Pirate Family

Chapter 1119 Innocent Girl

Although it is undeniable, there are still some warm-hearted people in the world of pirates.

However, pirates are pirates after all, and they are the most vicious existence in this sea. Men don't want their women to yearn for that sinful world.

"Are they all bad guys?"

After getting the man's reply, the girl's mood was obviously a little depressed. She walked to the corner of the deck alone, looking at the endless sea in a sullen mood.

On the sea, countless ships come and go, and all pirates are eager to conquer this ocean.

But for the sea, everyone is just a passerby.

"Do you really want to tell Miss like this? Miss has always yearned for the outside world since she was a child. I don't know how happy I am to go to sea this time..."

An old man with the appearance of a housekeeper walked to the side of the man, looked at the sullen girl, and said anxiously.

But the man waved his hand.

"Let her alone, she will know the cruelty of this sea sooner or later."

Men know how cruel this sea is.

My father, now in his seventies, looked like a thin old man who could be blown by a gust of wind. But the dozen or so young and middle-aged men in the small town combined are no match for the old man.

In that thin body, there is an extremely terrifying power.

The man couldn't imagine how terrifying his father must have been when he was young, and he was just an inconspicuous character on their pirate ship back then.

But it was this terrible pirate group that was driven to nowhere, and finally hid on a small island and lived a life of seclusion.

The workers at the port of Bubble Island moved very quickly, and within a short while, all the weapons and ammunition purchased by the man were transported to the ship.

The man glanced at this bustling island with a complicated expression. Finally, he waved to the sailors on board.

"Ready to set sail, let's go home!"

This seemingly prosperous and prosperous age does not belong to him. The man just wants to protect his family, friends, and the residents of the island.

The sailors stowed the anchor out of the water, turned the bow, and raised the sails, facing the salty sea breeze, they left Bubble Island.

This ship looks like it has been in service for many years, and the side boards are a bit dull and heavy because they have been soaked in water for a long time.

There are some traces of mending on the sail, and there is a musty smell, as if it has been placed in a dark place for a long time before it is taken out.

It seems that there is nothing special about this boat, except that it is a little worn out, it is no different from other boats that come to Bubble Island.

It's not that there are better ships in the small town, but those are the ships left over from the battles of the fathers in the sea.

The man didn't like these old ships. On the one hand, those pirate ships had some blood stains that had not been wiped clean. Some people left them. This kind of guilt made him feel a little uncomfortable.

On the other hand, it was because those ships were too grand, and on the seas of the New World, grandeur equaled strength.

Such ships often attract the eyes of some vicious people. And the man was obviously not ready to fight those vicious pirates.

Choosing this dilapidated ship, those pirates seemed to have nothing to offer, and they were generally unwilling to bother to do it.

"It took about half a month to come here, but now the wind direction is correct, we should be able to go home soon."

The man looked at the endless sea and muttered to himself.

He just wanted to take the sailors on board and go home safe and sound.

Five days later, a certain area in the Loxor sea area.

The man took out a chart, pointed on the map with his hand, and frowned slightly.

"It's about half a day before the next island, and our speed is slow."

He had no experience in going out to sea, and at first he imagined that with the help of the sea breeze, they might return home faster than when they came, but he didn't expect it. Their ship sank quite a bit due to the full cargo store bought from Bubble Island.

Therefore, their speed was slower than when they came.

And slower means that it takes more time, and more time means that they have a higher probability of encountering those vicious pirates.

Men hate this feeling of danger.

"I did my best, sir."

The first officer on the ship wiped the sweat from his forehead and said slowly to the man.

"This ship is too old, and it is a blessing to be able to transport all the contents of the warehouse back."

"I see."

Men are not those messing around, he thought about it, and then made a decision.

"When we went to the small island, we took half a day to recuperate, and we will set off immediately after the supplies are finished."

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, go home earlier, so men can only choose to do this.

But at this moment, the watchman on the flagpole suddenly put down the binoculars in his hand and shouted at the man.

"Boss! There is a situation ahead!"

The man took out the binoculars and looked in the direction pointed by the watchman.

Soon, he found what he said.

On the endless sea, a small boat suddenly appeared.

It should be said that it is a small boat about three or four meters long and can only accommodate a few people.

A man in black clothes with long black hair was sitting on the boat. Because of the distance, the man couldn't see the person's appearance clearly.

However, it can be determined from his clothes that this is a woman.

Moreover, she is a woman with a good figure and looks very young.

"It seems to be someone who was exiled by other pirates, what should I do, head."

The chief mate has much more sailing experience than the man, he frowned and handed over the decision to the man.

In this sea, it often happens that some people violate the regulations on the pirate ship, but the people on board often do not execute these wrongdoers directly because of their past sympathy, but give them some food , and a boat.

Let them fend for themselves in the sea.

If they survived by luck, when they meet again, the friendship between the two parties is exhausted, and they will be strangers.

And if you die, you can't blame others.

The man also heard that some pirates would do this, so in his eyes, that boat was tantamount to trouble.

Because if what the first officer said is true, it means that there are still a group of pirates near this sea area. And men don't want to do unnecessary things to provoke these vicious people.

"Turn a blind eye, let's go..."

The man was about to do this, but at this moment, a girl rushed out from the cabin and looked at the man angrily.

"Why, didn't you save him?"

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