Pirate Family

Chapter 1111 Fist and Fist

The glacier continent next to the Navy's G-2 base was completely shattered into countless fragments.

Garp put away his fists and looked at the gradually departing pirate ship with a complicated expression.

And the green pheasant next to him said with some surprise.

"Lorne, has it really become this strong?"

After Lorne said that he wanted to see Garp's bow, Garp really punched him.

This punch, just the fist wind carried by the fist, destroyed the iceberg.

And Lorne also punched Garp back. The two of them didn't use armed arrogance to strengthen their attack power, but just relied on physical collision.

After one punch, the originally fragmented glacier continent was processed into countless fragments. Lorne, on the other hand, stepped back dozens of steps, smiled, and said,

"Sure enough, it's Karp. When we meet again next time, we turn around and leave."

In this world, there are not many people who can fight Garp, and after Kaido's death, there are only a handful of people.

And Lorne was able to leave unscathed after punching Karp, which is why Aokiji was surprised.

Because, even Aokiji himself didn't dare to receive Garp's punch head-on!

Unexpectedly, this time, Garp did not choose to pursue, but let the most arrogant and dangerous pirate on the sea today leave. He didn't slow down until the Crimson Rose disappeared completely on the sea level. opened the mouth.

"He's strong."

This is Karp's evaluation of Lorne,

"It's not Kaido, or Charlotte Lingling's extraordinary talent, possessing a terrifying physique or strange strength."

"It's hard."


Aokiji showed a thoughtful look, he didn't understand Garp's adjective.

"It's like his body is not made of flesh and blood, but indestructible steel."

Garp thought about it, and then said this sentence.

"The current Lorne gives me a completely different feeling, just like the original Kaido, no, even scarier than Kaido!"

"Worse than Kaido?"

Aokiji's pupils dilated slightly, and he said in shock.

Although Lorne defeated Kaido in the Battle of Wano and became the most powerful Pirate Emperor, but because the details of that battle have not been announced, the Navy internally speculates that the Vinhill family may Kaido was killed by breaking them one by one, or by besieging them.

So even if Kaido died in the hands of Lorne, in the eyes of the navy, in terms of individual combat power, Lorne should be inferior to the strongest creature in history.

And this is also the point of view of the vast majority of powerhouses in this sea.

But Garp's words overturned Aokiji's guess.

You know, Lorne just punched Garp, and Garp came to the conclusion that Lorne is better than Kaido.

Doesn't it mean that even in terms of physical strength, Lorne is at the same level as Kaido?

"How can this be?"

Aokiji said in disbelief that as an admiral of the navy, he has seen too many monsters, evildoers, and promising rookies, but these rookies can make it to the end, very few of them.

Pirates at Rogge's level are already at the end of most pirates' reach.

The next step is to rely on hard work, it is completely impossible to touch the level.

And a person's efforts have a limit, and the human body has a limit after all.

Even if you have been exercising desperately since you were born, you will reach a bottleneck in the later stages. Only Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, or Man who died in the hands of Lorne, or a monster with extraordinary talents like Adam can break through this bottleneck.

The previous Lorne obviously did not show this kind of talent, and even according to his previous battle information, his physical talent was only comparable to some of Charlotte Lingling's children.

How could he reach or even surpass Kaido?

"I don't know how he does it, and as far as I know, his ability has nothing to do with physical strength."

Garp took a deep breath, then shook his head slowly.

"But he just did it."

"For the peace of this sea, Lorne must be eradicated as soon as possible."

Karp said,

Aokiji was still immersed in the shock of Garp's words at this time.

You know, Lorne is famous for his weird ability, and now he has a physique comparable to Kaido.

Could it be that another Rocks, or a pirate like Roger Caesar, appeared?

But when Aokiji heard Garp's last words, he still couldn't help asking.

"Since Lorne is so dangerous, why didn't Mr. Garp take him down just now?"

"My ability can block all of Lorne's retreats, and we can completely kill this danger..."


Karp directly interrupted Aokiji's words, and he took out his right hand from his clothes, which was the fist that he had just fisted with Lorne.

There were some abrasions on the fist's skin, but that wasn't the most important thing.

Rather, the fist that had killed countless peak pirates was trembling slightly at this moment.

Iron Fist Garp's fist is trembling?

If this news gets out, it will definitely shock the whole sea.

"I can't keep him, or even if I keep him here, it doesn't make any sense."

Garp said that at the moment of the fight, he did have the idea of ​​joining Aokiji to kill Lorne here. After all, there is no strong man who can face two strong men of the admiral level at the same time.

This is something that they will naturally agree with at their level.

However, at this moment, Lorne suddenly said something in Garp's ear.

"If you want to keep me here, just try."

"But I can also tell you that it's pointless."

The next moment, Lorne was sent flying by Garp, and hit an iceberg hundreds of meters away, which collapsed. And the shock wave from the collision of fist and fist also completely spread out. This kind of shock was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel, completely tearing apart the glacier continent that was already close to breaking.

Seeing Lorne standing up from the shards of ice unharmed, Garp held back his movement.

Because, the sixth sense told him, Lorne was not lying!

That's why Garp let Lorne go.

Aokiji remained silent, he knew that this news would soon reach the Navy Headquarters, and all senior Navy officials would know about it.

Then, their threat assessment of Lorne will even go up a notch.

And now Lorne is evaluated within the Navy as "the strongest contender for the position of One Piece".

So, one more step up, what is it?

One Piece?

Aokiji looked at the end of the sea, where the Crimson Rose disappeared.

He suddenly had a doubt.

That is, can the Navy really kill Lorne?

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