Pirate Family

Chapter 1104: The Sacrificial Person


After seeing this scene, Aokiji also cursed secretly.

At first, he was wondering what it was that gave Rogge the courage to attack the G-2 base.

Although at that time, there was news that he was seriously injured, but if there was any mistake in the news, these pirates would never return.

Pirates are not afraid of death, but they will also not do this kind of thing that puts their lives as a bet.

This is especially true when the chips held by the two parties sitting at the gaming table are not equal.

So, what exactly did Case use to convince this group of pirates.

Now, Aokiji understands.

"A... fruit of death?"

He looked at the small box that Case took out, and said solemnly.

Only the fruit of death that can change the situation of the battle can give Rogge and his group confidence.

Fortunately, because Aokiji deliberately set the battlefield on the sea, this fruit has never had a chance to be used.

"What a fool."

After Case took out the small box, he looked at Rogge with a weird smile on his lips.

"Since you didn't use my gift, then I will teach you how to use this little gift."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, and the space around Rogge twisted slightly, and then Rogge's whole body floated up.

"No chance!"

Aokiji roared loudly, and his body disappeared instantly. The ice around Case began to vibrate violently. Countless Aokiji emerged from the ice and rushed towards Case.

These green pheasants roared at the same time.

"I won't let you succeed."

"Is it?"

Case, on the other hand, smiled slightly. He only did one thing, and that was to grab Rogge and snap his fingers.

Then, the space around him began to distort, and the next moment, he and Rogge were teleported to the ice hundreds of meters away.

Countless green pheasants jumped together and turned into ice, leaving only one green pheasant with a livid face.

"You can't stop me."

He said so at the beginning, and then, he slowly picked up this strange fruit.

"Please, I will provide you with a carrier."

Rogge next to him trembled all over. He looked at Case, as if begging for something,

But Case didn't hesitate in his actions.

"You've lost your chance."

With the other hand, he grabbed Roger's chin and twisted his entire chin open.

If it was Rogge in his heyday, he would definitely not be so easily manipulated by Case, but after the battle with Aokiji, Rogge was seriously injured, and in the process of escaping, he spent most of his life. Physical strength, so at this time Rogge, in the hands of Case, is like a doll.

Case easily brought the fruit, which was about the size of a normal baby's head, to Rogge's mouth.

Although the jaw is dislocated, the mouth of a normal person is still too small for this fruit.

Normal people eat devil fruit, or bite one bite at a time, while some people pay attention to the sense of ritual, they are used to cutting devil fruit into small pieces.

But Case didn't have such a leisurely heart at all. He directly stuffed this fruit into Rogge's mouth.

Rogge's face was distorted, and his esophagus seemed to be burst, but Case didn't hesitate at all. He didn't stop until he stuffed the whole fruit into Rogge's mouth.

Roger fell to his knees in front of Case, his face turned purple, he covered his throat with his hands, and retched.

"Uh, uh, uh."

As if wanting to spit out what was stuffed in.

"It's too late."

Case, on the other hand, looked at Rogge condescendingly, and said lightly.

Many people know that as long as any devil fruit is eaten, it will accompany the capable user for the rest of his life, even if he spits out all the contents of his stomach, it will not help.

And Qingzhi in the distance looked at the two of them very solemnly.

At this moment, Hancock returned to the battlefield with a gloomy expression, looking at Case.

This was the first time she was shot away like an ant, and Case did this like pressing her dignity to the ground.

If at the beginning, she came here just to find someone, then now, she is completely angry.

She would never let Case go.

"Let's join forces."

Aokiji looked at Hancock and said slowly. He didn't know what kind of ability the fruit Case fed to Rogge had, but he knew one thing very well.

That is, this devil fruit definitely has the ability to reverse the situation.

Hancock trembled slightly, then nodded lightly.

Although she was angry, she didn't lose her mind.

Teaming up with Aokiji is currently the best choice.

Case, who was not far away, lifted Rogge, who had retched for a long time, and looked at a man and a woman in the distance, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A trace, the winner mocks the loser.


"This sea seems to have magic power."

In the sea near Wan Guo, a silver-white pirate ship with horns like a coquettish rose was floating in the sea.

Not far from the pirate ship, there is a continent of ice that should not have appeared here, as if the entire sea was frozen.

Lorne was sitting in the cabin of the Crimson Rose, with a projector in front of him. Everything that happened on the ice continent appeared on the projector.

"After coming here, I feel hungrier than ever before."

Lorne picked up a snack on the side, and ate it regardless of his image. On the side, a young woman with wine-red hair, wearing a red evening dress, and black gloves tapped the table with her hand.

After seeing this scene, a waiter immediately backed away, then took out more snacks from the kitchen, and gently placed them in front of Lorne.

"After all, this is the kingdom of gourmet food, Wan Guo."

Garrett looked at Lorne, who was feasting beside him, and said with a smile.


After Lorne wiped out the snacks on the table, he burped and wiped the food residue from the corner of his mouth before looking at the projection screen in front of him.

"I never thought that Case would be able to push Aokiji to such an extent."

At this time, what appeared in front of Lorne was the scene of Caesar breaking Aokiji's arm through his own space ability.

"After all, it was the man who had been feared by the world government for decades, and appeared on the sea, causing this wave of the sea."

Garrett looked at Case in the picture and said calmly.

"However, shouldn't you know him better?"

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