Pirate Family

Chapter 1096 Reversal of the Situation (2)

And at this moment, a black shadow flashed past the crowd of pirates and rushed towards Aokiji.

Roger, finally couldn't bear it, decided to make a move!

Aokiji frowned slightly, and three ice walls rose in front of him, trying to block Rogge's attack, but they were smashed one by one by Rogge's fist.

Boom boom boom!

In front of Rogge's black fist, the indestructible ice wall was as fragile as glass, and the three thick ice walls hardly slowed down his body.

"It's really worthy of the Brotherhood of Black Heart, which is famous for its physical skills."

Qingzhi sighed lazily, and raised his hand as if reluctantly.

At this time, Rogge had already come in front of him, and with his domineering black fist wrapped around his arms, he slammed down Aokiji's head fiercely.


Aokiji's head instantly turned into countless ice cubes, then shattered and scattered. The whole person stands on the ice like a headless corpse.

Roger killed the admiral with one punch?

The pirates behind watched this scene in disbelief.

Aokiji possesses a nature-type devil fruit, but the armed domineering that can touch the nature-type devil fruit body is the biggest nemesis of nature-type ability users.

Therefore, in their opinion, it is undoubtedly too arrogant for Aokiji to stand still and put his head in front of Rogge's fist.

And this kind of arrogance will ruin his life.

Even if he is an admiral of the navy.

The battlefield is changing rapidly. Seeing that Aokiji was "insta-killed" by Rogge, the pirates rushed towards the navy, shouting and waving their weapons, as if they had been beaten to death.

"The admiral is dead, thoroughly clean up the navy of the G-2 branch of the navy, and then, let the people of the new world know that we are leaving!"

A pirate roared, jumped forward, and jumped towards the navy's camp.

The other pirates also became excited. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and they were desperate just now, but now, the situation has reversed.

However, none of the pirates noticed that the navy remained expressionless after seeing Aokiji's head being crushed.

There was no movement at all.

And Rogge, who had done all this, looked at his fist without any relaxation on his face.

Only he himself knew that his punch seemed to hit a piece of ice.

"Hey, in your opinion, am I such a fragile person?"

At this time, Qingzhi's lazy voice sounded slowly in the battlefield. The crushed ice on the ground gradually condensed into the shape of Aokiji's head, which returned to Aokiji's body.

Rogge's aggressive killing punch didn't have any effect on Aokiji at all!

Aokiji raised his hand, grabbed the body of the pirate who was rushing forward, and before the other party could react, he froze his whole body into an ice sculpture.

Then it smashed towards Rogge.

"I underestimated you."

Rogge stepped back ten steps, and the ice sculpture smashed into the ice surface and instantly shattered into countless pieces. He wiped the sweat off his face, then said solemnly.

The domineering armed look that he was proud of couldn't hurt Aokiji.

He didn't understand how Aokiji did it, but that said. This battle was lost from the very beginning.

Rogge finally understood why even though Aokiji was obviously injured, he still made this round to lure them over.

It turned out that from the very beginning, Aokiji knew that he would never die in their hands.

Is this the difference between an admiral and an ordinary pirate?

At this moment, the navy soldiers behind Aokiji moved. They raised their weapons, aimed at the pirates rushing towards this side, and then slowly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless bullets spewed out from the barrel, and some pirates couldn't dodge in time, and were directly sprayed into a sieve.

And some other lucky pirates were not hit, but they also covered their wounds, relying on the fallen corpses of their companions, desperately avoiding the deadly barrage.

This war turned directly into a massacre.

Aokiji didn't speak, but walked slowly towards Rogge.

His hand turned into a sharp blade made of ice, and the edge of the sharp blade shone with a cold light, as if to cut everything.

And at this time, a man wearing a cloak, naked to the waist, as strong as a wild beast, rushed towards Qingzhi.


He directly knocked the green pheasant flying dozens of meters, and hit an iceberg. The body of the green pheasant instantly turned into countless pieces of ice, and then instantly condensed into his own body.

"The King of Fighters, Tysons."

Aokiji saw the man who attacked him, and slowly said the man's name.

The King of Fighters, Tysons, is a gold medalist who has been in the underground world for ten years. It is said that every time he punches, he can kill a sea king. No opponent can bear his fist head-on.

In his life, he has not experienced a single failure in the arena, so he has been dubbed the title of King of Fighters.

King of fists.

Perhaps because he was tired of the invincible life in the underground world, Tysons decided to go to sea a few years ago. During the short journey in the paradise, he defeated countless opponents, and no group of pirates was his one enemy. When Tysons stepped on the blood of countless opponents and arrived at the Chambord Islands, his bounty was already as high as 400 million.

Even a vice admiral stationed in the Chambord Islands was severely injured by his fist.

Later, after arriving in the new world, Tysons learned the two skills of armed domineering and knowledge-colored domineering, and Tysons' strength became even more unfathomable.

After dormant for more than a year, he made a bold move, defeated a certain force occupying a small island, and took the small island into his pocket.

"It is said that every time you make a shot, you have never failed."

Qingzhi looked at the tall boxer in the distance, stood up slowly from the ground, and said lightly.

"Is that why you came here to die?"

"I don't know how strong the admiral is, but the former vice admiral, I can beat ten people with one fist."

Tysons raised his fist and aimed it at Aokiji.

"This fist has never been stained with the blood of an admiral."

At this time, several other pirate leaders also came in front of Rogge. They were able to plan this event, and of course none of them were weak.

The breath of each of them is not inferior to Rogge and Tysons.

The wailing sounds of the pirates around him being shot could be heard endlessly. But none of the pirate leaders turned their heads and wanted to help their subordinates.

As long as he gets rid of this man in front of him, his reputation will be unprecedentedly strong, even comparable to those Pirate Emperors.

You know, even those pirate emperors, none of them have ever killed an admiral.

And as long as there is fame, there are plenty of subordinates who come to join him!

To kill the green pheasant, this is their opinion reached in an instant!

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