Pirate Family

Chapter 1103 Gift

Aokiji created this ice surface just for this moment.

It's just that the enemy he expected was one of Lorne or Charlotte Lingling, but he didn't expect it to be Case who appeared in the end, so he fell into a disadvantage at the beginning.

But when he came back to his senses, the rich experience accumulated over the years of fighting made him quickly notice Case's weakness.

"In order to match your ability, you have cultivated the knowledge-colored domineering to a terrifying level. Even I am not as good as you in the knowledge-colored domineering attainments."

Aokiji looked at Case in the distance, and said slowly.

At this time, Case no longer had the free and easy look before, but suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, and stood up in a little embarrassment.

Looking from behind, his back was smashed into a mass of bruises, and blood seeped out from the pores.

Compared with those strong in physical skills, Case's physical strength is much inferior. Aokiji's punch just now really hurt him severely.

It was Case's first injury since his escape from Advance City, and the worst.

"However, you still miscalculated."

"On this ice surface, I can create a clone through the ice at any time, and then appear from anywhere. Your knowledge and arrogance, as long as you haven't reached the point of predicting the future, you won't be able to catch me."

Aokiji looked at Case and stretched out his fist.

The ice surface vibrated, and countless icicles rose from the ice surface.

If other people came here, they would never have imagined that this place is the surface of the sea. From their point of view, this place is more like... a forest of frost!

Aokiji's body disappeared into the frosty forest, but Case knew that the other party would never run away.

Instead, he hid behind a block of ice, preparing to deal himself a fatal blow.

"Do you seem to have found my weakness?"

Case wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said slowly, with a look of madness in his eyes.

He is an extremely proud person, otherwise he would not have broken with the Golden Lion Shiji back then and brought his subordinates out to set up his own family.

"Go to hell, Case!"

The icicle behind Case suddenly shattered, and Aokiji's body rushed out of the icicle, wrapped around a pitch-black domineering fist, aimed at Case's head and smashed it down fiercely.

"You underestimate me, Aokiji!"

And Case also roared, the space around him was slightly distorted, Case didn't know where Aokiji would attack from, but he knew a little bit, in order to make himself hard to defend, Aokiji's attack must be quite close start at a distance.

Therefore, when the danger appeared, Case did one thing, which was to distort the space around him.

A great sense of crisis emerged in Aokiji's heart, he felt his body being sucked into the constantly distorted space.

No one knows what will happen to the objects erased by Caesar, but even if you think about it with your toes, you know that there will be no good results.

Therefore, Aokiji kicked the ground suddenly, the ice surface shattered, and with the help of force, his body flashed tens of meters, barely avoiding the space distortion.

After Aokiji dodged, the space distortion also stagnated.

However, the shattered ice of the icicle, together with the icicle standing on the ice surface, disappeared without a trace.


Blood dripped down his left arm onto the ice. His left arm didn't get rid of the space distortion in the first place, and the bones of the entire arm were shattered.

Case, on the other hand, was also uncomfortable. The skin on his back was completely destroyed, as if someone had taken a razor and cut his back into pieces.

Blood flow profusely.

"Next time, you won't be so lucky, Aokiji."

Case turned around slowly, looking at Aokiji wildly.

"Guess, next time, can I catch you."


This was the first thought that came to Aokiji's mind. Case was a complete lunatic. Just now he even brought himself into the scope of space distortion.

He didn't care about whether he would be hurt or not.

Aokiji gave a cold snort, and ice covered his arms, taking over the duties of his arms.

Like replacing the leg he lost.

Case, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Without the strong physique of a physical expert, and without the terrifying recovery ability of an awakened animal, Case could only resist these injuries.

The impact of this injury is definitely much more serious than that of Aokiji.

"Just give it a try. Let's see who can't hold on first."

Qingzhi exhaled a breath of cold air, and said coldly.

The battle of the strong is generally divided into two forms,

Either the tip of the needle is facing the wheat awn, and the winner will be determined by one move, or the opponent's physical strength will be continuously consumed until the opponent's physical strength is exhausted.

The former only takes a moment, while the latter, even if it takes ten days and ten nights, is not surprising.

Obviously, Case wanted to compete with himself, who could not persist first.

"Competition of stamina?"

Case let out a sarcastic smile.

"You may have misunderstood, I don't want to engage in such a rude and savage battle with you."

"Do you really think I can't catch you?"

Aokiji frowned, even though he didn't know what hole card Case was hiding, but there was a great sense of crisis in his heart.

Case raised his hand, and the space in front of him slowly began to twist, and then, a man appeared in front of him.

This is exactly Rogge who escaped before!

The battle time between Aokiji and Case is definitely not too short, and the speed of Rogge, who is a strong physicist, is definitely not too slow.

However, after the battle lasted for so long, Rogge was still captured by Case.

It is impossible to imagine to what level this man has developed his abilities.


Rogge looked at Case in horror, just like those weak creatures in the jungle seeing the top predator.

"I gave you a chance, little one."

"Use the gift I gave you to deal with your enemies. But you don't seem to have seized this opportunity."

Case showed a smile, but this smile, in Rogge's view, was no different from a demon.

"You didn't make good use of my gift. I don't blame you. Now please tell me where the gift I gave you is."

After hearing the word "gift", Rogge seemed to remember something terrible, and his whole body began to tremble.

"I sent... it to... the Navy's... base... inside."

"You're lying to me."

Case shook his head, showing his white teeth.

Then, he seemed to sniff something on Rogge, and finally took out a small box with exquisite workmanship from Rogge's clothes.

A dark gray strange fruit was placed in a small box.

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