Pirate Family

Chapter 1116 Secrets Buried in the Past

If someone told you that the five old stars who stood at the pinnacle of world power were once pirates, you would definitely think him crazy.

But, that's what it is.

These former pirate overlords have been smoothed by the years, and have become eagle dogs in Im's hands.

However, Joey is very clear that if the shackles that bind these beasts are untied, then the first thing these beasts do is to unite and tear Im into pieces.

And myself is the shackles.

So Joey is very sure that Im dare not kill himself.

"I don't want to discuss these things with you right now."

The man sitting on the Void Throne snorted coldly,

"History has changed, and I can't control history."

Im enslaved the powerful Joey with an oath, and used Joey's force to deter those pirate overlords. So on the surface, the ruler of this sea is the world government, or more precisely, the five old stars who rule the world government.

Even the arrogant and domineering Tianlong people dare not offend the pinnacle of world power.

However, only those who have reached a certain level in the world government will know that the five old stars are not the pinnacle of the world government, and there is a more terrifying existence above them.

Or it can be said that the man sitting on the Void Throne is a real ruler who walks in the historical shadow of this sea.

However, as a ruler, Yim's own abilities are not suitable for fighting. What he prefers is the feeling of peeping at the trend of history and then secretly controlling everything.

But now, the direction of history is completely beyond his control.

In other words, the times have completely gone berserk.

"Are you thinking that when Caesar rebelled against Marie Gioia twenty years ago, he should have exterminated their family?"

And Joey seemed to see through Im's thoughts, and said sarcastically.

Caesar is a heterogeneous species among the Tianlong people. As a Tianlong person, he was not infected with the arrogance and laziness of the Tianlong people. Instead, he yearned for the sea. When he was young, he took his servants and went out to sea secretly. .

At that time, he met his lifelong best friend, that is, the future Red Earl, Redfield.

The two of them gained a great reputation on the sea, and even after Lockes fell, they succeeded Lockes and became the well-deserved overlord of this sea.

Later, Caesar met the woman he loved all his life, and then decided to give up the life of floating on the sea and live a peaceful life.

However, Caesar's ideas run counter to Laidfield, who aspires to become the Pirate King. The two men parted ways. Laidfield felt betrayed.

In the eyes of women, this incident was just a small matter.

And no one thought that the woman Caesar fell in love with had another identity, that is, a scholar on the archaeological island "O'Hara".

Through the historical text recorded by Mary Joya, she quickly deciphered the history hidden in the "disappeared hundred years".

But when she was so shocked and wanted to tell her companions in "O'Hara" the news, she was discovered by some Tianlong people.

This hundred years of disappearance is the biggest secret of the Tianlong people, related to their secret to rule the world!

They absolutely do not allow anyone to know this secret, so these Tianlong people unite and decide to execute the woman behind Caesar's back.

Not long after Caesar's child was born, the group took advantage of the woman's weakness and launched an attack brazenly.

Countless dead soldiers rushed into the delivery room, aiming sharp long knives and roaring artillery at the woman who had just given birth.

Later, when Caesar arrived, it was all over.

What appeared in front of him was only the bloody body of his lover and his child who had just been born.

Next, "Marie Joa's Bloody Night" happened.

At that time, the Draconian Castle was surrounded by raging fire, and the wailing voices of those noble Draconians could be heard everywhere.

If Joey hadn't woken up and stopped all of this, I'm afraid Mary Joya would have been destroyed because of this.

And that child at that time is now Lorne.

At that time, Im, standing on the top of Maryjoia, watching Caesar fleeing in embarrassment with the baby in his arms, made a decision.

That is to let them go.

Because in the history that Im saw, the baby should have died in the hands of the group of dragons. Caesar was devastated and had no way out, determined to let the whole Marie Gioia be buried with his wife and children.

Later, he was directly suppressed by the awakened Joey, and Caesar never appeared in history again.

However, history changed, the baby did not die as Im saw, Caesar had a sustenance, so he desperately rescued his child.

Im has never seen any changes in history, which made him feel very curious, so he secretly stopped the next pursuit by the world government. He wanted to see what would happen to history due to this trivial event change.

But now, Im has some regrets.

Because history is completely out of his control!

Those who should have died did not die, and those who should have lived have already fallen.

The whole sea was in chaos, and when Im wanted to correct the deviated history, he found that he was not as relaxed as he was then.

"I never regret anything."

But Im was unwilling to admit his incompetence. He shook his head slowly towards the woman.

"Lorne, it's just a jumping wave in my long life."

"Even if this wave almost swept across the entire sea, he is still a wave."

"And the waves have no way to affect the people standing on the shore."

"Is that so?"

The woman glanced at Im, clearly doubting Im's wording.

"So, what are you going to do next?"

"The navy is completely unable to enter the new world. Even if they want to forcibly send troops to attack the new world, they may not necessarily be able to win."

"As for the pirates under your command, after hundreds of years of pampered life, are their old bodies still Lorne's opponent?"

Women are skeptical of this.

"There is no need to send them out."

Em shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if the navy is destroyed. Anyway, I can build a new navy at any time. It doesn't matter if those old dogs die. In the long history, there are many people who can replace them."

"I don't really care what the sea looks like."

"I just need to do one thing."

He looked into the woman's eyes and said slowly.

modify later

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