Pirate Family

Chapter 1114 Unlucky

Case never thought he would have such a day.

People will be scrutinized with eyes like looking at prey. This feeling made Case very uncomfortable.

He is an extremely proud man, otherwise he wouldn't have brazenly entered the game when the situation in this sea hadn't stabilized, and designed an admiral of the Navy Headquarters into it.

If Garp hadn't come to help suddenly, Aokiji should have fallen into Case's hands at this time.

But even with Garp's sudden appearance, Case almost killed them both.

Case never resented his bad luck, because no matter what the reason was, a loser was a loser after all, and only victory could wash away the shame of failure.

So, he was going to go back to his base and plan all this again, but he never expected that when he was weakest, he would meet the woman he least wanted to meet.

"Charlotte Lingling."

Case slowly said the name of the other party. He had seen this woman before. When he was an enemy of Lockes, this woman was on Lockes' boat.

However, at that time, this woman's body was still in shape, and it was the most beautiful time in her life. She was a beautiful young woman who still had charm.

However, no one dared to have evil thoughts about this beautiful young woman, because everyone knew that under this woman's beautiful appearance was a devil-like cruel heart.

Later, when he was in the prison of Jincheng City, Case even heard that the reason why Lockes was defeated was because of his subordinates.

"Well, well! For the sake of my old friend, if you tell me the secret of pure gold, I will definitely let you go!"

Charlotte Lingling seemed to be in a happy mood seeing Case in such a mess, she narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

"However, if you refuse me, I will also know the secret from you."

"My ability, you should be very clear!"

"Now, choose!"

"Well, well, well!"

"I choose..."

Case, on the other hand, walked slowly towards Charlotte Lingling, and Charlotte Lingling didn't look on guard at all.

Both sides are very clear about one thing, that is, judging from Case's current physical condition, it is impossible to pose any threat to Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling enjoyed the way a man like Case lowered his proud head.

This kind of joy is no less than the joy of getting pure gold that can make people live forever.

"Where is the pure gold?"

Seeing Case walk in front of her, Charlotte Lingling opened her eyes and asked excitedly.

"I choose, get out of here!"

Case roared, his only remaining arm swung abruptly, the space under Charlotte Lingling's feet twisted slightly,


Charlotte Lingling didn't react for a while, the ground under her feet began to shake, and then, her whole body seemed to be swallowed by the ground, and half of her body fell into the ground.

"You bastard!"

Only then did Charlotte Lingling realize that she had been tricked by Case, she was furious, and hammered the ground with her own arm.

Numerous cracks appeared on the ground, and her body slowly climbed up from the deep pit.

"I must first get the clue of pure gold from your mouth, and then kill you!"

And Case didn't intend to fight Charlotte Lingling to the death here, he just needed one chance.

The moment Charlotte Lingling fell into the ground, Case suddenly snapped his fingers, then coughed up a big mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, as if he had lost too much blood. But the corner of this man's mouth curled up in a strange way. He raised his head and looked at Charlotte Lingling.

"I'm sure, I'll be back."

Taking advantage of the moment when Charlotte Lingling got rid of the bondage of the earth, Case exerted his last bit of strength and activated his own ability.

The space around him began to distort slightly, and then Case's body gradually began to blur.


At this time, Charlotte Lingling had completely shaken off the shackles of the earth, she was furious, and rushed towards Case,

The huge arm grabbed Case's body, but passed through Case's body.

She missed it.

And Case, also completely disappeared on this small island.


Charlotte Lingling never imagined that Keith could escape from under her nose in this state.

She roared angrily, and her fat arms began to hammer heavily on the island.

The roar resounded through the sky, and the small island shook violently when it came, and countless cracks spread across the small island.

The landslides and the ground cracked, and thousands of birds flew up from the forest. It was like an earthquake.

The tremor continued until sunset, before it gradually subsided.

At this time, the small island turned into countless fragmented clods floating on the sea.

Charlotte Lingling left the small island with a cold face, but none of her children dared to step forward to comfort her.

They all knew one thing, that is, their mother was angry, very angry.

This kind of anger can only be slightly alleviated by using blood.

"I don't know which unlucky guy it is."

Charlotte Lingling's children felt a little pity for the wretched wretch.


At dusk, after the cake pirate ship of the Charlotte family disappeared at the end of the sea, the ground of the fragmented island shook slightly.

The broken soil loosened, and then a man with long blue hair and a thin figure came out of the ground with a disheveled face.

He was Basefeto who was brought to this island by Case.

Basefeto originally thought that he would definitely die in this place, because no matter what, he couldn't think of anything to impress Case so that the other party would not kill him.

But just when Basefeto was desperate, Charlotte Lingling suddenly appeared, and then Case changed from hunter to prey.

Charlotte Lingling's powerful force directly suppressed Case, and Basefeto was thrown into a corner by Case.

Looking at the two sides fighting on the island, Basefeto found a place to hide, and then used his ability to create a protective cover to keep himself from being involved in the battle between the two.

When the woman finished venting her anger, Basefeto dared to show up.

"Case, I will definitely retaliate for the humiliation you gave me."

A trace of resentment flashed in Basefeto's eyes. He had never been so humble before, and when it made him feel more humiliated, even if he was so humble, Case did not intend to let him go.

But now, everything on the island has been destroyed, and Basefeto is trapped on the island. There is simply no way to leave.

After an unknown amount of time, Basefeto saw a small boat appear at the end of the sea.

A silvery white boat.

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