Pirate Family

Chapter 1120

"That's a fresh life! Why, don't save him!"

The girl yelled angrily at the man.

The man was at a loss for words for a while, looking at the innocent and angry eyes of the girl, he didn't know how to answer.

After a long time, the man was finally defeated, sighed, and waved to the first officer.

The first officer shook his head and said helplessly.

"Miss is still too kind."

Kindness is a good thing, but in the sea, kindness is not a good thing.

It's just that when you get on the ship, you must obey your own captain's rules. This is the iron law of the sea. Since it is an order issued by your own captain, he can only execute it unconditionally.

Moreover, he didn't believe that so many strong guys on his boat, that woman, could do anything.

Even though the new world is a new world for the strong pirates, in the new world, those weak pirates still occupy the vast majority.

Pirates standing at the top are too far away for ordinary people like them, and can only be seen in newspapers.

Therefore, the first officer didn't believe that he could meet a pirate like those monsters casually.

The small boat slowly approached the small boat, and when it got close to the small boat, the first officer could clearly see the person sitting on the small boat.

It was a woman, and a young and beautiful one at that.

Looking at the perfect figure that could not be concealed even by loose clothes, the first officer swallowed secretly, and then said with a serious face.

"It's just that our lady has a good heart and doesn't want to see you drifting on the sea like this. I hope you will not disappoint our lady's kindness."


After hearing this word, the woman was slightly surprised. She raised her head and stared at the first mate with her big beautiful eyes.

"Don't try to deceive us, you should have made some mistakes on the pirate ship, an exiled pirate. You don't look like a vicious person, so I advise you not to make any crooked ideas. After all, there are a lot of strong guys on our ship, they won't let your scheme succeed..."

The mate chattered, and then lowered a rope over the side of the boat for the woman to climb up.

Listening to the words of the rude man in front of her, the woman fell silent.

It turned out that the other party had misunderstood himself. But she didn't have any excuses.

When she boarded the boat, the woman saw a girl in a sky blue dress looking at her excitedly.

The girl hurried over, blinked her big eyes, and asked curiously.

"Big sister, are you a pirate?"

The sailors on the ship didn't react when they heard the girl's words. He was obviously used to the girl's happy behavior.

However, some young people still looked at the woman with vigilant eyes.


The woman didn't expect this girl to be so direct, she thought for a moment, then nodded.

"It should be."

Although she had already decided to leave the world of pirates, take her family and find a quiet and peaceful place to spend the rest of her life.

However, this sea is obviously unwilling to let her go like this, swallowing all her family and friends.

But now, the woman is alone, and for revenge, she can only return to this sea area again.

"You really are a pirate!"

After hearing the woman's answer, the girl seemed a little excited.

"My father told me that pirates are all bad guys, and he really lied to me!"

The girl blinked her eyes and said slyly.

"Big sister, you don't look like a bad person, are you one of the adventurers among the pirates?"

She has seen in the storybooks that among the pirates, there are some people who pursue freedom. They are keen on various adventures, and they are the protagonists and heroes in each story.

"I'm not some so-called adventurer."

The woman shook her head slowly. He said calmly.

"I'm not a good person either. Maybe I'm ten times more vicious than you think."

The elder brother in the past may be called an adventurer in the eyes of girls, but women are not interested in all kinds of adventures.

And she didn't come back this time for the ridiculous freedom, she came back this time to kill people.

So a woman can never be called a good person.

"A bad person will never deny that he is a good person!"

And the girl obviously didn't listen to the woman's words,

"My name is Lily, Losec Lily!"

"The captain is my father, and it's my first time to go to sea! You are the first pirate I met!"

"Excuse me, what's your name!"


The woman thought about it, but in the end she was still unwilling to deceive the girl's innocent eyes.

"My name is Nana."

"Sister Nana!" The girl stretched out her hand to the woman,

"From now on, we'll be friends!"

Nana hesitated for a while, but finally decided to hold Lily's hand.

The girl cheered and left the cabin, leaving Nana alone.

She looked at her palm for a while, and there was still a young girl's warmth in her palm.

After a while, she murmured to herself.



In the evening, Nana walked onto the deck alone, and saw a middle-aged man standing on the deck, looking into the distance.

A small island, looming in the night.

"I never believed you!"

The man seemed to feel Nana behind him, and said slowly with his back to Nana.

"If it wasn't for little Lily who insisted on me saving you, we might turn a blind eye to you and let you continue drifting on the sea."

Nana was silent. Regarding this, she didn't seem to argue.

After she left from Fishman Island, the small boat she was on was hit by a deep ocean current, and the whole boat was torn apart, leaving only this small boat.

However, this kind of thing is not a desperate situation for a pirate of her level. As long as she can reach a small island, she can quickly find a ship.

In her memory, there was a small island nearby.

However, no matter what the reason was, she was still grateful for the man's help.

"I hope you won't disappoint little Lily's kindness."

The man turned his back to Nana and continued.

"Don't do anything out of the ordinary."

"I know."

Nana responded.

She came back to kill, but the people she wanted to kill were not these "ordinary people".

"I'm about to arrive at the next small island, please disembark there, if you want to seek revenge from your companions, or find a place to hide, it's up to you."

The man continued. Nana, on the other hand, was expressionless.

"After that, we have nothing to do with each other, and I don't want people to know that we saved you."

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