Pirate Family

Chapter 1105 Charlotte Lingling's Order

According to common sense, Lorne, who had stayed in Advance City, should know Case very well.


Lorne smiled slightly.

"In the infinite hell, all the prisoners are imprisoned in a small cage. In fact, I only know a few prisoners who were locked next to me, and they showed brilliant performance in the escape incident. some of the people."

"Like Caesar and the others, curled up in a corner, watching all this with vicious eyes like a wolf. Before that, I didn't even know there was such a person."

"In fact, I didn't even hear of Case's name until shortly before the Bislan incident."

Before the Bislan incident, Case led the grievance trial to attack the sea knight Saiya, and then sat on Saiya's throne, holding Saiya's head, and invited pirates all over the world.

"I don't know much about this person."

Lorne shook his head and said slowly.

Garrett, on the other hand, watched the projected screen, and saw that Case used his strange ability to suppress Aokiji. Said with a frown.

"His ability seems quite tricky, similar to the woman above Mary Joa. Is it time and space?"

There are many twin abilities in this world, such as the "door door fruit" and "lock lock fruit" of Sanchuanlu and Sanchuanqi brothers. "Ice Fruit" and "Lava Fruit" of Aokiji and Red Dog. Turner's "speed fruit" and Foxy the silver fox's "slow fruit" and so on.

Hearing Garrett's words, Lorne's expression gradually became serious. He had seen the invincible ability of the woman on Marie Gioia, and if Case's ability and that woman's ability were complementary, then things would be a little troublesome.

In fact, until now, Lorne has no solution to that woman's ability.

At this moment, a phone bug on the table suddenly rang, Garrett was slightly taken aback, and then her expression became a little complicated.

Because the owner of this phone bug is her mother.

"Come on, though I've probably guessed what she wants us to do."

Lorne said lightly, and Garrett nodded, stretched out her hand, and picked up the phone bug.

"Well, well, well!"

A sharp female voice rang out from among the phone bugs.

"My good daughter, I heard that you and Lorne have come to my Sea of ​​Nations."

"Yes, my mother."

Garrett said softly,

"Hahahaha! That's really great!" After hearing Garrett's voice, Charlotte Lingling seemed a little happy.

"Mom just has one thing to ask you to do."

"Mother, please tell me."

Although she probably guessed what her mother was going to say, Garrett still maintained her obedient appearance and said in a soft and respectful voice.

Just like the ten years of growing up in Wanguo.

"Case, the vengeful judge, appeared in my territory, and now your brother Katakuri is not in the world, and I am on my way here. When I arrive, I guess Case has already escaped."

"As for your other brothers and sisters, Case can't be kept."

Charlotte Lingling's voice came out, she paused, and then continued.

"So, I want you to make a move and catch Case."

"As mother's good children, you will not let mother down, right?"

Charlotte Lingling's voice is soft, and through the phone bug, one can imagine her amiable expression.

But Garrett knew that if she refused, her mother would definitely fly into a rage, and even turn her face directly, which is not impossible.

"Of course, my mother."

"We will definitely do our best."

Garrett said with a smile. Then the mother and daughter laughed loudly through the phone bug.

If this scene is seen by other people, they will definitely admire their mother-daughter love.

If, if I hadn't seen a cold light flashing across Garrett's slightly squinted eyes, it would definitely be like this.

The bug hung up the phone, and Garrett's smile gradually subsided.

In the Charlotte family, the so-called family affection and sisterly love are the biggest jokes!

"We'll have a look later. As for whether we can stop Case, that's another story."

Garrett said lightly. Anyway, they didn't say that they would be able to stop Case, or that no one in this world dared to say that they would be able to defeat a strong man who could suppress the admiral.

Especially when the ability of this strong man was still in the space system.

Lorne smiled lightly and didn't say anything. At this time, the projection screen changed again. Case grabbed Rogge, and then fed a dark gray fruit into Rogge's mouth.

"Is this his hole card? A fruit of death."

Lorne said slowly, although he couldn't hear the conversation between Case and Aokiji, he could understand with his toes that, except for the fruit of death, which can form timely combat power, any other devil fruit has no development Under such circumstances, it cannot affect the battle between Case and Aokiji.

"After the effect of this death fruit is activated and Case and Aokiji decide the outcome, let's make a move."

Lorne shook his head. He came here originally to see the ending of the green pheasant, and to see if he could catch the cicada with the mantis and the oriole behind.

At this time, the praying mantis and the cicada are fighting fiercely, and it seems that the winner is about to be decided, so as the oriole, I am also ready to leave.

But at this moment, Lorne's expression suddenly froze, and he felt an unusually terrifying aura coming towards this side.

And the target of this breath seems to be himself.

"It seems that there are still people staying behind us."

Lorne said helplessly, he got up, left the cabin, and came to the deck of the Crimson Rose.

Not far in front of the Crimson Rose is the endless glacier continent.

On the glacier continent, there are icy pillars all over, like a sea soldier forest.

Behind the Crimson Rose is the magnificent sea.

Due to the proximity to the glacier continent, there is a feeling of coldness in the waves.

But at this time, huge waves appeared behind the Scarlet Rose, the waves were tens of meters high, and they rushed towards the boat.

It was as if someone had cut the sea in half.

And at the forefront of the waves, there is a small boat. On the small boat is a middle-aged man with a strong figure and gray temples.

The man was wearing the uniform of a vice admiral, unkempt and somewhat bohemian.

But his eyes were as cold as a hungry wolf, staring coldly at everyone on the Crimson Rose.

"I didn't expect that he would come."

After seeing this man, Lorne said helplessly.

And Garrett nodded approvingly.

Because she knew this man, or in other words, no one in this sea would not know him.

Because, his name is, Karp.

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