Pirate Family

Chapter 1108 The Essence of Pirates

When he first gained the ability, Case understood a truth.

That is, I don't need to exercise my body like those warriors to make my body stronger.

He only needs to develop his own abilities and strengthen his own arrogance. As long as his abilities are developed deeply enough, the destructive power he will cause will become even more terrifying.

As long as his knowledgeable arrogance is strong enough, then he will be more flexible.

This is the secret to Keith being so powerful.

But decades ago, the man named Rocks told Case with his desperate power that his ability was not invincible.

So, decades ago, Case failed.

And now, Garp told Case that he had exercised his physical strength to the extreme, even faster than his knowledgeable perception!


Garp punched Case directly in the abdomen, and Case suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Unable to react at all, he just raised his hand slightly, and Garp's attack had already arrived.

"Go to hell, scum!"

Before Karp finished speaking, the second punch came again, also hitting Case in the abdomen.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Garp punched one punch after another, like a violent storm, without stopping.

Case, on the other hand, could only use his own body to withstand Karp's attack.

The domineering black armor that wrapped Case's body also showed a few cracks under Karp's attack. It's like the armor is about to break.

"It's too exaggerated!"

After seeing this scene in the distance, Garrett said in disbelief.

It was the first time for her to see the scene where knowledge-colored arrogance was shattered. Under her influence, knowledge-colored arrogance was an indestructible barrier, and it was impossible to break it.

"Is this the most extreme physical strength in the world?"

A trace of fanaticism flashed in Lorne's eyes.

He didn't go head-to-head with Cap.

Before, the only time I saw Garp take action was during the execution war a few years ago. Garp and Sengoku joined forces to deal with Kaido who escaped from prison.

At that time, what made Lorne more profound was Kaido's near-invincible power.

Thinking about it now, Karp at that time might not have used his full strength.

In other words, in the case of teaming up with others, there is no way for him to go all out!

Lorne couldn't help swapping his position with Case's to see if he could handle Garp's attack.

And the result is that there is no way.

Without reacting to Garp's movements, he fell into a head-to-head hand-to-hand combat with Garp, and Lorne had no way to escape.

At least, there's nothing this body can do.

"Cough cough cough cough."

Case, on the other hand, spat out a mouthful of blood. As the person involved, he naturally knew better than Lorne.

There are countless cracks in the armed domineering armor defense that covers itself, and it is about to shatter.

And if the armed defense is shattered, then just his own physical strength cannot resist Karp's attack at all.

With just one punch, Garp can knock himself out of combat.

Case knew this very well, so he must get rid of Garp's entanglement as soon as possible.

"Do you think I only have this power!"

He struggled to raise his right hand and made a gesture.

The surrounding space began to distort slightly.


But Garp ignored Case at all, and punched Case directly on the arm.

Case's arm bent in an astonishing arc, and the sound of bones breaking rang in the ears of both of them.

Garp, broke one of Case's arms with one punch!

However, Case resisted the severe pain and took a step back abruptly.

The space around him suddenly distorted, and the next moment, he appeared hundreds of meters away.

At the cost of losing an arm, Case finally got rid of Garp's continuous attacks.

"Locus died in your hands, don't complain."

Case's right hand drooped weakly, his face was covered with fine sweat, and he looked at Karp who was punching in the distance, and said coldly.

"You have developed physical skills to the extreme. I have never seen a strong physical player comparable to you."

"The Beast King on the Rocks ship was no good, and the giants of the Giant Pirates who once ran across the sea were no good either."

"You are the strongest."

Facing a strong man like Karp, Case did not hesitate to praise him.

Already, I haven't bled for a long time, I haven't felt this kind of pain for a long time.

The last time I felt this kind of pain where the bones of the whole body were crushed, it seemed to be decades ago, when I fought with Lockes to the death.

In fact, if it was Case in his heyday, he would not be so embarrassed when facing Garp. Even if he could not catch Garp's movements, he would not let Garp touch him so easily through his own ability. to your body.

However, the continuous battles had consumed most of Case's physical strength.

However, at this time, Case stood up indifferently, shook his broken right arm, and laughed loudly.


Garp stopped his movements, frowning and looking at Case, who was laughing wildly in the distance.

"Are you, are you begging me to stop?"

"No no no,"

Case shook his head.

"I'm just so happy."

"This kind of sea is the new world in my memory!"

"If you have sailed in the sea of ​​the weak for too long, you will become a weak person yourself, and only a world full of strong people who will die at any time can give birth to a truly strong person."

Whether it is Rocks, Caesar, or Roger who came from behind, there is no one who does not prove his strength with his fists.

"However, your journey is over."

However, Garp said mercilessly.

"I will capture you in the new city."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Garp's words, Case laughed again.

"Do you think you can catch me by breaking one of my arms?"

"You underestimate me, Garp!"

Case raised his left arm, and the surrounding space began to twist slightly.

"As a fighter, you are a perfect strong man."

"But as a navy, you have a fatal weakness!"

Cap frowned, he didn't understand what Case wanted to do.

But at this time, the space in the gravitational field also began to distort.

"Your men are now trapped in the gravitational field, and now they are powerless to avoid my attack!"

The glaciers in the gravitational field began to shatter, as if being swallowed by space.

"The only person who can save their lives is you."

"So, now, what should you do."

At this time, Garp finally understood Case's thoughts.

If you want to save Aokiji, you must enter the gravity field.

And once it enters the gravitational field, its own speed will also be hindered, and it will become a living target for Case.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Garp frowning tightly, Case finally laughed wantonly.

As a fighter, he recognized Garp's strength, but as a pirate, he didn't think he would definitely lose.

Because, the essence of pirates is to use any means!

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