Pirate Family

Chapter 1101 Case's Ability

Qingzhi snorted coldly, did not speak, but raised his hands.

His hands gradually turned into ice, exuding a biting chill.

To deal with this enemy, he must devote all his energy.

"Do you regret that you didn't kill me when I was imprisoned in Advance City?"

And Case seemed to see through Aokiji's thoughts, and said with some sarcasm.

As a capable person, he was at his weakest when he was imprisoned in Jinjin City and restrained with Hailoushi handcuffs.

At that time, an ordinary soldier could end his life with just one bullet. But alas, the World Government did not choose to do so.

After Qingzhi heard Case's ridicule, his face gradually became ugly.

The reason why the world government at that time did not kill Keith despite his repeated refusals was certainly not because of the ridiculous word "benevolence". It's because they dare not.

Yes, dare not.

Just imagine, if the owner of the "plague fruit" is caught by the world government, will the world government risk the devil fruit to be adrift in the sea again, and execute the other party?

Won't. If possible, the world government will try to prolong the life of the other party as much as possible to prevent the other party from dying unexpectedly.

The fruit controlled by Case is no less threatening than the "plague fruit", and even more terrifying in a certain sense.

Boom boom boom!

Two ice thorns suddenly protruded from Case's side, and then pierced towards Case's body.

Aokiji didn't say a word, and directly attacked violently!

And Case didn't seem to react, he let the two spinning ice thorns fly towards his head, and he yawned only when he was about to touch his body.

Then, the two icicles suddenly stagnated in mid-air.

No, it shouldn't be said to be stagnant, but, countless cracks suddenly appeared, and the cracks spread, breaking into countless broken ice almost in an instant.

But it's not over yet, as the shattered ice cubes slowly fell, they became more and more transparent, and then slowly disappeared.

It's like it never happened before.

"Space Master, Keith Summerfield."

And Aokiji didn't seem to be too surprised by this result.

Case's ability is the fruit of space, which can transfer objects to other positions, or even other spaces.

It would be an accident if he hadn't been able to dodge this attack!

Countless shards of ice emerged from behind Aokiji and shot at Aokiji's back. But before touching the green pheasant, it was stopped by an ice wall.

"If it were you at your peak, I might still be a little afraid."

Case said slowly.

"But now, you, who are seriously injured, are no match for me at all."

What Aokiji lost in the G-1 branch is definitely not as simple as a leg. When facing a pirate like Rogge, the disadvantages are not yet apparent, but facing a strong man of the same level as him, this This malpractice will kill him.

"Do you think you're going to eat me?"

Aokiji waved to the navy soldiers behind him, signaling them to retreat.

The battle between him and Case was beyond the reach of these navy soldiers. For Case, the numbers were meaningless.

"Don't forget, it's not just the navy that is interested in you."

Aokiji took off his blindfold from his forehead, and anyone who knew him knew what it meant when he saw this action of Aokiji

Aokiji is serious.

"And that crazy woman."

Aokiji looked directly into Case's eyes and said slowly.

Charlotte Lingling was frantically pursuing eternal life. She sent all the forces under her command to find the whereabouts of the Venomous Judges. If she knew that Case was here, she would definitely not let him go.

Moreover, there is one more thing, that is, the sea area where the navy's G-2 branch base is located happens to be Charlotte Lingling's territory, the sea area of ​​all nations!

"There's enough time."

And Case said indifferently.

"What is enough?"

"Before that crazy woman arrives here, it's enough time to deal with you."

Aokiji's face became extremely ugly, and Case's tone made no secret of his contempt for him.

He slowly raised his hand, since there is no way for the two sides to reconcile, then there is only fighting.

A wall of ice rose, blocking the retreating navies on the other side.

On the entire ice, only Aokiji, Case, the Nine Snake Pirates brought by Hancock, and some pirate leaders who fell on the ground remained.

And at this moment, the corner of Case's mouth suddenly curled into a strange arc.

"Do you think that since I can drive this group of idiots to besiege you, don't you have any preparations?"

His words made Aokiji's heart sink. There was no doubt that Case came here alone. Then, what was his so-called preparation?

Aokiji didn't know, but he subconsciously looked back, and when he saw the imprisoned pirate leaders, his heart sank.

He looked in Case's direction and saw Rogge struggling on the ground covered in blood.

Rogge met Case's gaze, as if remembering something, his face became extremely ugly.

"You've let me down so much. I thought you'd make good use of the gift I gave you."

"Don't come here!"

And Rogge roared in horror, and then this big pirate who was well-known in Dahaishan struggled to get up from the ground, and then fled in another direction.

As if avoiding Case.

"It's useless in front of me!"

Case shook his head, and stretched out his hand to Rogge who was fleeing for his life.

But at this moment, an ice wall rose from the ice, blocking his movements.

Aokiji didn't know about the deal between Rogge and Case, but he was very clear that it was absolutely impossible for Case to catch Rogge.

"I won't let you succeed so easily."

The figure of Aokiji appeared in front of Case, the ice cracked, and countless ice edges rushed towards Case.

"Don't you understand? In front of me who controls the space, this physical attack is meaningless."

Case waved his hand, and the ice edge attacking him disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before!

Then, Qingzhi suddenly felt that his body was out of control, and in the next moment, countless ice edges appeared in front of him.

Case reversed his attack!

The sharp ice edge pierced Aokiji's body, piercing Aokiji's entire body.

But the strange thing is that not a single drop of blood flowed out from Qingzhi's body.

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