Pirate Family

Chapter 1113: The True Meaning of Ascension to God's Long-Level Plan (2)

"In this world, there are no waste fruits."

Vegapunk pushed his glasses, looked straight into Lorne's eyes, and said slowly.

"Even some fruits that seem very weak will exert extraordinary power after awakening."

"For example, Doflamingo's thread fruit, and Katakuri's rice cake fruit."

"You mean to say..."

Lorne seemed to have guessed what Vegapunk was going to say next, and took a deep breath.

"Tun Tun Fruit falls into the hands of Walpo, it's too bright and dusty."

"Tuntun Fruit can swallow some objects and has their characteristics, so after it awakens, can it swallow some other things?"

"For example...another ability user. Or other devil fruits, which possess multiple abilities in disguise."

Vegapunk's guess is absolutely crazy, and Lorne was also persuaded by this guess and agreed to be a test product for Vegapunk.

Therefore, for his new clone, he chose not the already developed quite powerful and famous "Piao Piao Fruit", but the "Tun Tun Fruit" with unlimited potential that Vegapunk said.

Judging from the current situation, the potential displayed by Tun Tun Fruit is quite terrifying. After Lorne ate the "Tun Tun Fruit", he began to try to swallow some metals. By swallowing these metals, he could clearly feel his physical strength and the hardness of his skin and bones had increased significantly. .

When ordinary metals had almost lost their effect, Lorne turned his attention to the specialty of the Vennhill family, the sea-iron alloy with properties similar to sea stone.

Although when he first ate the sea iron alloy, Lorne fell into a state of powerlessness like an ordinary ability user, and he was extremely reluctant to even move his fingers.

At that time, the family wanted Lorne to give up this body.

But two hours later, after Lorne digested the sea iron, he gradually regained his strength.

The results of this experiment were remarkable. Lorne felt that his physical strength had increased by at least 20%. You must know that his physical strength was only one step away from the peak of the world.

Later, after continuous devouring, Lorne's body seemed to be used to the sea iron. From the initial two hours of de-strength, it was reduced to one hour, half an hour... Until now, Lorne can only chew the sea iron. Feeling slightly unwell.

And after experiments, Lorne's body has a certain resistance to sea stones or sea water. When touching these objects that are feared by other capable users, Lorne has some difficulties in using his abilities. Without any other symptoms!

In other words, the biggest weakness of devil fruit users was accidentally overcome by Lorne!

Of course, this is a miracle that cannot be replicated at all. After all, no other capable person would dare to devour sea iron or sea tower stone without any scruple like Lorne.

"Need to find some metals with other properties?"

Garrett was lost in thought. This kind of metal is generally controlled by some big forces, just like the sea iron controlled by the Vinhill family, and they are regarded as strategic resources by them.

Therefore, it is not easy to collect this metal.

But this kind of thing is not too difficult for the Vinhill family with a big family.

After all, compared with the survival of one's own forces, scarce strategic resources are meaningless.

The current Vinhill family almost dominates the entire sea, and no force dares to take such a risk to offend them.

"Not in a hurry."

Lorne shook his head slowly.

"I feel that this body has almost reached the bottleneck, and other metals don't make much sense to me."

"Now, what I care more about is how to awaken Tun Tun Fruit."

In Vegapunk's vision, only the awakened Tun Tun Fruit can gain the ability to swallow other Devil Fruits.

He is now eager to confirm Vegapunk's conjecture. If this conjecture is wrong, then this body is nothing more than a beaten meat shield at best.

Lorne doesn't need a human shield, what he needs more is powerful, unrivaled power.

Only with this kind of power can one have a chance to defeat the woman above Mary Gioia, have a chance to enter Ralph Drew, and find the ultimate mystery of the world in the mouth of "Madame Time".

"And, I came out this time, and I have some other gains."

Lorne looked at the small box on the table. Inside the box was a glass of gray fruit with a strange spiral pattern.

This is the fruit of death that Garrett secretly obtained from Rogge's corpse by using Vegapunk's technique while Lorne and Garp were fighting.

Counting this Devil Fruit, Lorne has already controlled two powerful Death Fruits.

"Shall we go back now?"

Garrett didn't care much about the so-called fruit of death, anyway, everything was in Lorne's plan.

She is a little sleepy now.

"Not urgent,"

And Lorne shook his head.

"Let's take a stroll around this sea area, I feel that I may have other gains."

Case was seriously injured and escaped, but his ability is not like a door fruit that can connect the two ends of the sea. Judging from his appearance, he should not have moved too far.

Therefore, Lorne wanted to try his luck to see if he could catch the seriously injured Case.

After all, Case's space fruit is also a powerful ability in Lorne's plan.


A small island in the sea of ​​all nations.

This small island seemed to have experienced a major earthquake. The edge of the small island was on the verge of shattering. Looking from the sky, there was a huge gap in the small island, like a piece of pie that was bitten by someone.

Case was drenched in blood, panting, looking at the woman in front of him who looked like a mountain of meat.

His right arm was completely broken, hanging by his side like a piece of cloth.

And the only remaining left hand was lifted up with difficulty to support his body.

"Give up, even if you are at your peak, you are no match for your mother! Lick, lick!"

A middle-aged man looked at Case. He held a huge lollipop in his hand, licked it, and said with a sinister smile.

"If you hand over the secret of the pure gold that you control, Mom might let you go if she is happy."

"damn it."

Case, on the other hand, didn't want to pay any attention to his opponent's words. He supported his body with difficulty, raised his head, and the woman in front of him, who was like a mountain of meat, showed three phantoms.

"Has consciousness begun to blur?"

Case muttered to himself that he never thought he would end up in such a situation.

From hunter to prey.

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