Pirate Family

Chapter 1090

Lieutenant General Mager next to him looked at Aokiji without saying a word.

At this time, Qingzhi showed fierceness and determination, which was completely different from the lazy admiral who suffered from procrastination in his memory.

If he just looked at these orders, he even thought that it was another general who issued these orders.

Akainu Sakasky.

None of the admirals is a fuel-efficient lamp. If anyone underestimates them because of their character, they will definitely suffer the most cruel results.

Moreover, Mager had an illusion that Aokiji seemed to be in a hurry.

Eager to clear up the nearby pirates.

"According to the speed of the fleet, if there are no accidents, we should be able to reach that place before sunset."

Magore added. Then he hesitated for a moment before speaking tentatively.

"One more thing."

"It's the seven kings of the new world, Qi Wuhai, who already has information."

"The clown excused himself from the long journey, and sent some supporting troops symbolically."

"As for the Sand Crocodile, they simply didn't answer the phone."

"Because of what happened in Murloc Island a while ago, Haixia Jinbe said that he will not leave Murloc Island in the near future."

"Tyrant Bear and Hawkeye Mihawk are not in the New World at all."


The navy and the Shichibukai under the king, at least on the surface, still have a cooperative relationship, so after the incident at the G-1 branch broke out, they naturally sought assistance from the Shichibukai under the king.

And after so many days, those people did not move.

"A pirate is indeed a pirate."

Qingzhi seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, and there was no surprise.

In fact, due to the successive incidents of the defection of the ghost hand Azawa and the devil Lorne's two princes Shichibukai, the member states of the world government have a lot of criticisms about this policy.

At the previous World Conference, some people even proposed the decision to abolish the Shichibukai under the king, and there was a lot of support for it.

Even within the navy, there are not a few high-ranking navy officials who disdain the Shichibukai system under the king, or so to speak.

In the minds of some navies, they have never regarded the Shichibukai under the king as their allies.

And Aokiji has an ambiguous attitude because of his personality.

Those Shichibukai under the king are not idiots, of course they don't understand their embarrassing situation after the navy declared war on the pirates, so they all seek a way out for themselves.

Therefore, if during this war, the navy showed a little bit of decline, and the group of kings Qiwukai turned their faces on the spot and joined the pirate camp, Aokiji would not be surprised at all.


At this time, Magore was silent for a while before speaking.

"The empress replied, she seems to be very interested in this matter."

"Empress? Hancock?"

Aokiji frowned, he remembered the woman's name, as the latest member of the Shichibukai, her strength was not inferior to those old pirates.

Before the outbreak of the War of Wano Country at that time, she met the fake attack fleet sent by Lorne in Paradise, and the two sides went to war. Finally, after learning that he was tricked, he brought his pirate ship into the new world.

"Where is she now?"

"have no idea."

Magore shook his head,

"It's just that according to the information, she just appeared on the edge of the giant whale sea a few days ago, not far from the sea of ​​all nations."

Aokiji was in a daze, he didn't expect that it was that woman who reached out to him in the end.


"Even if the second leader is captured by the navy. Now he doesn't know if he is alive or dead."

"But Aokiji doesn't seem to want to be seriously injured as rumored. This is the strength of an intact admiral of the Navy headquarters. Do we really want to fight against it?"

Black Heart Island, hall.

A man in animal skins frowned and said.

This is the territory of the Black Heart Brotherhood. As a veteran force in the New World, Black Heart Island is of course not located in a remote area like the Reef Island, with poor resources.

Instead, they occupy the best islands in this sea area, and under the leadership of several generations of black-hearted brothers, they have gradually grown into the overlord pirates of this sea area.

Even though they are not as good as those Pirate Emperors who dominate the new world, they are not just anyone who can be underestimated.

And this elegant man in animal skin is the staff member of the Brotherhood of Black Heart.

He has assisted the Patriarch of the Black Brotherhood for three generations and is deeply respected by others.

However, Roger Blackheart, Patriarch of the modern Brotherhood of Blackheart, was furious.

First of all, my younger brother, Versaille Heixin, actually carried himself behind his back, and took out one-third of the family's elite soldiers to intercept the general Qingzhi, and the whole army was wiped out, not even a single ship was able to escape back.

Secondly, after seeing the strength displayed by Aokiji, he was completely incapable of saving his younger brother.

Unlike the Charlotte family, the Brotherhood of Black Heart was established through generations of painstaking efforts, and the feelings between each generation of brothers are extremely deep.

Roger Blackheart hated his incompetence, hated himself for being afraid of Aokiji.

"I am similar in strength to that idiot Versailles. If Aokiji can kill Versailles in seconds, he can kill me in seconds."

This is Rogge's biggest concern.

"So we can endure this matter, just like our ancestors did decades ago."

At that time, the first Patriarch of the Black Heart Family, after being defeated by Wang Zhi under Lockes, forbeared it, and waited until the Lockes Pirates fell apart before coming forward.

"However, no matter how stupid Versail is, he is still my own brother."

Rogge clenched his fists tightly and said unwillingly.

The staff also understood Rogge's mood, did not speak, and waited for his decision.

Just when Rogge decided to give up, a man's mocking voice came from outside the hall.

"Is this the Black Heart Brotherhood that cares most about brotherhood in the legend? I don't think so."

A tall man with messy red hair walked in. He walked directly in front of Rogge, then found a chair at random and sat down.

The pirates behind pulled out their weapons and took a step forward, trying to get away with this arrogant guy, but Rogge waved his hand to stop the impulse of his men.

"Who are you."

He felt that the man in front of him exuded a breath, a terrifying aura.

Do it, you will die.

This is the warning given to him by the domineering and knowledgeable.

"I'm the one to help you. I can help you kill Aokiji."

The man did not answer Rogge's question, but said lightly.

"Aokiji, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, why do you help me kill him?"

Roger frowned. Although the man in front of him was very powerful, he was an admiral! It can be said unceremoniously that even those high-ranking Pirate Emperors can't guarantee that they can kill an admiral head-on in a one-on-one situation.

Although the man in front of him is powerful, Rogge still can't help but wonder why.

But soon, the man told Roger the answer,

He took out a small box containing a fruit.

A gray fruit with a spiral and flirtatious pattern.

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