Pirate Family

Chapter 1088 G-2 Branch

Aokiji's fleet successfully arrived at the G-2 base in the Sea of ​​Nations.

Along the way, apart from the original Brotherhood of Black Heart, they have never been attacked by any other pirates.

But a safe journey is itself the biggest surprise. Therefore, as the temporary manager of this fleet, Mager felt a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"Old fellow, why are you in such a mess!"

A middle-aged man in a brown suit with two samurai swords pinned to his right waist, Mediterranean, with a serious face, had long been waiting at the pier of the G-2 branch. After seeing Mager walk down from the warship, he laughed loudly.

On the other hand, Magore didn't care about his old friend's ridicule at all. He smiled wryly, and then said slowly.

"As you have learned... we have been plotted against."

"Those pirates sent a fruit of death to the G-1 base, but we didn't find it."

"A dead fruit is so destructive?"

The Mediterranean man said with some doubts, he lowered his voice, and asked Magore.

"But, isn't Master Aokiji guarding the G-1 base...Could it be."

This is also the question of the vast majority of people in this sea. After that incident, what happened to Aokiji, and does he still retain the combat power of the admiral level?

"We'll talk about it when we're inside."

Magor also lowered his voice.

"The situation is a bit complicated."

Because of the early preparations, the soldiers of the G-1 branch were quickly accommodated in the G-2 branch. At the beginning of the construction of these naval branches, it was to guard against the pirate emperors on the sea, so various considerations were taken into consideration. In such a situation, whether it is the indestructible fortress in the face of Hai Ze's attack, or the food reserves in the base after the supply line is cut off, everything has been considered quite perfect.

Therefore, after the soldiers of the G-1 branch suddenly joined, the G-2 branch can still support it for a long time without any problems due to food.

"Charlotte Lingling's mind doesn't seem to be on us, she is still looking for traces of the Venomous Judges."

As soon as he walked into the command room, Lieutenant General Mediterranean said slowly to Mager.

"The vast majority of the BIG MOM pirate group's forces are scattered throughout the sea, so in a short period of time, we don't have to worry about threats from BIG MOM."


He paused and didn't finish his sentence, but Magore already understood.

Unless Charlotte Lingling takes action in person, but this also means that the war between the navy and the pirates has evolved again, and the pirate emperors will end in person.

"The Vinhill family watched us pass through their territory, which shows that they don't want to fight the navy."

"At least, it's not this time to start a war."

Mager also shared the information he knew. Now the G-1 branch and the G-2 branch are grasshoppers tied to the same rope, advancing and retreating together, living and dying together.

After speaking, he picked up a steaming cup of coffee that was placed on the table. But as soon as he put it in his mouth, his brows furrowed tightly.

"If you don't consider the Pirate Emperors, the only thing that can threaten us now is..."

The lieutenant general in the Mediterranean counted out the pirate forces that he knew and might attack. And Mager was also secretly surprised. He had never discovered that there were so many ambitious guys in this sea.

Among them, there are even some well-known "big shots".


The lieutenant general in the Mediterranean obviously saw the surprise in Mager's eyes, and he said with a wry smile.

"After all, there are only a few Pirate Emperors, and there will never be a shortage of silver medalists with ambitions higher than the Pirate Emperor."

"These silver medalists have been waiting for an opportunity."

"At this time, Master Qingzhi was injured, which is an excellent opportunity in their eyes."

Some time ago, Aokiji dealt with Versailles in a flash of thunder, which didn't make those ambitious people feel afraid, but instead aroused their ruthlessness even more.

The war between the navy and the pirates will happen sooner or later, why not let the navy lose an important combat force now.

After all, the navy cannot replenish the combat power of the admiral level at any time.

"That's the way it is."

"Now, can you tell me what happened to General Aokiji?"

The lieutenant general in the Mediterranean looked into Mager's eyes and said solemnly.

Mager was still hesitating, but at this moment, the door of the command room was suddenly opened.

"who is it!"

Mediterranean was furious, and took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the samurai sword from his waist. The light of the sword reflected a gleam of coldness, and the cold air was overwhelming.

This is an important moment that concerns the survival of a naval base and the soldiers of the two bases, and no one is allowed to eavesdrop.

But before his long knife was out of its sheath, a layer of hoarfrost formed on the surface of the knife.

The Mediterranean was stunned.

"General Aokiji?"

The man who appeared at the door was Aokiji. Qingzhi walked in slowly, and he found a chair casually and sat down.

Mediterranean noticed that Qingzhi's steps were a little bumpy.

Is it a calf injury?

The lieutenant general in the Mediterranean judged secretly.

"My injury is not serious. I can fight at any time."

Aokiji said lazily as if he had just woken up.

Or, in his opinion, there has never been anything worthy of his attention in this sea.

"If that's the case, great!"

Vice Admiral Mediterranean was overjoyed. After all, with a full-strength admiral joining, the G-2 branch of the Navy would be even more impregnable.

"We can be stationed at the G-2 branch, waiting for the branch of the Navy Headquarters..."

But before he finished speaking, Aokiji waved his hand and interrupted Lieutenant General Mediterranean's words.

"Don't be so cautious, Gumir."

Aokiji shook his head. He took advantage of the opportunity to put his legs on the navy's conference table, and said lazily.

"We took the initiative to attack and wiped out the surrounding pirates before they could react."

"This, this, this."

Gumir, that is, the name of the Mediterranean lieutenant general. He looked surprised.

Is this the world's highest combat power, the strength of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?

Qingzhi's confidence really surprised him. But he didn't have any reason to refute.

Obedience is the duty of the navy, and in the entire G-2 branch of the navy, no one has a higher rank than Aokiji. Therefore, Aokiji's order surpassed his order as the commander of the G-2 branch.

"Give me the distribution map of the surrounding pirate forces later."

Aokiji said lightly, taking his legs back from the table.

There was a layer of water stains on the table. But no one noticed.

After doing all this, Aokiji picked up a cup of coffee that was placed next to him, drank it down, and frowned slightly.

"The coffee in your G-2 branch is still as bad as ever."

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