Pirate Family

Chapter 1117 Bubble Island

Bubble Island waters.

As the outpost of the entire new world, this sea area is the first few islands where most pirates arrive in the new world.

After the Vinhill family took over, Bubble Island became the trade center in the first half of the New World. Coupled with its special geographical appearance, Bubble Island has the reputation of "Little Chambord Islands".

Although, the aborigines of Bubble Island don't like this name.

After the navy declared war on the pirates, the number of pirates who arrived in the New World through the Chambord Islands decreased significantly. In the past week, not a single new face appeared here.

However, this does not affect the status of Bubble Island. Due to the current chaotic situation, and the fall of those pirates who tried to ambush Aokiji but were counter-killed some time ago, this large sea area fell into chaos.

The vacated territory also means opportunities and the reshuffle of forces. Many pirates are fighting and trying to carve up the last cake.

As the territory of the Vinhill family, Bubble Island sells the most advanced weapons in the world, so many pirates have traveled far and wide, choosing to come here to buy arms and fulfill their ambitions.

Therefore, Bubble Island has not been depressed much because of the navy's declaration of war.

"The arms of the Vinhill family are too dark!"

In the waters of Bubble Island, on a pirate ship flying the flag of the Giant Ax Skull Pirate, a man with a black turban and a figure like a thin monkey looked at the manifest in his hand and said with a frown.

"A very ordinary flintlock gun, just printed with the family crest of the Vinhill family, dare to sell it for 200,000 Baileys!"

If this is the case, the thin monkey is not that surprised, but what makes him most unacceptable is that there is a line of words behind the price tag.

"A bullet is 500 Baileys, another count."

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of this long inventory. The thin monkey glanced at it roughly. On the Vinhill family's inventory, there are everything from the simplest daggers, long swords, to revolvers, flintlock muskets, and cannons. , all the way to the main naval gun at the back. There is everything that one expects to find, and the variety is complete.

"The only disadvantage of expensive things is that they are expensive."

Next to the thin monkey, stood a man with a figure like a giant bear. He was the captain of the pirate group, Udi the giant ax beast with a bounty of 180 million.

This bounty is not very high in the new world where the strong are like clouds. In fact, after entering the new world, Youdi's ambitions have gradually been wiped out.

Hiding in Tibet in the Middle East of the new world, relying on some leftovers that flowed out from the fingers of other big forces from time to time to survive with difficulty, after so many years of hard work in the new world, he gradually understood that some things can be achieved forever by virtue of hard work. unavailable.

So some time ago, he gradually had the idea of ​​bringing his subordinates back to the four seas and acting as the overlord of the four seas.

However, the navy's declaration of war cut off his idea. If he dared to appear in Paradise, the navy would definitely catch them before he escaped from the great route.

Therefore, Youdi can only continue to hide in the new world. He originally wanted to find a remote place to hide, and wait until the battle between the navy and the pirates gradually became clear, and then reappear.

However, the incident that happened some time ago made Youdi ignite the ambition that Youdi had hidden.

The weak Pirate King fell to the G-2 branch of the Navy, leaving a considerable part of the territory. These territories add up to even close to one-fifth of the territory of a Pirate Emperor.

And Youdi naturally had no idea about those popular territories with superior geographical location, he took a fancy to a small island on the edge of the sea of ​​giant whales.

That small island is not on the three main shipping routes of the New World, and it has no special products. It is a corner material that many forces dismiss.

Therefore, even if it is just a group of little-known thieves who occupy that small island, other forces don't have any ideas.

However, the location of that small island is exactly what Youdi wanted. Backed by the powerful Whitebeard Pirates, there is no need to worry that the navy will attack here. The geographical location is remote, and no one will pay attention to this small place.

Udi is going to take the island, but first, in order to be sure, he needs to replenish some weapons.

So, he came to Bubble Island.

"The Vinhill family started their business with weapons. Compared with other arms dealers, their weapons are not only powerful, but also have a feature that cannot be ignored."

Youdi looked at his subordinates and said slowly.

"That is, they never brag about themselves."

"They said what the performance of this weapon is, so what we bought is what it is. So, even if it sounds like the weapons of the Vinhill family do not have much advantage over several other well-known arms dealers, But they are still one of the biggest arms dealers in the sea."

Given enough Baileys, the Vernhill family will even be able to sell you the main guns of the Navy's main battleships.

"But, we don't seem to have..."

The thin monkey nodded, but said with some embarrassment.

They haven't opened for a long time, and the last time they made money was half a year ago when they caught a group of traders and extorted a ransom of 50 million Baileys.

But now, these ransoms are less than five million Baileys left.

The weapons of the Vinhill family seem powerful, but if they cannot be bought, they are meaningless.

"Or, we can go and rob it. After all, the main territory of the Vinhill family is Sidiou, and this place is quite far away from Sidiou. We will do it directly when delivering the goods, plunder them, and then walk away. "

"The sea in the new world is so vast, I don't believe that people from that family can catch us."

"Maybe, not long after, the navy will wipe out all of that family."

A trace of hostility flashed in the thin monkey's eyes. They didn't do less of this kind of killing and extortion.


And Youdi gave Shouhou a cold look.

"Who told you that people from the Vinhill family don't care about Bubble Island?"

"Do you know who is stationed here?"

"That's Black Saber Moorman!"

A trace of fear flashed in Udi's eyes. The Vinhill family has been in control of the arms business for so long, and they don't know how much wealth they have accumulated.

It's not that no one has been eyeing Bubble Island. In fact, in the early years, Mooreman had just been stationed here. Many people looked down on this invisible cadre of the Vinhill family, and often made some small moves.

They thought the Vinhills would turn a blind eye.

But they are all wrong.

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