Pirate Family

Chapter 113 Bell's Secret

"You are dead!" A burly man grinning grinningly broke into the door. Behind them, a group of men in black with flintlock guns poured into the room and stood in two rows. The originally spacious room became crowded.

"Do you know who I am? Dare to snatch slaves from me?" Surrounded by people in black, a middle-aged man with a big belly walked in. He was smoking a cigar with a look of contempt on his face.

"Sorry, I don't know you." Lorne's tone gradually became colder, "But you made me feel bad."

This man was the middle-aged man who had previously robbed Anxi from Sky Island with Lorne.

Because of him, Lorne spent hundreds of millions of Baileys to get Anxi, but he didn't care about it.

Whoever has money can get what he wants. These are the rules of the auction.

Since he wants to raise the price with himself, then play with him, even if he loses, it's just that his skills are inferior to others, and he can't blame others.

Now, though, the middle-aged man clearly wants to break that rule. Then you must have the awareness to pay the price.

"Hahahaha, are you in a bad mood?" The middle-aged man laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke. He grabbed Lorne's priest's black robe with one hand and lifted him up.

"Do you know who I am!" The middle-aged man spit out a puff of smoke, "My name is Bell, and I'm from this street... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, his palm was cut off by Qi Gen, and Kofier took out two short swords from nowhere and held them in his forehand.

On the blade of one of the swords, there was still blood dripping slowly.

"Who allowed this dirty hand of yours to touch our young master's?" Kefir held the dagger with a cold expression on his face.

Except for Lorne, no one present saw Kofir's movements clearly. They only heard Bell's screams, and then saw Bell grabbing his severed hand and kneeling on the ground.

"You bastard! How dare you cut off my hand!" Bell stepped back a few steps, pointed at Lorne with his only remaining hand and shouted. "Kill them for me!"

"No matter how noisy a fly is, it's just a fly." Lorne straightened his clothes, and there were bloodstains of some weak people on it, which made him very displeased.

"How can a fly understand the will of a lion?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Bell roared, "No matter how powerful you are, can you beat firearms? I have twenty-four flintlock muskets here, and even an admiral will be blasted to pieces!"

Bang bang bang! The muskets in the hands of the men in black aimed at Lorne's head and began to aim and fire. The smell of gunpowder and smoke filled the room.

"Hahahaha, die, die! This is the end of provocation!" Bell laughed wildly while holding his severed hand.

But he himself was also a little puzzled, why didn't there be screams of despair coming from inside?

Shouldn't they be crying father and mother in fright?

When the smoke dissipated, several figures slowly emerged. Moorman stood in the forefront with a short sword in his hand, surrounded by scattered bullets.

He actually used this short sword to cut off all the bullets?

"Thank you for the sword." Mooreman stroked the sword in Kofir's hand as seriously as if he was touching his wife's skin.

How long has it been since I touched a sword? ten days? Or half a year?

As long as he has a sword in his hand, Mooreman has no fear of any enemy. This is his confidence as a swordsman.

Even if this sword is not very smooth.

It's a lie, Bell and his men stared blankly at the scene in front of them. How could someone be able to block the bullet with a sword! How could there be such a strong person!

How could he become a slave!

Coincidence, must be a coincidence! Bell forced himself to calm down. As the boss of Aughong Musi Street, he must not lose his composure in front of his subordinates.

"I saved your life! We're even." Mooreman said to Lorne lightly, as if he didn't care about the enemy standing in front of them.

"It's superfluous." Lorne commented, if ordinary firearms could hurt him, their so-called dream of dominating the sea, such hard training every day, was nothing but a joke.

"Hehe." Mooreman smiled noncommittally.

"Don't ignore us!" The burly man who kicked open the door first was also Bell's right-hand man. At some point, he touched Lorne's back and smashed Lorne's head.

Capture the thief first and capture the king! Just grab this top figure! Then a few demons will be caught without a fight!

"Your strength is good," Lorne said with a smile to Mooreman, tilting his head slightly, avoiding the fatal blow from the strong man. "Your journey should not end in Paradise."

"I don't mind telling you, I know it too," Mooreman smoothly dealt with the man in black who was closest to him. "When this incident is over, I will reorganize my personnel to challenge the great route! Wait until I find the pirate who defeated me."

"I will challenge again and beat him upright!"

"Not bad ambition." The strong man didn't believe in evil, and launched several consecutive attacks on Lorne's fatal parts, but he came here easily.

From beginning to end, he didn't even look back. Lorne's attention was always on Mooreman.

"I invite you to join us to conquer this sea of ​​stars!"

"Join?" Mooreman chewed the word, "Let's wait until you prove your strength!"

His own attacks were dodged one after another, and the brawny man finally realized that all this seemed to be no coincidence. There is a huge gap in the strength of the two sides.

He thought of a legend. According to the legend, the strong can master a technique called knowledge and arrogance, which can predict the attack route of others in advance and easily dodge it.

But isn't this kind of skill only known to the strong in the new world?

He suddenly felt that he came here with Lord Bell, and it seemed that mourning was not a good choice.

"I will prove it." But just when the strong man was about to give up his goal and run away, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest, and saw the young man holding a heart tightly in one hand.

"That's not my heart..." The strong man said to himself, but before he could finish his words, he knelt down on the ground, his eyes wide open, and he couldn't stand his eyes!

"Don't, don't kill me. I can give you a lot of money." While the two were talking, the man in black brought by Bell was slaughtered by Mooreman and you Kofir. He fell to the ground and kept crawling backwards.

"Do you think I look like someone who is short of money?" Lorne bent down and said condescendingly, with a slight smile on his face, but the blood stains on his face ruined this supposedly warm expression.

Make him look like a demon just learning how to smile.

At this time, Bell finally remembered that this man was the one who spent hundreds of millions of Bellies to rob him of slaves, and money could no longer impress him.

At the juncture of life and death, his mind was spinning wildly, and he suddenly thought of one thing.

"I'm the boss of Bloody Oliver! I know a secret..."

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