Pirate Family

Chapter 1106 Entrants

"The fruit of death, as the name suggests, is a devil fruit whose effect is only triggered after death."

Case lifted Rogge's neck, lifted him up, and said slowly to Aokiji.

"Compared with other devil fruits, the fruit of death has an advantage that cannot be ignored, that is, it does not need to be developed at all, and it can cause a great impact."

"This point, you who have personally experienced the threat posed by this devil fruit, should be more clear than me."

A smile appeared on the corner of Case's mouth, and he slowly looked at Aokiji not far away.

And Aokiji frowned slightly, he took a deep breath of the Ouqi, and the glacier continent trembled slightly, as if there was some terrible monster hidden under the ice.

"Enjoy it all,"

Case's arm exerted a little force, directly breaking Rogge's neck.

Roger's eyes widened and he let out a groan.


His tone was not resentment that Case took advantage of him, nor his own powerlessness, but a deep sadness.

At this moment, what he thought of was not his own death, but the Brotherhood of Black Heart.

The Brotherhood of Black Heart, which has lost two main battle strengths in succession, is estimated to never recover from a fall, and then it will be eaten away by the pirates around it just like the collapse of those great dynasties.

Consciousness became more and more blurred, and then Rogge thought of his younger brother.

After his own death, the best outcome for Versace is probably to be executed by the navy.

"Sorry, Versace."

Rogge muttered to himself, the voice was so soft that even Case, who was standing behind him, couldn't hear clearly.

Then, this pirate who had a great reputation in the sea stopped breathing.

His eyes widened, and he looked at everything in front of him with resentful eyes, and he would not die with peace!

Case, on the other hand, threw Rogge out and snapped his fingers.

The space around Rogge in the midair was slightly distorted, and his body disappeared into the midair.

The next moment, the unprecedented distortion in front of Aokiji, and Roger's body was thrown out by Case.

"Get out of here!"

Aokiji roared.

He didn't know what power the death fruit that Rogge ate had, but he knew one thing very well.

That is, we must get away from Rogge as soon as possible!

But this was still too slow. The moment Rogge's body appeared, a gray halo appeared on his body, and the halo instantly enveloped the glacier with a radius of hundreds of meters.


Qingzhi felt his body sink, and then his whole body was directly sucked into the glacier.

"The ability of this death fruit is to create a gravitational field after the host dies. People in the gravitational field will bear dozens or even hundreds of times of normal gravity."

Case, on the other hand, happened to be standing on the edge of this gray area. He looked at the green pheasant whose body was half embedded in the ice, and said slowly.

"In this case, can you still maintain the previous speed?"

Aokiji's face was livid, and he felt as if his bones were about to be crushed. Even simply raising one's hand requires hundreds of times more effort.

His legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all.

The ice surface was like quicksand, sinking deeper and deeper, and at this time, Aokiji had no strength to break free at all.

As for Hancock, the situation is even more difficult. Her physical skills can only be regarded as outstanding. Compared with ordinary pirates, she has a small advantage, but compared with those who are really strong in physical skills, it is not worth mentioning. up.

She now feels that it is extremely difficult for her to even breathe.

Below the ice surface is the sea, and both Aokiji and Hancock are devil fruit capable users. If they fall into the sea, there will only be one result.

That is to lose all strength and die of suffocation!

At this moment, Aokiji suddenly yelled loudly, and the surrounding ice began to squirm, and then, he and Hancock were ejected from the glacier.

The two of them stood on the ice with difficulty, supporting their bodies through domineering, preventing their bones from being crushed by gravity.

But, beyond that, they didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

"One more thing, I forgot to say."

As for Case, who was standing outside the gravity field, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The gravity of this gravity field will increase over time until the fruit is exhausted and the gravity field disappears."

"This time will last for at least three days. Can you guys last for three days?"

three days! ?

Qingzhi felt that for a short while, he seemed to be out of strength. Can my physical strength really last for three days?

He tentatively made a piece of ice, trying to help himself out of trouble by creating an ice clone.

However, the ice only spread less than ten meters before it could no longer bear the force of gravity and suddenly shattered.

Countless shards of ice fell to the ground.

As for the Navy's six-style "shaved" similar to teleportation? Aokiji didn't even think about it.

That is a skill that can only be achieved by stepping on the ground dozens of times with both legs in an instant, and through the reaction force. This kind of speed is simply not enough for me now!

There is no way to leave this gravity field range!

Unless this gravitational field disappears, however, will Case really give himself three days?

Aokiji didn't believe that Case would be so wicked.

Sure enough, at this moment, Case suddenly raised his hand, and slowly snapped his fingers at the place where Aokiji was.

"Now, you shouldn't be able to hide."

The space in front of Qingzhi suddenly became distorted, and then suddenly shattered.

The shattering impact hit Aokiji and Hancock. The two people who used all their energy to resist gravity had no extra energy to dodge at all, and could only watch the shock wave approaching them.


The shock wave directly crushed the two of them, knocking them flying tens of meters, and smashing them into the vicinity of several ice blocks.

There are still some blood stains on the ice here, and some figures can be vaguely seen among the few pieces of ice.

This is the place where Aokiji sealed those pirates before. I didn't expect Fengshui to have reincarnation. Now, I have also fallen into the end of being sealed, and it seems to be more embarrassing than those pirates.

But at this moment, Aokiji didn't have time to think about these things at all. His whole body was directly smashed into the ice, and the gravity oppressed his whole body. At this moment, even standing up was an extravagant hope for him.

And Hancock spit out a mouthful of blood, and she couldn't hold on any longer.

"Is this the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?"

"Is this the so-called Qiwuhai under the king?"

Case shook his head.

"That's all."

Just as he was about to take action to end the lives of these two people, he seemed to feel something and looked behind him.

Something flew towards this side quickly.

He squinted his eyes and finally saw what it was.

That is, a silver-white, pirate ship?

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