Pirate Family

Chapter 117

"Take the lives of five hundred guards in exchange for the throne? Then the throne is too cheap." Lorne sneered, but soon he figured out the crux of the problem.

Adela is a small country with not many citizens and even fewer soldiers. Once these five hundred soldiers die, it will be a serious loss for Adela.

Moreover, these soldiers went to Aoghongmu under the order of Ackerman III. Once Ackerman III refused, they would bear the infamy of being greedy for the throne and not caring about the lives of the soldiers.

This is unbearable for Ackerman III, who regards fame as his life.

That's why he hastily asked someone to invite Lorne over to discuss countermeasures.

"Then let me prepare," Lorne said to the guards lightly, "I'll go to see His Majesty right away."

After the guards retreated, Lorne turned around and smiled at the novice.

"It seems that there was a little accident."

"Boss, you just need to prepare a knife for me. Lord Kofir's sword is too short and I'm not used to it." Mooreman licked his lips, looking forward to the next event.

"Let me try the pirate who hijacked five hundred soldiers, how powerful it is!"


Ackerman III lived in the royal city of Aughongmu. As Roton III's best friend, he was the king of Adra, the country that had the closest relationship with Aughongmu.

He deservedly received the attention of Aogehongmu officials.

But right now he was having trouble sleeping and eating, walking back and forth in the VIP room of the palace.

"What to do! My glorious emperor's name cannot be tarnished!" Ackerman III had a struggling expression on his face. "But if we just give up the throne to that bastard, won't we become commoners? Then there will be no money for me to squander!"

"But that bastard Oliver is so strong, if I don't satisfy his desire, he will definitely not give up!"

At this moment, the door with luxurious dark gold decorations was slowly pushed open.

A young priest in a black cassock walked in. With his back to the sun, like an angel coming to the mortal world through the gate of heaven,

"Father Wayne! You are finally here!" Ackerman III hurried to Lorne and held his hand, as if grabbing the last straw.

Not at all the arrogance of before.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty, why are you so anxious?" Lorne withdrew his hand from Ackerman III calmly. He hated contacting people he didn't like.

But still asked with a smile on his face.

"Could it be because of the pirate Oliver?"

The little girl Anxi seemed to be very afraid of Ackerman III, hiding behind Lorne and not daring to come out. It wasn't until Lorne took her little hand that she felt a little relieved.

As for Kofir, he took Moorman to Oghongmu's weapon shop to pick out weapons for him.

What a lovely little girl. Ackerman III swallowed secretly after seeing Anxi. However, he quickly swept aside the filth in his heart.

What time is it, the throne is almost gone, and I'm still thinking about this!

Ackerman III said to Lorne with a sad face. "It's Oliver, that heinous bastard! He simply doesn't care about the World Government! He kidnapped five hundred of my soldiers, and wants to use this to threaten Adela's throne!"

"But I won't let him succeed!"

Sure enough, his own interests are more important than anything else, Lorne secretly thought. But he asked with a puzzled expression.

"Since His Majesty has already made a decision, why did you summon me here?"

"I have already requested assistance from the nearest naval base! They will send additional personnel in a few days."

"But this period of time is the most dangerous. Demons like Oliver may kill me. So I want to ask Father Wayne to protect me and return to Adela."

"As long as I go back to Adela, I have the protection of Father Wayne, plus the soldiers stationed near the palace. No matter how vicious this Oliver is, he can't pose the slightest threat to me!"

"But, Your Majesty." Lorne looked devout at this moment. "I have dedicated my body and mind to the Lord, and I can only protect the Lord's people. This time I have fulfilled my duty as a subject by escorting His Majesty. If this continues, I am afraid that my Lord will think that my faith is not pure enough."

You priests are troublesome, Ackerman III secretly thought, I am your king, isn’t it your duty as a subject to protect the king?

But now he has something to ask for, so of course it's not easy to say it out loud.

Ackerman III put a smile on his face, "I understand what the priest means. When I go back, I will make the Holy Truth Church the state religion, so that the whole of Adela will become the Lord's Kingdom of God."

"Father Wayne's protection of Adela's people is to protect the people of the Holy God of Truth. In this way, not only will the priest's faith not be tarnished, but it will become more pure!"

I actually thought of such a way! I'm really witty, Ackerman III silently gave himself a thumbs up at this time.

If he is also a believer in the Holy God of Truth, then Father Wayne has no reason to refuse to protect himself.

With such a powerful bodyguard, I can feel at ease a lot.

Can it still be like this? Lorne was also a little confused at this time. He just wanted to get some benefits from Ackerman III. He didn't expect that the emperor would be so upright that he would directly establish the Holy Truth as the state religion.

In this way, his identity has changed from an ordinary foreign clergyman to a godfather of a country with one person under ten thousand!

Well, let's also count that the pope, Ariel, is still on his head.

"If that's the case," Lorne said respectfully, hiding secret joy in his heart. "Then it is my bounden duty to protect His Majesty."

"As long as I'm here, those pirates can't hurt His Majesty at all!"

Ackerman III finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the gloom brought about by Oliver's letter dissipated a lot because of Lorne's promise.

He sat limply on the chair, relieved.

"But." But Lorne's next words made him feel uneasy again.

"What's the problem? Father Wayne." Ackerman III's face was a little displeased, he had already made such a concession, and he, Wayne, was still so greedy?

"That's right, Your Majesty." Lorne said softly, "We are visiting Aogehongmu to observe the ceremony as envoys, and we are still in the reception period. Wouldn't it be inappropriate to leave rashly?"

It turned out that this was the matter. This priest had just become his own people, so he was so considerate of himself, and he was really loyal!

"Roton III and I have a very good personal relationship, I just need to say hello to him." Ackerman III said confidently as if he had returned to the emperor who was in charge of the king.

"He won't care."

The face of the country is not as important as your own throne and life!

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