Pirate Family

Chapter 1112 The true meaning of the Ascension to the Gods Long-rank Project!

"Karp really deserves to be Karp."

The cabin of the Crimson Rose. Lorne put his right arm on the table and rolled up the cuff. The blood vessels in the originally smooth skin burst, and the whole arm showed a strange bend, as if the bones of the hand were misplaced.

Garrett took out a medicine kit and complained while applying medicine to Lorne distressedly.

"Even if you want to fight Garp, you still have to protect your body with armed domineering."

Directly relying on one's own physical advantages to fight head-on with a strong man like Garp, I am afraid that only two big idiots, Kaido in the past and Lorne in the present, can do it.

Yes, in Garrett's mind, those who do this are all idiots!

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans use various tools to make up for their own shortcomings.

However, there is an essential difference between a body protected by armed domineering energy and a body without armed domineering protection.

"I just want to see how terrifying the legendary Karp's fist is, and to verify the upper limit of my body."

On the other hand, Lorne said with a smile, as if the broken arm was not his own, and he didn't even show his painful expression.

That's why Garp thought Lorne was unscathed and let Lorne leave.

After all, without using armed domineering, you can resist your own attack. The physical strength is unimaginable!

"Then, how about it, hasn't your arm been broken yet?"

Garrett complained.

"But it's not without gains. At least one thing can be inferred. That is, if they are all domineering, Karp will not hurt me so easily."

He saw with his own eyes how Garp tore apart Case's domineering defense. After the domineering defense was torn, the only thing he could rely on was his own body.

"And there is one more thing that is certain, that is, Vegapunk's improved plan to ascend to the top of the gods is feasible."

Lorne said so, and Garrett immediately understood what Lorne meant, and took out a large piece of silver-white metal from the cabin.

The specialty of the Vinhill family, high-purity sea iron!

And Lorne took the small box containing the sea iron, then took a piece and put it in his mouth, chewed it casually a few times, and swallowed it.

As he ate these sea irons, his body also changed. The broken skin on his right arm was slowly repaired, and the broken hand bones also healed.

After Lorne finished eating the small box of sea iron, Lorne's body was completely restored. If it weren't for the traces left by some medical items on his right arm, his injury just now seemed to be nothing more than an illusion.

"Body strength probably increased another 0.7% or so."

Lorne waved his fist and said so.

You know, now his body has almost reached a limit, ordinary exercise has no effect at all, and Lorne just ate some sea iron. It can increase so much, if other people hear it, they will definitely be full of disbelief.

But Lorne himself doesn't seem too happy about it.

"After digesting these sea irons, it can increase the hardness of the body by about 2.3%."

"It's still not enough."

Lorne's goal is to defend himself without using armed domineering, and to be able to resist Karp's full blow without a single injury.

Now, it seems a little far away from this goal.

"Is Haitie really delicious?"

And Garrett seemed to have gotten used to it a long time ago. She looked at Lorne and asked curiously.

"It's not very tasty, it's more like some cowhide that has been soaked in seawater for decades. It has a slightly salty taste and is extremely hard."

Lorne savored the smell of Haitie, then shook his head, and said slowly.

"But now, the effectiveness of sea iron on my body is getting lower and lower. Perhaps, I should try other things."

Lorne frowned and began to think.

The plan to ascend to the gods was first proposed by Gaji.

After Lorne got in touch with his clone for the first time through his own perception ability, Gage came up with such a crazy idea.

As we all know, any strong person can only eat one devil fruit and possess the ability of one devil fruit.

Lorne, who has two bodies, has completely broken this common sense. His second body is like a clone that has not eaten the devil fruit, with infinite possibilities.

And Lorne, through the second body, can possess the second ability in a disguised form, and the two abilities complement each other, making the enemy hard to defend.

The core of the Ascension to God long-level plan is to continuously strengthen the clone's physical fitness through Jiazhi's cloning technology and capital investment that cannot be lost, and finally create a clone with invincible power.

Invincible physical strength, coupled with the most powerful and replaceable devil fruit ability, this kind of creature is called "God" by Gaji!

And the process of creating this monster step by step is like climbing a long ladder step by step, and finally, touching God.

This is, the Ascension to God long-level plan!

These were originally just Gage's ideas, because it was too difficult to create a clone with physical strength comparable to Kaido, and even he himself had no clue.

"God" is just a creature that exists in his fantasy.

But all of this changed after Vegapunk joined the Vinhill family.

Vegapunk improved Gage's "Ascension to the Gods" plan, and proposed a crazier plan.

Since Lorne can control the second body, and the second body can have any kind of devil fruit, why not look for a devil fruit that can evolve infinitely?

However, at that time, Vegapunk turned his attention to the devil fruit that Lorne accidentally got, "Tun Tun Fruit".

The Tun Tun Fruit was originally a fruit owned by Valpo, the king of the Drum Kingdom, in the first half of the great voyage.

Valpo with this ability can eat various objects, strengthen himself, and possess the characteristics of this object for a short time.

No matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary superhuman devil fruit, but Vegapunk has seen the terrifying potential of this fruit.

That is, since one's own strength can be strengthened by eating, can an unlimited amount of hard metals and objects with various characteristics be eaten to create a terrifying monster?

A monster whose physical strength is at its peak, King Kong is not bad, and no attack can hurt him?

Therefore, after Lorne lost the clone with the "fluttering fruit", Vegapunk recommended this fruit to Lorne.

However, it was Vegapunk's next guess that made Lorne really make up his mind.

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