Pirate Family

Chapter 1097: Reversal of the Situation (3)

These pirates are all well-known villains in the new world, but now, they choose to join forces to even deal with the man in front of them.

After the sea was frozen, they had no way out, and only by cooperating could they have a chance.

A burly man who was several meters tall and looked like a soldier roared, then his back slightly bent, and black fluff grew out of his back.

It turned into a bigger brown bear.


This is the brown bear who looked at it with contempt, and then slowly said the name of the other party.

"Maybe you haven't heard of me before, but after a few days, my name is destined to spread all over the world."

"In the name of the person who killed you..."

In the new world, there are a huge number of devil fruit ability users, but among them, the natural and superhuman devil fruit ability users account for the vast majority.

And the situation of being an animal-type devil fruit ability user among the three major types has become a bit embarrassing. Especially the benchmark of animal devil fruit ability users, Kaido who owns "Dragon Dragon Fruit" was killed by "Demon" Lorne, even more so after the huge Beast Pirates fell apart.

In this huge new world, there is not a single animal fruit capable user!

But this does not mean that the animal devil fruit ability users are not strong. Many years ago, a strong physicist put forward a theory.

In Paradise and the Four Seas without domineering, eating the devil fruit of the natural department means absolute invincibility, and when the domineering is popularized, the advantages of the natural ability users will disappear.

Superman-type Devil Fruits are more of an aid to combat, and those who directly use various superpowers to fight are, after all, a minority.

Only the animal-type devil fruit has incomparable benefits to the strong, especially those who rely on their bodies to fight!

In the early stage, when everyone's physical strength is about the same, the animalization of the animal-type devil fruit can give the owner amazing power, and in the later stage, the animal-type devil fruit can double the owner's strength, speed, and physical fitness.

Not to mention the amazing resilience after awakening.

After careful consideration, that strong man took himself as an experiment, ate an animal devil fruit, and indeed dominated the new world for a long time.

Until, after the rise of the Rocks Pirates, a fierce battle took place between the two sides.

No one knows where the battle took place or how it was fought.

The only thing the pirates in the sea know is that after the battle, the animal devil fruit user never appeared again. And on Lockes' body, there was also a scratch that could hardly be concealed.

And the story of that strong man, as a legend, has been passed down.

And this pirate is the follower of that strong man.

The brown bear roared, and then rushed towards the green pheasant. The huge body showed a speed that he didn't want to match at all, and he came to Aokiji almost instantly.

The sharp claws patted Aokiji's head. At this time, Qingzhi just raised his hand.

"Remember my name..."

The brown bear roared, and the picture of Aokiji's body being shot to pieces by him appeared in his eyes.

It is the most stupid behavior in this world to wrestle with an animal fruit ability user, especially a fruit ability user like him who has focused on strengthening his own strength.

But before he finished speaking, he felt a coldness that almost froze his soul, centered on his heart, and spread to the whole body.

Aokiji's hand touched his chest at some point.

"Too much nonsense."

Aokiji said slowly.

The giant bear turned into an ice sculpture, and its whole body was frozen.

But at this time, his claws were only less than ten centimeters away from Qingzhi's head.


A peak pirate was instantly killed by Aokiji!


After doing all this, Aokiji let out a chill, turned around, and looked at the other pirate leaders not far away.

"It's your turn."


Rogge spat out a big mouthful of saliva. This giant bear has boasted about himself for so long, saying that he is the successor of power, and that he can even be compared with Kaido in terms of physical fitness.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived on the battlefield, he was instantly killed by Qingzhi. And judging by the appearance of the green pheasant, it didn't even consume too much physical energy.

He glanced at Tysons next to him, and both of them understood what the other was thinking.

You can't go up one by one, only by acting together can Aokiji feel the pressure.

The two physique monsters took a deep breath, then turned into two black shadows, and rushed towards Qingzhi from both ends.

"Finally understand this?"

And Aokiji didn't panic, his eyes became dignified.

He stretched out his hand, two sharp ice edges rose from the ice surface, then began to rotate slowly, and flew towards the two pirates.

But this is not the end yet, the ice surface under Aokiji's feet is still shaking, turning into pieces of ice and starting to spin.

It spun like a tornado, with a bone-piercing cold wind, and the ice dust splashed out of the ice tornado was like tiny razors, carrying the power to crush everything, and spread towards the surroundings.

Just as Rogge shattered the ice edge rushing towards him with one punch, the ice tornado had already arrived in front of him. Rogge couldn't dodge in time, and his body was instantly sucked into the ice tornado.

"damn it!"

Even though the muscles all over his body were tense, and the jet-black armed domineering body was protecting his body, Rogge felt as if someone was constantly cutting his body with ten thousand sharp knives.

And those who use these small knives are not the kind of weak ordinary people, but famous swordsmen. He felt his skin being cut into countless tiny pieces.

The blue ice storm gradually turned red.

It was the color of blood.

The other pirates retreated one after another, trying to avoid the spreading ice storm, but the speed of the ice storm spreading was too fast.

Fifty meters, ten meters, three meters, the distance from them is getting shorter and shorter, and in the next second, they will be swallowed by the ice storm and become sacrifices of the ice storm.

But at this time, a man roared in the ears of the pirates.

A thin man with long blue hair came to them at some point.

His hands slowly stretched out from the robe.

"protecting mask!"

A faint protective cover shrouded the battlefield, blocking the frightening ice storm on the other side of the protective cover.

The ice storm cutter protects the barrier, but it can't make the barrier retreat even a step!

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