Pirate Family

Chapter 1121 Pirate

The man's tone was cold, but there was no other way.

After just half a day of contact, he knew that this woman who claimed to be Nana was not an ordinary pirate.

And for a pirate like her, the forces involved are so terrifying.

Men cannot imagine, nor dare to imagine.

The only thing he can do is try to keep his relationship with Nana as clear as possible, so as not to get involved in this possible pirate dispute.

Nana was silent for a long time, and after a while, she nodded slowly.

"I see."

Of course she understood what this man was thinking.

This is also the helplessness of those weak people in this sea.


And the man obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly.

"The next island is the edge of the Loxor sea area, Mobis Island."

"This small island is not as prosperous as Bubble Island or Sdio, but because it is in the middle of the shipping route, you can quickly find boats leading to other places..."

The man didn't continue talking about the rest. But Nana already understood the meaning.

Whether to hide or find a fleet to continue her adventure, it's up to Nana herself.

Even though he said he didn't want to have anything to do with him, this man still subconsciously sought a way out for a person like him who met by chance.

He is a nice guy.

This is Nana's evaluation.


Nana was just about to thank her, but at this moment, a roar suddenly came from her ears.

It seemed that something hit the water nearby, causing huge waves, and the whole ship shook violently. Nana grabbed a wooden plank next to her, and managed to stabilize her body.

"What's happening here."

Some sailors ran out of the cabin in a hurry. It was already evening, and because they were about to arrive at the next island, the sailors ended their busy day early and began to rest.

But they hadn't even gone to bed before something like this happened.

"Enemy attack!"

The man said with a gloomy face.

On the sea not far away, a ship appeared.

A pirate ship with the banner of the giant ax skeleton pirate!

The cannonball just now was shot from this ship, but the other party didn't intend to sink him, so the cannonball was shot crooked on purpose.

Is this... a warning?

All the sailors on the ship are ready to sail in the sea of ​​the new world. It is impossible not to experience pirate attacks.

However, the vast majority of pirates are not as scary as advertised in the newspapers. By enshrining some Baileys, those pirates will turn a blind eye and close their eyes to let them go.

After all, killing people is very simple, but killing these ordinary people is meaningless.

Not even for fun.

The middle-aged captain looked calm.

Since the other party has set the target on his own small broken ship, it means one thing, that is, the other party should not be those vicious big ship groups.

This kind of small thief should be able to get rid of it with a little money.

Sure enough, after the first warning shot, the pirate group made no other moves, but slowly approached the wrecked ship by driving the boat.


The middle-aged captain saw that standing on the deck of the pirate ship was a man wearing a worn-out captain's hat and as tall as a giant bear, and said slowly.

"I still have some Baileys left here, you can..."

But before he finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted by a skinny monkey next to the giant bear-like man.

The thin monkey looked at the middle-aged captain and said playfully.

"Some Baileys, how much is that?"

"About eighteen million Baileys."

The middle-aged captain felt a little bit of displeasure, but he suppressed the displeasure and spoke slowly.

"I am willing to dedicate all the money to the uncles."

Eighteen million Baileys is not much, but for ordinary pirates, it is a surprise to get so much money without going through shopping and fighting.

After all, once a battle breaks out, there are still so many strong young people on this broken ship. If they fight together, the other party will definitely pay some price.

And those low-level pirates who lick blood on swords rely on their own bodies. Once their bodies suffer any irreversible injuries, it means saying goodbye to their pirate career.

Manpower is one of the factors to consider whether a pirate group is strong. Once one's own manpower is short, and it is too late to get timely replenishment, things will sometimes happen to be annexed by other pirate groups.

If you can't get enough benefits from this broken ship, then it's not worth the loss for the pirates to fight rashly.

Therefore, it is a good choice for both parties to take the money and leave.

"Eighteen million Baileys?"

The giant bear-like man pondered for a while before speaking slowly.

"I promise you, but there is one thing, you must send the money to my ship by yourself."

After hearing what the other party said, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

There is nothing wrong with the other party's request. After all, the sea is so vast. If you agree to trade on a small island, the other party will have nothing to do if you run away.

The two ships approached slowly, and soon, the distance between the two sides reached ten meters.

This is a safe distance between the two ships,

"I have the money ready."

The middle-aged man took out a small box full of Baileys.

But just when he was about to send a strong young man to send the money over, something happened suddenly.

Numerous grapples tied with ropes shot from the deck of the pirate ship. Firmly hooked the inclinometer of the small broken ship. Dozens of pirates held long knives and rowed over clamorously along the rope of the grapple.

And that giant bear-like man also jumped from the pirate ship to the splint of the ship.

The sailors on the ship took out their weapons one after another, and the two sides confronted each other on the splint of the ship!

The deck of the small boat was not big at all, but it was crowded with nearly a hundred people at this time, and the distance between the two sides was only five or six meters.

"Excuse me, friend, what does this mean..."

The middle-aged captain forced a stiff smile on his face, signaled his subordinates not to do anything first, and then said with a smile.

"We, didn't we agree..."

"Who told you that!"

But his words were interrupted roughly again, the giant bear waved his hand, and then said with disdain.

"We have followed you all the way from Bubble Island for so long."

"Eighteen million Baileys want to send us away?"

"Money, I want."

The giant bear raised his hand. A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"And we also want the goods on your ship!"

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