Pirate Family

Chapter 1122

Youdi saw with his own eyes the hard workers at the port of Bubble Island, loading boxes of goods onto the boat.

And on the most important small island under the arms tycoon Vinhill family, it is obvious what goods can be obtained.

What's more, this small boat looks tattered, and it doesn't look like there is any big force standing behind it. This is the most suitable prey in Youdi's eyes.

And in order to avoid encountering the patrol team of Bubble Island when he did it, he followed the ship for a few days before finding the opportunity to do it.

After the middle-aged captain heard the words of this giant bear-like man, his expression became completely gloomy.

The other party has no intention of negotiating at all!

Just now, it was just a cover-up to get close to his own boat!

I was cheated!


The middle-aged captain roared angrily, then took out a delicate pistol from under his clothes, and shot at the giant bear.


The silver-white bullet burst out, that Youdi's face changed drastically, and then subconsciously opened his body sideways, the bullet passed his cheek, directly scratching his dark skin, leaving a bloodstain.

Then, a pirate behind Youdi couldn't dodge in time, and was directly hit between the eyebrows by the bullet.

Then, with a bang, the pirate's head suddenly shattered like a watermelon that had been slammed.

Red and white viscous liquid scattered all over the place.

"This kind of power, is this the weapon of the Vinhill family?"

Youdi said slowly, if this bullet hits him, and if he has time to use the armed domineering defense, his fate may not be much better than that poor guy. He touched his side cheek with his hand, then touched the scarlet blood to his lips and licked it.

Instead of being afraid, he became even more excited.

The power of the Vinhill family's ammunition was beyond his expectations.

With this batch of arms, he will be even more powerful. At that time, not to mention preempting to seize that remote island, even taking advantage of the chaotic situation in the sea to gain more benefits is not guaranteed!

"This kind of thing, in your hands, is simply defiled!"

Youdi patted his hand and said coldly.

"Or, give me all these things!"

As soon as he finished speaking, some pirates brandished their weapons and rushed over clamorously.

And the crew on the ship, not to be outdone, picked up the brand new weapons they had just purchased and went up to them.

The distance between the two sides was only six or seven meters, and the battle quickly became a mess.

In terms of physical strength, the pirates obviously had the advantage, but in the face of the crew members with advanced weapons, they only fought one evenly matched crew.

Broken limbs and blood will soon be spilled on the originally neat deck.

And Youdi walked towards the middle-aged captain step by step, and some crew members who tried to resist his steps were directly slapped away by him.

He was able to be offered a reward of 180 million by the navy, of course not because of his qualifications, but because of his solid strength.

When he was in Paradise, he almost became the pirate supernova of the year.

"Don't make fearless resistance, there is an essential gap between you and me."

"Even with these weapons, I can resist my men for a while, but those young men under your command are just crew members, not pirates."

There is an extremely fundamental difference between crew and pirates.

That is, one side has seen blood, and the other side has not.

Sure enough, after reacting, the pirates quickly realized that these seemingly strong crew members had never fought at all, so they quickly gained the upper hand.


The middle-aged captain wanted to shoot, but Yudi punched him in the abdomen.

His whole body was blasted against the wall of the cabin, and there were some cracks in the originally worn-out wooden boards.


At this time, Lily, who was hiding in the cabin and peeping all the time, saw her father being beaten, rushed out desperately, and quickly squatted in front of her father, trying to help him up.

"Is this your daughter?"

And Youdi looked at the girl, and suddenly grinned.

"A very cute little girl..."

"I won't let you hurt my father!"

After Lily heard Youdi's voice, she quickly stood up, opened her hands, and protected her father.

There was fear in her eyes, but there was still some...stubbornness.

"I like the look in your eyes."

Youdi said slowly, stretching his thick arms towards the little girl's head.

"Give me these eyes, please?"

"Don't hurt my daughter!"

Just when Youdi's hand was about to touch the little girl, the middle-aged captain suddenly burst out of strength, stood up from the ground, and then rushed towards Youdi.

Youdi was careless and was thrown to the ground by the middle-aged captain.

"I won't let you hurt my family."

Youdi roared angrily, took out the pistol he had just bought, and slammed the trigger on the heart of the middle-aged captain.


The bullet burst out, and the middle-aged man was directly sent flying.

"Did you kill him?"

The middle-aged captain said with some joy that he had seen the power of this weapon just now.

With this kind of distance, hitting the opponent's heart, even those legendary Pirate Emperors, would definitely not be able to survive, right?

He thought so.

A trace of blood flowed along the man's body and on the wooden board.

But just when the middle-aged captain was about to yell at the pirates that your boss has been killed by me, a mocking voice rang in his ear.

"You don't think I'm dead, do you?"

Youdi covered his chest with his hands, and stood up slowly. A silver-white bullet pierced deeply into the skin on the back of his hand.

Blood flowed from this wound.

"This kind of power almost capsized the ship in the gutter."

Youdi stood up, took out the bullet inlaid in his hand, and said lightly.

"But, it was almost there. And you, there is no next chance."

The crisp sound of the bullets falling on the deck made the heart of the middle-aged captain fall to the bottom.

But just as he raised his pistol tremblingly, ready to fire a few more bullets, Udi had already come in front of him. The thick arm directly pinched his hand.


The middle-aged captain was in pain, and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground, and he was picked up by Youdi.

When Lily saw the pistol falling on the ground, a glimmer of hope flashed in front of her eyes, and she jumped up, trying to pick it up, but Yudi stepped on the pistol.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't take the pistol away from Youdi's feet.

"I said, you have no chance."

Youdi's indifferent voice seemed to announce the death penalty.

But at this time, a female voice sounded in Youdi's ear.

"You said, really?"

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