Pirate Family

Chapter 1115 Harvest

Basefeto stood on the edge of the island and started calling for help.

It is very common to be stranded on an isolated island in the sea, so ships at sea will generally lend a helping hand.

After all, no one is sure that one day, he will not encounter such a thing.

I am saved!

Seeing that small boat, he seemed to have found himself, driving towards this side, a gleam of joy flashed across Basefeto's face.

But when he saw the flag of the ship clearly, the smile on his face froze.

This is a flag with a misty moon pattern, and there is only one faction using this pattern in the sea today.

That is, the Vinhill family!

"I just said that I feel that there will be a little gain."

Lorne looked at Basefeto, who was handcuffed by Hailoushi, with a dejected face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In Lorne's opinion, Basefeto's fruit ability is quite excellent. This ability can be put in the family's fruit bank for emergencies.

"It's just that it's a pity that Case was not caught."

And Garrett frowned. Through the interrogation of Basefeto, they already knew what happened to Case after he escaped from the glacier continent.

Keyes suffered severe injuries one after another, and may hide for a long time, never appearing at sea.

"It's enough."

Lorne said so.

This time, the incident started with the attack on the Navy's G-1 Division and ended with the battle in the waters near the Navy's G-2 Division, implicating quite a few ambitious pirates in the New World.

Lorne originally planned to watch the fire from the other side and didn't want to end, but with the development of the incident, Lorne seemed to be the biggest beneficiary of this incident.

The navy lost a naval base, and the main combat force, Aokiji, was seriously injured. The ambitious pirates in the new world were ambushed by Aokiji, and suffered heavy losses. After this incident, these pirate forces may start a new round. distribution of benefits.

Even Case, the leader of the Grudge Trial who had been hiding behind the scenes, appeared in this incident, wanting to weaken the power of the navy, but things did not develop as he wished. Instead of falling, Aokiji joined forces. Cap completely wrecked him.

Lorne estimated that for at least half a year, there would be no major moves in the Grudge Trial.

Only the Vinhill family, which has never ended, has become the biggest beneficiary of this incident.

Two dead fruits, plus the captured "Barrier Fruit" of Basefeto. This time, Lorne gained a lot.

The incident that happened in the new world quickly spread throughout the sea.

No, or it should be said that the pirates on the sea finally waited for the result of this incident.

To everyone's surprise, the navy showed unprecedented strength. Although it lost a naval base, it set up an ambush, causing heavy losses to the careerists in the New World. It is foreseeable that their territories will be destroyed in the near future. It fell into chaos, and this also bought valuable time for the Navy.

At least, until this chaos is over, these careerists will no longer set their sights on the Navy's G-2 base.

As the navy's few remaining naval bases in the New World, the G-2 base also demonstrated its formidable strength in this incident, even though it is located in the territory of a pirate emperor, but because there is a The seat of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, this base has become a rare fortress for the Navy in the New World.


Mary Gioia, the reconstruction of Pongle Castle, on the Void Throne.

A thin man in a black robe was silently looking at the documents in front of him.

The content written on the document, without exception, is a major event that can shake the entire world.

And these events seem to be made by this man to make the final decision.

But his mind was obviously not on these documents.

He frowned and looked at the black tabletop. There was a trace left by a dagger piercing the tabletop. In the gap of the trace, some paper fibers could be vaguely seen.

It's like, not long ago, someone nailed a piece of paper here with a dagger.

"I haven't seen you like this for a long time."

"I woke up this time and didn't go to bed so early, it seems right."

Beside the man, a woman in a white dress yawned and said in a mocking tone.

"The last time I saw you like this was when I first decided to subdue the pirate overlords at that time and give them the right to eternal life."

"The battle for the pirate overlord in this era is not over yet, and you, can't wait any longer?"

The woman said with a smile, ignoring the man's increasingly ugly face.

"Or, in your eyes, Lorne has grown enough to threaten you?"

"Shut up."

The man tore up the precious document in his hand, and suddenly hammered the table.

In this scene, the expensive table top suddenly cracked, and the sawdust was scattered. The files on the desktop floated to the ground.

The man stood up straight away, looking indifferently at the woman who laughed at him.

"Do you want to die, Joey?"

"I can't ask for more."

The woman showed a look that I know you dare not, and looked at the man with disdain.

"I've long wanted to end this evil fate, but do you dare to kill me?"

"Or, are you sure that you will block the news of my death from those wild beasts restrained by your collar?"

The man's face became more and more ugly, but in the end he just snorted coldly and sat down directly.

"I tolerate you because of our hundreds of years of friendship. Don't challenge my bottom line one after another, Joey."

"You're still the same. Em."

The woman called Joy stepped up to the Void Throne step by step, and stopped when she reached the stairs where twenty kings buried their swords in ancient times.

"You always act like you have everything under control."

She doesn't care about Im's face at all, or it can be said that she knows one thing very well, that is, in any case, Im will not, and dare not, kill herself.

Yes, dare not.

Joey is very sure about this, because in the past hundreds of years, there have been many pirates who dominated for a while like Roger and Lockes. Among these pirates, they found the end of the great route, Raff Drew's people are not in the minority.

Among them, most of them have faced Im's biggest secret.

Most of these people fell at the hands of Ralph Drew forever, and some of them were unwilling to die like this, and chose to surrender at Im's feet.

Im bound the ambitions of these pirates with collars, making them his own eagle dogs.

Countless years have passed, and these pirates have long faded their edges and corners, hiding in the darkness of history.

They have a new name.

five old stars.

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