Pirate Family

Chapter 116 Subduing

The blade stabbed close to Lorne's face, but missed by a hair, and only cut off a few ends of Lorne's hair.

Mooreman didn't believe in evil, he drew his sword back, aimed at Lorne and stabbed again.

With these few strikes, Mooreman seemed to have returned to the time when he was slashing across the sea with his single sword. His state of mind fell from the peak to the trough, and then returned to the peak, which made his sword intent more pure.

He is confident that even if he faces the black swordsman who defeated him in the Chambord Islands, he will not fail so easily.

"Because I'm fed up with failure!" Mooreman roared, pointing the short sword at Lorne's throat, this sword, even if he was the one who drew the sword, he couldn't avoid it, he would make this arrogant kid pay the price!

Gulu Gulu.

Lorne raised his wine glass, raised his head and drank the fine wine in the glass. The neck receded slightly, avoiding Moorman's sword again and again.

The skin made contact with the blade, and Mooreman could cut Lorne's throat just a little bit away.

If it is a coincidence to avoid it once, then it is inevitable that such coincidences add up again and again.

Mooreman remembered a legend at this time, it is said that there is a skill called domineering in this world. Possessing arrogance can greatly improve the user's strength.

People who are not domineering often face two situations when facing domineering users.

The first one is that the enemy seems to have seen through his own attack, and the attack cannot hit no matter what.

The second is that the enemy looks like he is wearing a suit of armor, and his own attacks can't hurt the enemy at all!

People who don't know how to be domineering can hardly move an inch in the new world! This is the iron law summed up by countless losers.

And the performance of the priest in front of him is very similar to the legendary domineering owner.

"Is this the legendary arrogance and arrogance?" Mooreman said dejectedly, but became firm.

If others can master this skill, so can I! I will defeat the man with the black knife. Stand on the top of the sword!

"Are you domineering?" Lorne murmured, "Perhaps, is such strength enough?"

Because of his perception ability, Lorne couldn't feel the existence of knowledgeable domineering anyway.

To practice domineering aura, one must first perceive the opponent's qi, the invisible fluctuations in the opponent's body, so as to predict the enemy's actions.

But all of these are replaced by the "micro-sensing field". Luo An wants to practice knowledgeable color, which is like letting a billionaire understand the feeling of a beggar.

Never understand.

However, the practice of armed color will be much smoother, with the growth of the body, and the training of the two strong armed color, Fat Tiger and Jody. Lorne's armed domineering progress speed can be described as rapid progress.

The similarity between perception ability and informative arrogance is extremely high, so it is not surprising that Mooreman confused them, and Lorne has no intention of correcting them.

"Skills are not as good as others, and I am willing to bow down." Moore said with a wry smile, and then knelt down on one knee.

At this moment, he already understood the gap between himself and Lorne. In the red dove lounge, Lorne "accidentally" broke the slave controller, probably on purpose. The purpose is to convince him to lose!

"I am willing to cut down all enemies for the sword of Mister." He raised his head and met Lorne's eyes. "Until you are surpassed by me."

"No," Lorne laughed. Pulling Mooreman up, "Welcome to join the Wayne family, just let us,"

"Let's turn the world upside down together!"

"Brother, what are you doing?" Anxi next to her didn't know what to do, she gently pulled La Lorne's robe, and said cutely.

"I even forgot about you." Lorne smiled and bent down, gently stroking Anxi's head, her snow-white long hair was extremely soft. It was probably the first time for the little girl to be so intimate with a man, and she stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

Lorne stroked Anxi's little head, and suddenly thought of Garrett, the little girl who was trapped on the isolated island with him back then, the child of Charlotte's family.

She was about the same age as Anxi now, right? I don't know if she has grown into a slim girl in the past few years?

It's time to speed up my progress, but I haven't seen the sea of ​​the new world yet!

"Can you tell my brother your story? Why did you come to this sea area? What happened to your back?"

Lorne's question made Anxi's little face turn pale, as if recalling some bad memory, her face was full of fear.

"Don't you want to say it? It's okay. I will protect you." Lorne felt the little girl's emotional changes, and instead of forcing her, he gently took off the slave collar worn around her neck.

My people don't need something like a slave ring to maintain their loyalty!

True companions need mutual trust! If you can't even trust, how can you give your back to others?

One's own strength is the best slave circle, so that those who intend to betray will not dare to betray!

"Good brother!" Perhaps it was because no one cared for her for too long, the little girl saw that Lorne took off the uncomfortable collar on her neck, her eyes turned red, and she burst into tears.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow They said me and my brother are sinners!

"Who are they?" Lorne asked, cutting off the wings of an innocent little girl, even the self-proclaimed dark Lorne couldn't do it.

The strong have clear grievances and grievances, so what's the point of spilling hatred on the little girl?

"They are the bad guys of Bica Island! They captured my brother and me and beat us every day! We managed to escape, but were discovered by the bad uncles. My brother was caught by them to cover me!"

"He is really a good brother, and I will help you rescue him." Lorne commented, the more he is at the critical point of life, the more he can reflect his character.

It's like myself and Garrett. Lorne swore that even if he risked his life, he would keep her alive.

"Wooooow, thank you, brother!"

After Anxi heard Lorne's words, she finally smiled. The tears on her face were not dry yet, but this smile was heart-warming.

Like an angel.

At this time, the Vinhill family rejoined two generals.

But this brief warmth didn't last long, and it was broken by a knock on the door.

After Kofir opened the door, he found a guard in the uniform of Adela Palace hurried in.

"It's bad, it's bad, Father Wayne!"

"What's the matter, take a sip of water and talk slowly." Lorne frowned, he didn't like being disturbed.

Especially with people you hate.


The guard drank the water before speaking.

"Oliver the Bloody Hand just sent a letter to His Majesty."

"He wants to exchange the lives of five hundred palace guards for Adela's throne!"

Saw a question from a reader saying the color of the armed color.

Reply here.

Raleigh's description in the original text of One Piece is "Armed color is an invisible armor covering a person."

But when I read the manga of Cake Island, the characters were also black when they used their armed colors.

The latter is used here.

If there is a mistake, let me change the settings. 2333

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