Fruit" This is the name Lorne gave this fruit. After the death of the capable person, it will become a crater that is about to erupt.

After thinking for a long time, Lorne suddenly handed this fruit to Violet in front of him.

"Give this fruit to Vegapunk and the others."

"I hope they won't disappoint me."

Lorne ordered. After Violet slowly left the hall, Lorne took out another small box from the side drawer.

The small box contained some silver-white metal, and any cadre of the Vinhill family would be familiar with this metal.

This kind of metal is one of the foundations for the rise of the Vinhill family, a sea-iron alloy with characteristics similar to sea stone.

And looking at the purity, the sea iron alloy in Lorne's hands is all over 97% pure.

Lorne thought for a while, took out a small piece of sea iron alloy, and then put it in his mouth, chewed it for a while, and swallowed it slowly.

"It's really unpalatable."

Lorne said so.

And Lorne, who swallowed the sea iron, seemed to have eaten some ordinary food, without any abnormalities.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual about his body, Lorne ate all the remaining Haitie blankly.


Near the Chambord Islands.

Navy warships are constantly patrolling this sea area.

On the one hand, it was due to the fact that a nasty battle between the navy and the pirates took place here some time ago, and in the end, a small island was reduced to ruins. In order to prevent this incident from happening again, the Navy increased its manpower.

On the other hand, the Chambord Islands are the only way for the pirates of the Paradise to reach the new world. After the navy guards this key point, as well as the entrance of the Paradise, and the Reverse Mountain, the pirates of the Paradise will lose their escape. place.

Unless they risk their lives and pass through the gathering place of sea kings, the windless belt, sooner or later, there will be a little bit of pirates in the paradise, and they will be cleaned up by the navy.

In fact, after the Golan Island incident, the pirates in Paradise seemed to have lost their last hope and could only sit and wait to die.

Anxi is leading a warship sailing in this sea area. Because Brigadier General Ain violated the order of the Warring States Marshal during the Golan Island incident and was punished, he was temporarily grounded in Marin Fando. Therefore, Brigadier General Ain's old , led by her temporarily.

"Good afternoon Captain Sissy!"

A navy soldier immediately stood at attention when he saw Sissy coming out of the cabin, and then gave a standard military salute.

As Ain's successor, Sissy's temper is much better than Ain's, so she is even more loved by these low-level soldiers.

It can even be said that in the eyes of the new generation of navies, Sissi, who has experienced so many legendary events, is more qualified to become the leader of the new generation of navies.


Sissy smiled and responded to every soldier.

Then came the captain's room of the warship.

The captain's cabin is generally sputtered on the highest level of the warship deck, with a wide view.

The reason why Sissy likes to stay here is that without her order, others are not allowed to enter here.

"A long time ago, the Navy has already begun to suspect me."

After closing the door of the captain's room, Sissy took out a blank sheet of paper and began to write slowly.

She has a habit of writing out her thoughts.

Because she felt stupid, she often forgot what she said in the next sentence, if she didn't write it down, she might forget what she said.

"However, they don't have hard evidence."

In fact, before the incident on Golan Island, after she secretly contacted House, Lieutenant General He tested herself once, revealing her doubts, but Sissy managed to cope with it.

But this time, the incident at Golan Island, and her strange actions undoubtedly made the Navy more suspicious of her identity, but Brigadier General Ai Yin was punished, and she who caused this incident was released. Promoted, taking over Ain's original position.

"The first reason is that the navy didn't find any problem with my identity, so it let go of its suspicion."

The beautiful characters appeared on the white paper, Qianqian bit the pen, and then thought for a while.

"The other reason is that the navy is not sure, so they are going to set up a trap to test me."

After Sissy wrote these two conjectures, she thought for a while and crossed out the first conjecture.

"The navy is not stupid, especially at such critical times, they are even less likely to make some stupid mistakes."

The loss that a traitor can cause is even more terrifying than that of a strong enemy.

"So, they have to identify themselves."

"So, where is the trap?"

Sissy didn't know, but she had a hunch that if she didn't cope well this time.

His identity may really be seen through by the Navy!

Then, not only oneself, but even the family, will have a huge crisis!

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