Pirate Family

Chapter 1099 Crushing

As one of the only two female kings under the Shichibukai, the titles of the two of them show their characters.

The character of "Sand Crocodile" is cunning and cruel, just like a crocodile, it will tear its opponents apart whenever given the chance.

She has risen all the way, and there are countless pirates who died in her hands in the open and in the dark!

The character of the "Empress" is extremely arrogant. She disdains to cooperate with any forces. It is rumored that even if she joins the Shichibukai, it is only to use the identity of the Qiwuhai as the king to seek benefits for her country.

Boa Hancock has always done her own thing, so what is her purpose for appearing here this time?

The pirates didn't know, but they knew very well that Boa Hancock had absolutely no good intentions for them.

"The reinforcements have arrived! Now we can wipe out all these pirates here!"

After seeing the arrival of the Nine Snake Pirates, Vice Admiral Mager finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know why Hancock responded to their request for help and appeared here, since the navy hadn't turned against the Shichibukai, the two parties were allies after all.

"It's a little troublesome!"

And Basefeto also became dignified.

There is no invincible fruit, even the "barrier fruit" with almost absolute defense ability has a weakness that cannot be ignored, that is, he cannot create two barriers at the same time.

In other words, if you want to block the attack from behind, you must first cancel the barrier in front of you.

However, the one standing in front of them was Aokiji!

The pirates at this time fell into an absolutely unfavorable situation.

Boom boom boom!

The Nine Snake Pirates moved forward slowly, and did not stop until they were within a hundred meters of Basefeto and the others.

Two pink giant snakes spit out their own scarlet letters, and their light yellow vertical pupils stared coldly at the pirates in front of them.

Like, watching a group of prey.

Afterwards, the two giant snakes lowered their bodies and hung down on the ice.

A woman steps down from the body of a giant snake.

She was wearing a rather red short sleeve, showing off her proud figure without any taboo.

Black high-heeled shoes stepped on the ice, making a sharp friction sound.

This woman is one of the famous Seven Martial Seas in this sea today, Boya Hancock with the names of "Snake Princess" and "Empress".

"What a mess, Aokiji."

She opened her mouth slowly, and her icy voice sounded.

"It was plotted against by a character of this level."

"Bastard woman, how dare you underestimate us!"

Hearing the undisguised contempt in Hancock's tone, some remaining pirate leaders were furious.

It is true that the Shichibukai are the smartest living pirates standing at the peak of this sea, wandering between the pirates and the navy.

But they are the heroes of the new world, and any one of them is enough to make a child stop crying.

Now, he was evaluated by this woman in such a tone.

"Don't think that you are the Qiwuhai under the king, we just..."

A skinny, somewhat wretched pirate leader yelled at Hancock. The latter just turned around and glanced at him casually.

Before the pirate could finish his angry words, he met Hancock's cold eyes.

It's so beautiful, such a thought came to the pirate's mind, and then he secretly thought it was not good.

Because he remembered Hancock's abilities.

But it was over, the next moment, his thoughts froze, his whole body gradually petrified, within a few breaths, he turned into a stone sculpture.

"Anyone who is tempted by the beauty of my concubine will be petrified."

Hancock scanned the other pirates, but none of the remaining pirates dared to look at him.

"Be careful of her abilities, don't look at her face!"

After seeing the fate of their allies, the remaining pirates reminded loudly.

"But it's a matter of course. It's so beautiful who let me be a concubine."

And Hancock seemed to be used to all of this, and said slowly.

"Is there no way to see the enemy's face?"

Hearing Hancock's voice, Basefeto turned his head hastily. If he hadn't stabbed his body with a weapon in time to keep himself in a compulsively awake state, he might have also turned into a stone sculpture.


Thinking of this, a sense of extreme danger suddenly appeared in Basefeto's heart!

You know, to maintain the protective barrier, you must maintain a weird posture with your hands.

And just now, his own hand subconsciously picked up the weapon.

That is to say!

The next moment, Basefeto felt that the air had dropped tens of degrees instantly, as if his whole body was surrounded by thousands of years of ice.

A tall man had come before him at some point.


"Your ability is very tricky, so I must get rid of you first!"


Basefeto roared, and at the same time a barrier instantly enveloped his body. The barrier completely wrapped Basefeto's body like a protective cover.

Although it can't support a barrier as large as before, it is still too late to create a barrier that is enough to protect itself.

"Your attack is absolutely unable to penetrate my barrier!"

Aokiji raised his hand, and an icicle spread out from his right hand, but when it was about a centimeter away from Basefeto's body, it seemed to touch an invisible object, and the icicle shattered.


Basefeto, who was hiding in the barrier, had a smug smile on his face when he saw that Aokiji's attack was ineffective against him.

Even the admiral cannot break through his own defense!

But his smile froze quickly, because he saw Aokiji sighed, and then stretched his hand directly over the barrier, as if he was touching the barrier.

The next moment, the ice spread along the barrier.

Aokiji actually froze Basefeto and the barrier he made!

Basefeto inside the barrier was still able to move, but the pride in his eyes dissipated and was filled with the deepest despair instead.

He desperately found that because the space was too narrow, he couldn't smash the ice that wrapped him with all his strength.

Moreover, he felt that his breathing became more and more difficult, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.


Basefeto's desperate roar came from inside the ice cube, and the next moment, this person's body automatically fell into a dormant state out of instinct.

He lost consciousness.

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