Pirate Family

Chapter 1107 Garp's Fist

The pirate ship slammed heavily on the smooth ice, and half of the ship was embedded in the glacier.

On the bow of the pirate ship, there is a mark about the size of a person's fist, as if someone directly punched the pirate ship into the air.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Case couldn't imagine, but now, he was focused on another terrible thing.

That is, he knew this pirate ship.

In other words, none of the pirates in the new world would be unfamiliar with this uniquely shaped pirate ship.

Because, the name of this ship is called Crimson Rose.

The car of Vinhill Garrett, the Crimson Rose!

"The strength of that old guy is really terrifying!"

The smoke cleared, and a man's rambling voice sounded from the deck of the pirate ship.

Lorne helped Garrett up, and then said slowly.

"It was almost killed by him with a punch."


Case looked at the man in front of him in shock, but since the Crimson Rose has already appeared here, it is not surprising that Lorne is on this ship, right?

After all, Garrett is Lorne's fiancée.

"Our entry seemed a bit rushed."

Lorne got off the boat, stepped on the ice, looked at Case who was looking at him with hostile eyes not far away, and said slowly.

"Go ahead, I won't bother you."

But Case's face was uncertain. If he had been able to fight Aokiji unscrupulously before, then now, he had to weigh whether he still had enough physical strength to deal with Lorne after finishing Aokiji.

You know, I and Lorne are competitors, and I have plotted against Lorne many times before, so the relationship between the two is definitely not that harmonious.

In addition, some time ago, the Vinhill family hunted all kinds of capable people wantonly in the sea, and it seemed that they wanted to collect all kinds of powerful abilities. Case could not guarantee whether he was also on the hunting list of the Vinhill family. middle.

After all, the space fruit can be said to be one of the most powerful devil fruits in this sea today.

With the help of Lorne's appearance, Aokiji also breathed a sigh of relief, and he moved a few steps calmly towards a piece of ice next to him.

"What is your purpose for coming here? If you want to get rid of Aokiji personally, I can give in."

Case said coldly that the reason why he plotted against Aokiji was just to weaken the navy's high-end combat power as much as possible before the big event came, and such things as reputation were meaningless to Case.

Killing an admiral can certainly make him famous, but compared with conquering the world, it is still too insignificant.

Therefore, for Case, it doesn't make any difference whether he or Lorne killed Aokiji.

Lorne shook his head slowly, and said helplessly.

"I said, I was bombarded here, do you believe it?"

A look of shock flashed in Case's eyes.

Lorne wasn't lying, of this, he was sure.

In other words, there is a terrifying monster that can push Lorne to this point, and it has come here.

who is he?

Several names emerged in Case's mind, and finally, he locked on a man.

There are many strong men in this world, but there are only a few who can push Lorne to this point with pure physical skills.

Except for those who have retired and are still active in the sea, there is only one left.

"That is to say, did Garp come here?"

Case said with some seriousness.

Before the words were finished, waves suddenly rose up on the sea, and a man stood at the forefront of the waves, heading towards the direction of the glacier continent, and rushed towards him in a menacing manner.

"The bastard who should have been eliminated by the times!"

The man jumped up high, and the water spray soaked his raised navy cloak, but he didn't care, he raised his fist high, aimed at Case's head and smashed it down hard.


Case used his ability to avoid the man's inevitable punch. The huge fist hit the glacier continent heavily, and countless cracks spread rapidly in all directions with a manly center.

The earth trembled and the glaciers crumbled.

And this is just the effect of that man's punch.

There is only one person in today's sea who can do this.

"If I remember correctly, you should be in Paradise now."

Case looked at the robust man slowly appearing in the ice fog, and said coldly.

He paused before calling out the other person's name.

"Naval hero, Vice Admiral Garp."

The navy of the new world is isolated and helpless, and the main roads leading to the various bases in the new world from the navy headquarters are occupied by pirates.

Therefore, Case never dreamed that the man in front of him would appear here.

How could he appear here!

For Case, the name Karp meant something else.

Decades ago, Case was defeated by the prosperous Lockes before he was captured by the navy, and the man named Garp in front of him, with his fist, forcibly shattered the era of Lockes!

"People who are eliminated by the times should disappear completely!"

The man called Garp raised his fist and pointed it at Case.

"If you don't want to, the old man can help you."


At this time, Case was in a panic. In order to lure Aokiji, he did not hesitate to point the space distortion target at himself. All the skin on his body was broken, and the blood poured out, almost turning him into a blood man.

But facing Garp, he didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he raised his hand and hooked his fingers at Garp.

"Then, let's try."

Without unnecessary nonsense, Garp bent his legs slightly, and then burst out with a powerful explosive force, and rushed towards Case.

He has no strange abilities, no sharp weapons, and he has suppressed the pirates in the sea for so many years, relying only on his own fists.

A fist capable of crushing everything!

In the distance, Lorne frowned slightly after seeing this scene.

From his point of view, Garp's fists are entangled with an unusually strong "flowing cherry arrogance", and these arrogances are constantly rotating, like tiny drill bits. Obliterate everything, smash everything!

Absolutely can not face the enemy!

Almost immediately, he made the following judgment.

And Case also sensed the danger, but Garp's speed was too fast, and his knowledge and knowledge could hardly catch Garp's movements!

"Is the speed suppressed?"

There was a wry smile at the corner of Case's mouth. It was Aokiji before, but now Garp. As a peak powerhouse, he was once again suppressed by someone's speed.

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