Pirate Family

Chapter 115: The Hero of the New World

The Great Sea Route, New World, near Wano Country Sea Area.

A pirate ship with the flag of the Bat Skull Pirate is sailing on the sea. This ship has a strange shape, like a bat floating on the sea.

On the deck, a man wearing a shirt with a bat collar and a gothic black coat sat on a chair and read a newspaper.

He is tall and strong, close to seven meters in height, even in the extremely exaggerated world of pirates, he can be called tall.

His body is full of tendons, making his figure extremely well-proportioned, implying terrifying explosive power.

His pale complexion, combined with his fangs and horns, gave his identity a sense of mystery.

"Hehehe." The man picked up the goblet and took a sip of the red wine. "Dover, that guy is really courageous. He even thought of threatening the world government by hijacking the Tianlong people's tribute 'Heavenly Gold', so as to get the title of Qiwuhai."

"When did the title of Pirate Betrayer become so popular? In other words, it is our existence that makes this title noble. Say it, Frenza."

A black-clothed swordsman was leaning on the rail of the boat, holding his sword and dozing off. He opened his sleepy eyes only after hearing his captain call his name.

"Doflamingo is a terrifying hero, and his ambition is beyond the name of the King's Shichibukai." Frenza pulled out a section of his saber, and the reflection of the sun on the sword was a bit dazzling. "The identity of Shichibukai under the king is too embarrassing. The navy and pirates don't like it. We must be careful, especially you. You have to restrain your character, Moria."

If Lorne is here, he must understand what this name means.

super pirate of the new world,

The patriarch of the Shichibukai under the king,

Moonlight Moria, known as the top pirate under the legend! At this time, he was full of self-confidence, completely different from the decadent and bloated middle-aged man ten years later.

"Hehehe, Frenza, are you implying that it was wrong for me to confront that bastard Kaido?" The man called Moria closed the newspaper in his hand, stood up, and looked at the man who appeared in the distance. Towering into the sky, something like Optimus Prime.

According to legend, the country of Wan is on it, because it is difficult to reach, it is also called the country that cannot be reached.

It is said that the crew of One Piece Roger, Kozuki Oden is the lord here, but some time ago, that bastard Kaido invaded here with his forces.

The current Wano country is in the midst of riots.

"How can I make you wish!" Moria crushed the cup in his hand, "Everything you want! I will destroy it! You bastard Kaido!"

"Because I am Moonlight Moriah!"

"Who is it!" Frenza's eyes moved suddenly, and the powerful domineering aura made him feel a powerful aura flying over from Wano Country.

He held his breath, then suddenly drew out the knife, and aimed at the figure with a brilliant knife light.

The moment the figure was about to be hit by the saber light, it stopped suddenly, avoiding this fatal attack narrowly.

"Who am I?" Moria narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly after the figure flew close. "When Kaido first invaded Wano Country, he had a few more powerful men. I wondered where he found so many masters. It turned out to be you."

The man who came came with wings on his back, wearing a black costume and a mask. He stayed above Moria's boat, looking down at the man below.

"Go back, or die."

"It seems that Kaido hasn't finished dealing with Wano Country for a while, otherwise it wouldn't be you who came, but you."

"Hehehehe, then I'm going to check it out even more. What's more interesting than sabotaging that bastard Kaido's plan?"

"You are looking for death." The figure said coldly.

"It doesn't matter if I die or not, but you," Moria licked his lips, "I'm curious, how did you, who used to be self-proclaimed righteous, become Kaido's lackey?"

"Can't bear the punishment of the world government?"

"Does it mean that you can't bear the pain of your teacher being killed by a newcomer?"

"Or some other reason?"

"You don't need to know." Soi Ying said coldly.

"It seems that you have indeed changed. No matter how paranoid you were in the past, you would never be with a bastard like Kaido."

Moria had a smile on his face, showing his sharp teeth. His shadow elongated eerily. It was as if a demon stretched out his hand towards the figure.

"I should call you Chief of the Three Plagues now, Jhin. Or rather."

"The former warden who should have called you into the city, Ken!"


At the Navy Headquarters, the sirens kept ringing.

A very strong old man with a broad chest, tawny skin, and white hair and beard in the shape of the word "mountain". Sitting in the Admiral's office, he has a stitched scar under his left eye and wears a sleeveless black shirt adorned with medals, showing arm muscles, dark green armbands and a pale yellow scarf around his neck .

He is the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, with empty steel bones! At this point he slammed a phone bug on the table.

"Those idiots above! How did they come up with the organization of King Shichibukai!"

"Before Doflamingo hijacked 'Heavenly Gold' and threatened us with the position of King Shichibukai, and we gave it."

"The aftermath of the battle between Skee and Newgate has not subsided."

"Now Moonlight Moriah actually went to Wano Country to fight Kaido directly! Is this going to stir up a storm in the new world again?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't be so angry, anyway, we can't control the sea area of ​​​​the New World for a long time."

A middle-aged man with gray hair eating senbei said with a smile.

"Garp, you bastard! Kaido's subordinates are the apprentices of your old friend Wei! You haven't explained it to me yet!"

This off-line middle-aged man is the hero of the navy, Lieutenant General Garp.

"The Shichibukai under the king is to balance the power of the pirates and the navy." A man with frog eyes and combing his beard into a twist was sitting next to Garp. He pushed his glasses and said lightly.

"But they don't belong to the navy after all. Moria and Kaido dog-eat-dog, and there is no loss for the navy."

"No matter who wins, we are the one who benefits."

"The truth is this, but once this war breaks out, the pirates in the new world will definitely not be able to sit still. We have to increase the strength of the new world."

A wise general is worthy of a wise general. The Warring States of Buddha explained the key to the situation, and Steel Gu Kong's face gradually eased.

"Don't talk about it yet, just take a look at this." Steel Gu Kong took out a document.

"There's news from Vinhill."

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