Pirate Family

Chapter 1098 Reversal of the Situation (4)


Everyone did not expect that at such a critical moment, the one who saved them turned out to be Basefeto, whom they regarded as an abandoned son.

In fact, in the eyes of the pirate heroes, Basefeto is not considered a qualified peak pirate. Because most of the protective abilities he relied on were given to him by the Devil Fruit. Compared with this terrifying defensive ability, his attack power is too weak.

Apart from the basic two-color domineering, there is almost nothing to show for it.

Even some powerful pirate supernovas are far more aggressive than Basefeto.

It's not to say that every peak pirate has no shortcomings, but this shortcoming, compared to those more powerful pirates, will never become their weakness.


And Basefeto was not relaxed, cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

Building a protective barrier is not without consumption, and blocking the burden on his body caused by this ice tornado is even more than the previous protective cover that stretches for thousands of meters.

"I will prove it to you, the only one who can kill you is me!"

The ice tornado dissipated gradually, and the bodies of Tysons and Roger fell to the ground weakly. Their clothes had been torn apart by the ice storm long ago, and countless tiny wounds covered their robust bodies. Blood seeped out from the wound, turning them into two blood men.


And Aokiji turned his head slowly, looking at Basefeto on the other side of the protective barrier.

There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

For him, solving these two peak pirates was not as easy as it seemed on the surface.

At the last moment, Rogge and Tysons rushed to him with all their strength, and each of them gave him a heavy punch.

At that time, Aokiji had no time to elementalize his body in advance, so he could only cover his body with armed domineering, resisting the full attack of these two physique monsters.

As a result, Tysons and Tiger's bodies were almost torn apart, and even if they were not dead, they lost most of their fighting power.

And Qingzhi's ribs were also broken.

Aokiji walked in the direction of Basefeto step by step.

Basefeto was out of breath, that is to say, creating this protective shield that blocked everything would definitely consume a huge amount of his physical energy.

All the pirates couldn't help but retreat. Tysons, Rogge, and the animal-type devil fruit user just now can be said to be the strongest among them. Now they are all down. Who else can stop this time? Aokiji?

Perhaps, coming to kill the green pheasant was the worst decision in their life!

Such an idea emerged in the hearts of all the pirates, but at this time, they had no chance to change everything.

But suddenly, Aokiji's footsteps stopped.

A bloody hand grabbed his right leg.

"I haven't fallen yet..."

Tysons raised his head and looked at Aokiji with red eyes.

As a boxer, he was undefeated. As a pirate, he became a well-known big shot in the new world in a very short period of time.

So Tysons is undoubtedly proud in his heart, but Aokiji's behavior completely shattered his pride!

Then when his hand pinched Aokiji's right leg, as if pinching a hard block of ice, the biting ice passed from his palm.

"Your leg……"

He said in disbelief.

"Have you found out yet..."

And Aokiji sighed, slowly raised his legs, dragged Tysons up from the ground, and then kicked the proud boxer onto the protective shield.

"He didn't act so easily! He was also seriously injured!"


Tysons' body suddenly hit the protective shield, he spit out a mouthful of blood, turned his back to the pirates behind, and said slowly.

"We...have a chance!"

And at the moment when Aokiji kicked Tysons away, Tysons also tore up the right leg of his suit pants.

What appeared before the crowd was not a body of flesh and blood.

But...a piece of ice!

The ice condensed into the shape of the calf, forming the body of the Aokiji, and the limbs connected to the ice showed terrible burn marks.

These marks have not fully healed, so it can be judged that they are not old wounds, but just left recently.

"But so what."

Aokiji let out a breath of cold air.

"Just lost a leg."

Aokiji's tone was flat, as if it was just a trivial matter.

The other sailors also looked at this side in shock. It was the first time they knew that Admiral Aokiji lost a leg without knowing when.

Almost instantly, everyone thought of an event, and then looked at Aokiji with awe...and gratitude.

"It seems that during the explosion of the G-1 branch, General Aokiji put in more effort than we imagined..."

Magore swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then looked at the man not far away with a look of awe.

Losing a leg, he was still able to remain calm. Even if Tysons hadn't noticed it, no one would have known about it.

Is this the admiral?

And at this moment, a piercing and sharp sound suddenly came from the sea in the distance, as if something huge had hit the ice. Constantly rubbing on the ice.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and a square pirate ship appeared at the end of the ice.

Two giant snakes pulled the pirate ship forward on the ice.

And on the ship hung a banner with nine long snakes surrounding a skull.

"Nine Snake Pirates!"

The pirates recognized this flag in an instant, and the pirate who owned this flag was a powerful pirate who had only gained fame in the sea in the past two years.

Nine Snake Island, the new emperor of Amazon Lily, a pirate with the title of "Pirate Empress", "Boa Hancock".

Because he joined the queue of Shichibukai early, Hancock's bounty has not continued to increase for a long time.

Although her bounty was only 80 million Baileys, which was not even a fraction of the bounty offered by any pirate leader present, none of the pirates present would underestimate this woman.

After reaching a certain level, offering a bounty has no meaning other than a means of showing a threat, and no pirate will assert the strength of the opponent through offering a bounty.

Moreover, the most important thing is not her bounty, but the reason why she is here.

You know, the most important identity of this woman is "Qiwuhai under the king"!

And at least for now, Shichibukai is still an ally of the navy!

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