Pirate Family

Chapter 1087 The Returned Woman

After reading all the contents on the paper, Sissy gave up the idea of ​​guessing the naval plan. Instead, take out a match and light the paper on fire.

Paper dust drifted out of the window with the sea breeze. But at this time, Sissy suddenly froze.

She saw a small boat appear at the end of the sea level.

A cruise ship that shouldn't be in a place like this.


The pirates in the entire paradise know that the Chambord Islands are heavily ambushed by the navy. Unless they have absolute force, it is absolutely impossible to break out of the navy's encirclement and leave the Chambord Islands.

In fact, except for the first period of time, when the encirclement of the navy has not yet been formed, there are still pirates who venture here and then go to the new world through here.

Later, few pirates dared to appear in this sea area. After the Navy's defense of the Chambord Islands became increasingly strict, for most pirates, this is no longer a pirate's paradise, but the most dangerous in the entire paradise. The place. Even, no less than Naval Headquarters, Marlin Vandeau.

At least, those slightly weaker pirates think so.

However, it is not that there are no pirates who can break out of this encirclement. Some pirates with hidden strength and underestimated in the eyes of the navy, after hiding for a long time, finally found the best opportunity to rush from the weak zone of the navy's defense. past. However, the number of these pirates is just a drop in the bucket compared to the pirates in Paradise.

And during this period of time, the sea is turbulent, so not many people choose to travel to sea at this time.

Therefore, the cruise ship that appeared in this sea area is quite rare.

At least Sissy thought so.

"Ordinary passengers, merchant ships, or hidden pirates?"

Sissy took out the binoculars and saw that there was no special flag flying on the cruise ship. At a glance, it was no different from a normal cruise ship. She frowned slightly.

At this time, the phone bug on her desk rang. The commanders on several other naval warships also saw this strange boat, and they were discussing how to deal with it.

As for Sissi, as a representative of the new generation of pirates, even though Brigadier General Ain behind her was punished by Marshal Warring States just now, the middle-level cadres of the navy did not dare to underestimate this girl.

Perhaps, in the near future, Sissi's military rank will surpass them, so not to mention that they want to take advantage of this opportunity to please Sissi, at least they don't want the relationship between the two parties to be too ugly.

"I gonna go see."

Sissy thought about it and said her suggestion.

It's better to do nothing than to do something wrong. She decided to follow her heart and do what she should do.

The commanders of the other warships were silent for a while, as if they were exchanging opinions, but soon they made a decision.

On behalf of the navy, Sissy's naval warship came forward to find out the identity of the cruise ship.

"Pull over!"

When the small boat arrived at the shore of the Chambord Islands, Sissy's warship was already approaching here, and a naval soldier stood on the deck waving his hand.

"Navy inspection!"

There were many luxuriously dressed gentlemen and ladies standing on the deck of the warship. They looked like traveling nobles. After seeing the actions of the navy, they were a little shocked, but someone explained to them soon.

An old man wearing a captain's hat said slowly.

"Passengers, please be safe and don't be impatient. This period of time is quite special, so the navy has strengthened the defense of the park. Please rest assured, the inspection will be over in a while."

"If there is no problem with everyone's identity, the navy will not embarrass everyone."

As the captain of this cruise ship, the old man's experience is naturally rich and incomparable. He ordered all the passengers and crew to stand on the deck and wait for the arrival of the navy.

The cruise ship pulled over, and the navy soldiers boarded the deck on the stairs lowered by the cruise ship.

"I am the captain of the Skydome."

The old captain saw a young sailor in the uniform of a navy captain board the deck, took a step forward, and stretched out his hand.

"I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with my ship. All the passengers are nobles from all over the world. No pirate can hide on my ship."

The navy captain was surprisingly young, the old man thought, she looked about the same age as his granddaughter.

It's just that she showed a hint of maturity that didn't match her age, smiled slightly, and then nodded.

"If it's what you said, of course we won't embarrass you."

"However, this is our duty after all, so please be sure to cooperate with us."

The girl captain said gently, and the navy behind her moved into the cabin of the cruise ship and began to check.

Barrels, wardrobes, and even dark corners, any place that might be able to hide people, cannot escape their inspection.

"No suspicious traces were found."

After a while, a navy soldier walked up to Sissy and reported softly.

"Is that so?"

Sissy thought for a while, and then said slowly to the old captain.

"Please give me the roster."

Now that there are no hidden people in various dark corners, it's time to check the last step, to verify the identities of every guest and crew member, and if there is no problem with their identities, Sissy will let them go.

"There are one hundred and ninety-eight guests, one hundred male guests, and ninety-eight female guests."

"Seventy-eight crew members, twelve cooks..."

Sissy looked at the roster, and then scanned the crowd one by one to verify their identities.

However, when she saw one of the female guests wearing a black dress with a proud figure, who was sitting in the corner slowly tasting wine, she paused slightly.

The female guest also seemed to have noticed Sissy, and blinked slightly at Sissy.

Soon, Sissy's expression returned to normal, symbolically after counting the roster, she handed it back to the old captain. Then he waved to the soldiers under his command.

"No problem found, let's go."

The soldiers left the cruise ship in an orderly manner, as if they had never been here before.

The cruise ship started again and finally arrived at their destination, island 40 of the Chambord archipelago.

Islands No. 40-49 are sightseeing areas and resting areas that tourists generally choose.

After a long journey, these guests could no longer bear the boring life on board, and stepped down from the deck one after another, greedily breathing the air of the Chambord Islands.

It's just that no one noticed that a woman in a black dress left the main force directly after leaving the cruise ship, and then walked towards the shipbuilding area.

"I am back again."

The woman took off her sunglasses, and complex emotions flashed in her dark eyes.

Facing the sea in front of her, she said softly.

"New world."

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