Pirate Family

Chapter 1123 Good Man

Youdi turned around and found a woman who covered herself in a black robe, looking at her indifferently.

She is very young, but, through her knowledge and domineering, Youdi felt an extremely terrifying aura.

Just like, a long time ago, when he encountered those famous big pirates on the sea.

"Who are you?"

Udi threw the middle-aged captain aside. Looking at the woman, he said solemnly.

He didn't know how strong this woman was, but just being able to stand quietly behind him was enough for him to take it seriously.

Because, being able to avoid her knowledge and color perception means one thing, that is, if she attacked her just now, she would never be able to avoid it.

"You can call me Nana."

The woman took off her robe, looked at Youdi, and said lightly.


Youdi frowned, and began to think crazily in his head. He had never heard of a woman named Nana.

An unknown strongman, or a newcomer who has just arrived in the new world from the paradise and has not yet made a name for himself?

Youdi didn't know, but since it wasn't those famous murderers, Youdi had more confidence.

"What do you want to do?"

"These people are my friends, if possible, can you let them go?"

Nana tilted her head and said slowly.

"After all, they have saved my life."

"Let them go?"

Youdi laughed out loud as if he had heard a joke.

"Do you know how much time I spent tracking them down? Do you know how much energy I spent planning this matter?"

"You know, if I let them go this time, what opportunities will I miss?"

Youdi asked Nana loudly.

Nana, on the other hand, had a calm face, and she shook her head slowly after Youdi finished yelling.

"I have no idea."

"Since you don't know anything, why do you ask me?"

"Is it just because you say they are your friends?"

A sneer flashed across Yudi's face.

In this sea, the weak have always been preyed upon by the strong.

The fist is the truth of everything!

"So, do you want to fight me?"

A relieved expression flashed across Nana's face. She never liked to move her head.

Since the other party gave a solution, she followed this solution to solve it.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? It's just a newcomer who has just entered the new world. You don't know..."

Youdi roared, and the black domineering armor covered his arms.

Domineering or not is the biggest difference between pirates in the new world and pirates in Paradise! Even those promising supernova pirates will be deflated when they have just entered the new world and have not had time to learn domineering.

Udi has not fought for a long time, as the bottom of the new world pirates, he has been avoiding conflicts with those powerful pirates.

But this does not mean that he will be afraid of fighting. On the contrary, this giant bear-like man was also a beast that was feared when he was in the paradise.

The dark domineering wrapped his fist, the muscles on Youdi's arms burst out, and the blue veins were exposed.

He wanted the little girl to know what was the difference between a newcomer and an old man.

But at this moment, he saw the woman who claimed to be Nana raised her hand slightly, before Youdi could react, he felt his eyes keep falling.

He saw Nana's body rising continuously, and at the end, he even needed him to look up.

Immediately afterwards, Udi heard something hitting the ground. His gaze turned half a circle involuntarily, and then he saw the body of a headless man as burly as a giant bear, and the stunned eyes of his subordinates and the weak captain around him.

"What kind of eyes do you have..."

Youdi wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't speak no matter what.

The headless corpse looked more and more familiar, and it was only at the end that Yudi remembered it.

"Oh, it turns out, that's my body."

Then, his consciousness fell into darkness.

"Too much nonsense."

Nana withdrew her knife. Her strength was not strong, but after experiencing so many adventures, she was more than enough to deal with pirates of Udi's level.

"The captain is dead!"

Seeing that their boss was instantly killed, the pirates under Udi's command froze for a long time, then screamed in horror, and then jumped into the sea one after another, as if this small broken ship was a magic cave in their eyes.

The middle-aged captain looked at everything in front of him in shock, if it wasn't for the severe pain in his chest and the stumps scattered on the deck that had not been cleaned.

He even thought that all of this was an illusion.

"Thank you... thank you."

It took a while before he realized that he wanted to thank Nana.

If it wasn't for Nana, the people on this boat would all have suffered misfortune. But at this time, he could no longer find Nana, only heard the sound of the boat entering the water.

Nana was already heading towards Mobis Island in a small boat.

"Is she a nice person?"

At this time, the little girl Lily looked at Nana's receding figure, her eyes sparkled, and she muttered to herself.

A seed has been planted in the soil of the little girl's heart.

The middle-aged captain froze for a moment before speaking slowly.

"Yes, she is a good person."

"Are there good people among the pirates?"

"Among the pirates, there are also good people."


A week later, a merchant ship slowly sailed towards the port of Sidio.

A woman in a cool black long dress and sunglasses stepped off the merchant ship, and then walked straight towards the black iron castle in the center of Sdio.

"I said, you'll be back."

Lorne sat on the Black Iron Throne, looking at the returned woman, he seemed a little happy.

"The sea seems to have a magical power, and no one can get out easily."

"I don't want to come back,"

Nana casually brought a piece of meaning, and sat down without any scruples about her own image.

"If there hadn't been that damn accident, I should have returned to the South China Sea by now and lived the life of an ordinary person."

She spoke to Lorne in the tone of an old friend, without caring about anything.

And Lorne didn't seem to care, he got up from the Black Iron Throne, walked down, and sat opposite Nana.

"I'm sorry about your companion."

"You don't need to be sorry," Nana shook her head slowly.

"This is, destiny."

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