Pirate Family

Chapter 1102 Fierce Battle

Aokiji's whole body was pierced by his own attack, and then his body shattered into countless pieces of ice, fell to the ground, and slowly condensed into a man's appearance.

"Hoo hoo hoo."

Countless sweat oozes from Aokiji's forehead. If he hadn't evaded in time, he might have become the first admiral in the sea to die in his hands.

Case's space twist was too tricky, and he didn't give Aokiji the slightest reaction time. Appeared directly in front of oneself.

On the other side, Case frowned slightly.

This move was originally a must-kill.

However, just as he was about to attack while Qingzhi was distracted, an arrow hit him.

It was a long pink arrow that accurately hit Case's right hand. Case raised his hand, and the originally strong muscles gradually petrified.

"This ignores the concubine's identity..."

Hancock stood not far away, holding a pink longbow in his hand, and she shot that arrow.

"The concubine is very angry..."

She frowned slightly, with an astonishing allure. Even Case fell into a momentary sinking.

"A new generation of devil fruit capable users?"

But Case waved his hand, took out a small knife, and stabbed himself in the body without hesitation.

The petrification of his right hand slowly subsided, and the severe pain woke him up.

Case never underestimated any devil fruit ability user, which is why Rocks is dead, but he is still alive.

"I've heard of your name, Empress Hancock."

Case looked at the woman attacking him from a distance, without hiding the praise in his tone.

Although this era seems to him to be too weak, there are still some refreshingly strong players.

For example, the so-called Qiwuhai under the king, and those careerists who tried to stir up the sea a few years ago but failed in the end.

Of course, there is also the man with the title of devil.

If you give them time, these people may not be able to reach their own level, but right now, they are still too immature.

In this era, there will be no more time for them.

"To save time, you two go together."

Case said slowly.

And Aokiji's face became extremely ugly. It had been many years, no one had spoken to him in this tone, and Case did not take him seriously in doing so.

And Hancock snorted coldly, and rushed towards Case directly.

Her speed was extremely fast, and she came to Case in almost an instant. The slender legs kicked Case's head.

"Aromatic legs!"

Hancock is a sweet man who ate sweet fruits. While possessing amazing beauty, he also seems to be cursed.

Any man who is tempted by her beauty will be petrified, and after unremitting efforts, Hancock finally learned to use his own abilities to add to his attacks.

Even those determined opponents will be temporarily petrified when they are hit by her attack.

And for the strong, this short petrification is enough to decide the outcome of a battle!

"too young!"

And Case shook his head, and just when Hancock's slender thigh was about to kick Case's head, he snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Hancock disappeared, and the whole person appeared in front of an icicle with a height of tens of meters hundreds of meters away.

The beautiful leg kicked the icicle, and the icicle broke and collapsed.

Countless pieces of ice buried her on the ice.

All the people present looked sideways, and no one would have thought that Hancock's petite body contained such a terrifying explosive power.

However, an attack that doesn't hit the opponent is meaningless.

"As I said, attacks on the physical level are meaningless to me. You will never be able to hit me."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed lightly at Aokiji not far away.

Aokiji frowned, and his domineering look frantically called the police.

Almost without thinking, his body disappeared instantly, appearing hundreds of meters away.

Where he was standing just now, the space began to distort slightly, and then the ice broke, and the sea water roared out from under the ice.

A circular hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared on the huge ice surface, as if someone had wiped this area clean with an eraser.

Seeing all this, Aokiji took a deep breath and became more serious. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't dodged just now.

With this ice sheet disappearing into the world?

Erasing objects from space, this is Case's terrifying ability!

"Have you escaped?"

Case, on the other hand, was a little surprised. Logically speaking, the injured Aokiji should not have shown such a terrifying speed.

He underestimated Qingzhi a little bit.


On the other side, Hancock crawled out of the crushed ice, her long hair was a little messy, and a trace of anger appeared on her face.

She was played by Case!

"Be careful with his abilities, don't be caught by his spatial abilities."

Aokiji slowly reminded. He looked at Case and shook his fist.

There was a gap in the ice surface, and countless ice thorns moved towards Case along the ice surface.

"I said it's useless, physical attacks are meaningless to me!"

"I hate stupid opponents."

Case shook his head again. Just as he was about to deflect the attack of Aokiji, Aokiji's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Stupid, it's you!"

The ice surface behind Case suddenly bulged, and the figure of Aokiji gathered behind Case.

He raised his hand and aimed his huge fist at Case's back.


Case's whole body was directly thrown into the air, just hitting the ice spike that was attacking him.


Case's ice spikes kept spinning, cutting Case's body. Aokiji didn't want to miss this rare opportunity, rushed to Case's back, covered his fist with pitch-black arrogance, pointed at Case's head and smashed down hard.

If this punch hits, Case will not die, but will lose half of his skin.

But at this critical moment. Case finally reacted. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers with difficulty.

The next moment, his body disappeared, and Aokiji's fist hit the advancing ice spike.

Boom boom boom!

The ice thorns that stretched for hundreds of meters stopped, and then rose towards the sky.

Aokiji punched and directly changed the direction of the ice thorns. The ice thorns continued to spread in mid-air and rose hundreds of meters before slowing down.

"Your ability is indeed very powerful, but there is still a fatal flaw."

Aokiji looked at Case who appeared in the distance, and said slowly.

"That is, if you can't capture the other person's body, then it's meaningless."

He looked around, and the endless ice began to vibrate.

"And this place is my absolute home!"

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