Pirate Family

Chapter 114 Black Card

"Oliver the Bloody Hand?" Lorne's mind started to spin, and he quickly unearthed a piece of information from his memory.

The father of the Testerman brothers, the pirate who hijacked 500 royal palace soldiers in Adela, and the man who scared Ackerman III to seek Lorne's guard, isn't it the bloody Oliver?

The bounty offered is as high as 97,000,000 (ninety-seven million) Bailey, which shows his impressive strength.

"That's right, that's right, my boss is Lord Oliver!" Bell begged to Lorne as if grasping at the last straw. "As long as you let me go, I will tell you a big secret. The second prince of the kingdom...ah!"

"Not interested." Before Bell finished speaking, Lorne directly stabbed Bell's neck with Kofir's dagger. He covered the wound on his neck with his remaining hand, and looked up at Lorne in disbelief.

He had thought that this man might kill him after hearing his secret, but he couldn't believe that Lorne didn't care about his secret at all.

This is related to the future of the entire Aoge Hongmu! Don't you care at all?

After taking the handkerchief from Kofir and wiping off the blood on his body, Lorne smiled at the frightened waitress who was hiding in the corner.

"It seems that they were all dealt with accidentally, and the rest of the aftermath will be left to Hongjiu."

Only then did the waitress come to her senses, she said tremblingly. "Yes, I'm sorry! It's because we didn't handle it well, let others disturb the guests."

The smiling young priest in black robes in front of her was like the incarnation of the devil in her eyes.

She just wants to get out of this room now.

Red Dove's manager finally arrived late at this time, and when he heard that Bell was bringing menacing men to trouble the priest, he immediately set off to stop it all.

If any accident happened to a customer in Hongjiu because of shopping, then Hongjiu's reputation would be completely ruined.

The more he walked upstairs, the more frightened he became, and blood flowed down the floor from upstairs.

Has tragedy already happened? The manager quickened his pace, he wanted to try his best to restore Hongjiu's reputation!

But when he walked to the door, he found that the person who fell on the ground was not the foreign priest, but the menacing Bell and his men!

The priest stood quietly in the room, wiping the blood stains on his hands with a handkerchief, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

Who the hell is this! You must know that Bell is also considered a mafia boss in Aogehongmu. Although he is not good at force, he has a deep background and even has inextricable relations with the royal family.

But now that he is dead here, the manager can foresee the big earthquake that will happen in Oghongmu.

"Your guest," but now, the manager greeted him with a smile all over his face. No matter who this priest is, he is not something he can afford to offend!

"Someone attacked me because they couldn't rob me at the auction." Seeing the manager approaching, Lorne turned slightly to make way for the waitress.

The waitress was relieved and hurried to the back of the manager. She was just a part-time worker, and she had never encountered such a situation before, and she was completely at a loss.

"So, is this how the famous red dove protects the safety of the guests?" Lorne said indifferently, but it was like a hammer hitting the manager's heart.

After hearing Lorne's words, Kofir's face gradually became serious, and he was ready to make a move at any time, only waiting for Lorne's order.

"Uh," the manager broke out in a cold sweat. The priest in front of him didn't look like a good man. After all, Bell, he killed as soon as he said he wanted to, without mercy.

At this time, he took it for granted that it was Bell who provoked him first, and if he hadn't brought his men down to trouble Lorne, he wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

"All of this is Red Dove's fault," the manager said sadly, and took out a black card from his body. There is a red pattern on it, which is the symbol of the red dove.

"This is Hongjiu's black card. Those who hold this card are all friends of Hongjiu. All consumption will be discounted by 20%." The manager said humbly, "All the losses of the guests just now will be borne by Hongjiu. .”

When Lorne left, the manager finally breathed a sigh of relief and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat on his head.

This time, Red Dove suffered a huge loss. The black card alone was worth a lot. There were less than five people in Aoge Hongmu who could own this kind of card.

Each one is a big boss who frightens one side. Apart from restoring Red Dove's reputation, the manager sent this black card with the intention of currying favor with Lorne.

Young and fierce. The manager seemed to see the rise of a future overlord.

Lorne, who was wearing a black robe, led Anxi, and Kofir, who was in a straight suit, and Mooreman, who seemed to be thinking about something, followed closely behind. This strange team caught people's attention.

But now it's Aoge Hongmu's reception, and there are many people who come here especially from other places. Some weird people are not weird either.

Everyone soon arrived at the hotel where Lorne was temporarily staying. After returning to the room, Lorne sat on the chair and asked Mooreman with a smile.

"What binds you is gone, why don't you run away?"

"Because of your words," Moorman sat on the floor without hesitation. "You said you would prove it to me."

"Then what do you want to see?" Lorne picked up the wine glass, and Kefier immediately took out the treasured wine and poured it for Lorne, completely like a dedicated servant.

"Dreams? Ambition?"

"No, I want to see power." Mooreman took a sip of wine, "Let him go to hell with that kind of illusory thing, I just want to know what power is."

"Power?" Lorne sat casually, the liquid in the cup was like blood, "Try to attack me, if you can shake the liquid in this cup, I will let you go."

"Arrogance!" Mooreman stood up abruptly. His pride as a swordsman made him unable to bear this kind of provocation, even if the opponent was his master!

The dagger in his hand stabbed directly at Lorne, as fast as lightning, so fast that no one present could react!

But so, is it just a bluff? Seeing that Lorne didn't move, Mooreman thought to himself, then go to hell!

The blade approached Lorne, and Kofir finally moved, but instead of saving his master, he picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for Lorne.

Lorne's wine glass was empty at some point, he turned his body slightly, and handed the glass to Kofir.

And it was this random movement that just avoided Moorman's deadly sword!

The blade brushed against Lorne's side face. Mooreman could even see Lorne's profile reflected on the sword.

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