Pirate Family

Chapter 1118

These small actions completely angered the man.

Mooreman walked out of the Admiral's Mansion, and then erected a stone monument on the square in the center of Bubble Island.

There is such a line of words engraved on the stone tablet.

Anyone who violates the rules of the Vinhill family will be killed without mercy.

At first, the pirates thought it was just what Mooreman said to intimidate them. After all, although the Vinhill family was powerful at that time, could it be compared to the pirates in the entire new world?

However, soon, these pirates realized that they were wrong, and that night, several human heads were thrown beside the stele.

The wide eyes of these human heads seemed to not believe that they would be beheaded like this.

After that, every day, people's heads were thrown here continuously, and the heads piled up like a mountain, and all the pirates felt a little fear.

The Vinhill family didn't care what these pirates thought.

You also don't care about the lives of other pirates, if you offend me, then you deserve to die.

No one dared to collect the corpses for these heads. More and more heads piled up, and soon they piled up into a hill.

The hill of human heads stopped growing until no one dared to violate the rules set by Moorman.

And the open space was also isolated with wooden piles, and it became a tourist attraction on Bubble Island.

All the pirates who arrive at Bubble Island will be intimidated by this headed Jingguan, and then restrain their thoughts.

But this is not the reason why Youdi is so afraid. A long time ago, after he made a "big business", he came to Bubble Island. On the small island, he met a big man.

Although the bounty offered by that big man is not as high as his own, he is indeed the core figure of a certain big force in the new world. In order to climb this level of relationship, Youdi tried his best to please him.

At that time, not long after Mooreman erected the stele, the big man dismissed Mooreman's approach.

He believes that Moorman is just venting his anger on some small characters with no background. Once he provokes some powerful characters, he will not dare to fart.

In order to try, the big man directly violated the rules of Bubble Island in front of Mooreman.

However, Mooreman didn't talk nonsense at all, he directly pulled out the black knife, and beheaded the big man's head.

He didn't even give the other party time to report their family name.

Youdi watched the big man's head roll into the pile of human heads, opened his eyes wide, and looked at himself in disbelief. The terrified Youdi hurriedly left Bubble Island.

Later, he heard that the forces behind that big man didn't take any revenge, and even sent someone to apologize.

At that time, Youdi understood what the words Vinhill meant in the new world.

So, he will never do stupid things.

"I can't do this, I can't do that, are we still pirates?"

The thin monkey muttered. In his eyes, isn't the pirate the most unrestrained character in this sea?

If you can't do whatever you want, then what's the point of being a pirate?

"But it's not like there's no way to get money."

Yudi began to think about it. He remembered that there is a rule of Bubble Island, that is, any meaningless fighting is prohibited on Bubble Island.

To resolve disputes, either report to Bubble Island, or go to the sea by yourself.

In other words, after leaving Bubble Island, the people of the Vinhill family will not care about your life or death.

Since it is not possible to rob the Vinhill family, is it possible to rob those ships that bought arms from the Vinhill family and left Bubble Island?

Youdi seemed to have thought of some wonderful method, a light flashed in his eyes.


"Don't we always pursue peace? Why buy arms?"

At the port of Bubble Island, a girl in black tights looked at her side with a puzzled expression. A man in his forties, wearing a leather armor made of an unknown beast, and a calm-looking man walked slowly. asked.

They are not pirates.

The new world has been the territory of pirates since ancient times. Countless pirates have come to this land, some of them have thrown their lives just to realize their ambitions, and some of them have felt tired after countless battles. So I found a place to settle down.

The ancestor of the young girl and the middle-aged man was a pirate who led the pirate group, found a quiet and peaceful island, and settled down.

It is said that at that time, their ancestors were very famous.

It's just that the girl can't be verified anymore. She has lived in that port town since she was a child, and she has always been full of curiosity about the outside world. If it wasn't for the explicit prohibition of the family, she might have escaped long ago.

This time, if she hadn't overheard that her father was going out to buy a batch of munitions, and then stalked her hard, the girl might not have the chance to come out.

"Weapons are not good or bad."

The man just smiled, he looked at the ammunition boxes being loaded at the port, and said lightly.

"It's just that there are good and bad people who use it."

"We don't want to stir up trouble, but that doesn't mean that others will let us go."

The man's father, who was the first to follow the big pirate to settle on the island, felt deeply disturbed after hearing about this incident.

The sea will fall into unprecedented chaos,

This chaos is even more terrifying than the Rocks chaos decades ago. Because of this chaos, all the forces will be involved, the pirates in the new world, the navy, the world government, the forces on the Red Earth Continent, the revolutionary army who have been hiding for a long time, and even the countries far away in the world. A force can be spared.

Even if they haven't appeared in the sea for a long time, they still have no way to be alone, so they must have the power to protect themselves.

After decades of years, rusted weapons, and an old, inactive body cannot possess this kind of power.

Therefore, they must buy arms to protect themselves.

"In the outside world, those pirates galloping across the sea, are they all bad guys?"

The girl opened her eyes wide and said curiously. She grew up in that port town, and this was her first time at sea.

For pirates, she still stays in the storybook.

In her eyes, the so-called pirates are synonymous with adventurers who pursue their dreams.

She wants to be a pirate.


The man was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"All pirates are bad guys."

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