Pirate Family

Chapter 1089 Aokiji's decision

At this time, ten days had passed since the attack on the Navy's G-1 branch.

The whole new world is calm, or it can be said that those ambitious people have been hiding in the dark, ready to shoot their locked prey at any time.

And this prey is the current admiral, Aokiji Kuzan.

Just when everyone thought that Kuzan and his party, who arrived at the Navy's G-2 branch, would hide in the naval base, waiting for reinforcements, a battle shattered the pirates' fantasy.

The hidden reef island is located near the sea area of ​​​​the new world, and it is occupied by a moderate force.

This place is located at the intersection of several Pirate Emperor's territories, the supplies are poor, and the pirate forces occupying this place are extremely vicious, so few people put their minds on their heads.

So even in the chaotic new world, Reef Island rarely experienced the roar of artillery fire from the sea.

But also for this reason, their strength is not very competitive compared with the pirates in the new world. After several short expansion wars ended in failure, the leaders of these pirates gave up their own Ambition can only be content with the status quo.

Therefore, compared to pirates in other places, pirates on Reef Island are much more lazy. It is not looked down upon by other forces at all.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight evenly swayed on the sea, and the pirates on the reef island just woke up from a hangover.

Since no one would choose to attack this poor and remote reef island, the secret post in charge of defense has long since become something in name only.

A few pirates lay in the dark whistle, reeking of alcohol. A ray of sunlight shone on them, and a pirate turned over lazily, and then wanted to cover his head and continue to sleep.

But at this time, a roar of artillery fire woke him up from his sleep.


The watch tower of Anshao shook a few times, and the pirate sat up suddenly. He saw a big hole smashed into a section of the city wall not far away. A black cloud of smoke rose. He wiped his eyes, and quickly woke up his sleeping companion.

"What are you doing? After today's duty is over, I still have to patronize the matchmaker. Save some energy for me."

The other pirate patted and shook his companion's hand, closed his eyes and started raving.

It's just that his companion still didn't give up, so he sat up a little dissatisfied.

"Let me tell you, you don't even want to get back the one million Baileys you lost to me last night."

"I'm not telling you about this."

The pirate who woke up first pointed to a broken city wall not far away, and said slowly.

"Look at it, it's just in disrepair for a long time, who would come to our poor...!"

The second pirate said nonchalantly. However, when he raised his head, he froze.

Countless black dots flew towards the small island facing the rising sun.

The sunlight was a bit harsh, and he wiped his eyes before he could see clearly that those little black dots were not flying birds, but birds.

Countless cannonballs burst out!

The fleet has been appearing on the sea level.

"Enemy attack!"

The pirate yelled hoarsely, got up in a hurry, and wanted to light the beacon to remind his companions on the island.

But it was too late, a shell hit the sentry post accurately, and then.

The entire sentry tower was burning with raging flames.


"Please report that Aokiji did not stick to the G-2 branch, but instead led troops to wipe out pirates everywhere?"

On the Crimson Rose, Lorne looked at the information sent back from Sdio, and said with some amusement.

It was already noon, and Garrett next to her didn't seem to wake up, she hugged Lorne tightly, and murmured to herself with her eyes closed.


This sentence, I don't know if it is a question, or an ignorant raving in my sleep.

Lorne was also a little helpless. During this period of time, Xiao Jia became more and more strange. Not only did she need to drink human blood regularly, but she also became more and more lethargic. She was no different from the vampire in the story who slept for thousands of years.

However, no matter what Xiaojia becomes, Lorne will take good care of her. So he gently stroked Xiao Jia's curly hair, and then said slowly.

"It seems that Qingzhi's injury is not as serious as the rumors. He is not a wounded prey, but an angry lion being hunted by a pack of wolves."

Lorne looked at the information passed by Violet, and said slowly.

If this is the case, then the pattern of this sea will be reversed.

A full-fledged naval admiral is definitely not something those heroes can eat. But now in this sea area, Charlotte Lingling is obsessed with pursuing eternal life. The forces under her command are either looking for traces of the vengeance trial, or searching for the whereabouts of the huge lantern fish, and have no time to take care of this side.

Therefore, if Aokiji retains its full combat power, then the person who decides the direction of this incident will become himself.

But I just wanted to go and watch the excitement, and didn't want to participate in the war with the navy so early.

Lorne tapped the table a few times with his fingers, he was in a dilemma.


But at this moment, Lorne seemed to understand something, and his voice changed.

"If Aokiji really preserves its combat power intact, why should it clear up the nearby pirate forces?"

"Wouldn't it be more worry-free and labor-saving to shrink the troops into the G-2 branch and wait for those ambitious people to throw themselves into the trap?"


Lorne thought of a possibility, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No matter whether Qingzhi is hiding something or not, as long as he doesn't end, he will be invincible.

Garrett, who was sleeping, turned over in a daze, then opened her mouth slightly, revealing her sharp teeth, and then.

Suddenly bit on Lorne's wrist.

"I'm hungry……"


"Is this the fifth force?"

When the naval fleet launched the last salvo, the small island in the distance was already ignited by raging flames.

The wailing of the pirates spread across the sea to this side.

And Aokiji was sitting on a chair, looking at the small island that was about to sink. He was holding a nautical chart in his hand, and several marked dots on the nautical chart were marked with red crosses. He pointed to the last dot that was not circled by the red cross, and said slowly.

"Then, there is only the last pirate force left in this sea area."

He pointed to the small island.

"It should be possible to get to this place when it's dark."

"Then, let the pirates on this small island disappear completely in this sea."

Aokiji said with a cold tone.

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