Pirate Family

#1095 reversal of the situation (1)

The sea was frozen by Aokiji's ability.

So now there is only one way out for all the pirates. Go on foot to the ice, attack the naval base, and get rid of the green pheasant.

Otherwise, the ships would be trapped by the ice, and they would not be able to leave this sea area, and the heavy rain would pour down, and they would soon lose their combat effectiveness due to the low temperature.

"Must be as soon as possible!"

Roger was the first person to see through all this. He led his men and jumped onto the ice.

"The ice wall blocked our line of sight, but it also blocked naval artillery fire."

"So, at least we're safe until we get to Basefeto's place."

They planned to use Basefeto's barrier fruit ability to provide cover for the pirate fleet and approach the navy's base. Now, in a sense, Aokiji froze the sea to their aid.

The other pirate captains also jumped down, and everyone walked slowly along the ice.

The cold wind was piercing, and the ice slag turned into countless sharp knives, cutting the skins of the pirates.

Some pirates with poor physical fitness couldn't even bear the cold wind and fell on the ice.

But no one reached out to help, and their companions didn't even take a look, but walked straight ahead.

They were originally raids, and the longer the time dragged on, the more fully prepared the navy was, and the more unfavorable it would be for them.

"The ice wall is at least several meters thick."

Basefeto stood on the boat, looked at the pirates coming from behind, shook his head, and said slowly.

"Even the domineering fist wrapped around it cannot break through this ice wall. We are trapped."

If the ice wall cannot be penetrated, then the navy can wait on the small island for their physical exhaustion, and then sit back and reap the benefits.

Patience is a necessary quality for a strong man, and the navy has none of it.

"The weak, get out of the way."

At this time, Rogge glanced at Basefeto, and then said slowly.

Basefeto, who was despised, snorted coldly, but still covered up the resentment in his heart.

Now is not the time for infighting.

A dark aura like an abyss wrapped around his fist, and the blood vessels on Rogge's right arm bulged. He took a deep breath, and punched heavily on the ice wall.

The ice wall remained unmoved.

"I thought how powerful you are, but now it seems that you are not too different from me."

Basefeto, who saw this scene, said sarcastically.

The Black Heart Brotherhood is famous for its physical skills, but their physical skills seem to be the same.

At least in his opinion, there is no difference compared with himself.

Rogge didn't speak, and suddenly there was a sizzling sound on the ice.

A layer of cracks, centered on the position of his fist just now, spread to all directions.

Boom boom boom boom!

Until the ice wall could no longer withstand this huge force and began to collapse, countless ice cubes fell from the ice wall and hit the ice surface.

Rogge punched this ice wall that stretched for thousands of meters, and a crack about ten meters wide was punched out.

Basefeto's smile froze, and the pirates present were also silent.

All of them underestimated the strength of the black-hearted brothers.

"The Navy absolutely did not expect that we would get rid of the ice wall so quickly."

After completing this amazing feat, Rogge just retracted his fist lightly, and then said lightly.

"So, taking advantage of this opportunity, we attacked the naval base!"

"As long as we enter the landing battle, it will be our home field."

The cold wind carrying ice slag obscured the sight and became an excellent shelter for the pirates.

The pirates walked slowly forward along the ice. Finally, they vaguely saw a small island appearing in the cold wind.

That's a naval base.

However, their faces suddenly froze, because a group of dark navy soldiers slowly walked out of the white cold wind mixed with ice slag.

Pirates and marines met unexpectedly on the ice.

"Frankly, I'm disappointed."

And walking in the front of the navy was Aokiji wearing the uniform of the general. He glanced at the ugly pirates in front of him and frowned.

"I originally thought that some old friends would come. So I deliberately acted like I was seriously injured, pretending that my strength was not compromised, and cleaning up the pirates everywhere. Lured them to take action."

Qingzhi glanced at it and said slowly.

He was indeed severely injured in the previous incident in the G-1 branch, but the impact of this severe injury on his combat power was not as serious as the pirates imagined.

"However, none of them showed up. Instead, some of you Xiaoxiao came here."

Aokiji made no secret of his contempt for these pirates, or in his opinion, there are only a few people who are qualified to take his own life in this sea.

And this does not include the group of "careerists" who are trying to pick up the leak.

Or it can be said that all of this is self-directed and acted by Aokiji.

After the incident in the G-1 branch, Aokiji understood one thing, that is, the pirates finally couldn't bear it, and were going to pull out these "thorns" inserted into the Navy Headquarters in the New World completely.

Therefore, he decided to show a little bit the reason why the navy is still firmly occupying the strongest force in the new world where all the heroes stand side by side.

Show me the resolve of the Navy for justice.

The faces of the pirates were uncertain. They also reacted at this time, and they fell into the trap carefully planned by the navy.

Lured them here with the glory of killing an admiral as bait, and then caught them all.

They may not be the top pirate group in the New World, but their combined power cannot be ignored for the entire New World.

Once they are all lost here, the disputes caused by the vacated territory are enough to make the new world, which was finally peaceful, become chaotic once again.

And this is exactly what the Navy expects to see. Only if the pirates in the new world have problems themselves, will they have the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the new world.

Transfer the battlefield of the navy and pirates from the paradise to the new world.

The pirate leaders looked at each other, and both sides, everyone, saw the determination in each other's eyes.

If they were facing other pirates, they might be soft and begging for mercy, but facing the navy, this kind of behavior has no meaning other than humiliating themselves.

For them, being caught by the navy and then imprisoned in the dark city of Advancing may be more unbearable than dying here.

Only by fighting can there be a chance of survival.

The identities of hunter and prey are instantly reversed!

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