Pirate Family

Chapter 1127 Pirates of the New World

Opportunity, now the Navy needs an opportunity.

Even if the sea in the new world is already in chaos at this time, as long as those pirate emperors are still alive, the navy will not dare to act rashly.

Therefore, the Navy needs an opportunity to draw those Pirate Emperors into this chaotic battle as well!

"Speaking of which, before Lorne broke away from His Majesty Shichibukai, Sand Crocodile and Amayasha were still his allies."

Lieutenant General He put his hands on his chin and said calmly.

"Maybe we can make a fuss about the two of them."

The whole world knows that Lorne is an extremely protective person. Anyone who dares to touch his relatives and friends will be met with his crazy revenge!

"However, those two people are peak-level pirates after all. When the navy has no chance to take action, ordinary pirates can't pose any threat to them at all."

And Zhan Guo frowned slightly, of course he understood Xiao He's thoughts, but in this sea, there were very few pirates who could threaten those two!

"Few are not the same as none."

Lieutenant General He seemed to see through everything.

"For example, some of the pirates who have risen recently, several of them, have a bad relationship with them."

The new world is extremely chaotic, the strong fall, and the heroes rise.

Among them, these people are the most famous.

Red-haired Shanks, a young pirate who debuted behind Lorne, was once an intern of Roger Pirates. He is powerful and is known as the man closest to Lorne in the new world.

Some time ago, during Lorne's attack on Wano Country, he even appeared in Paradise. With the power of a pirate group, he stopped the Navy's idea of ​​attacking the Vinhill family.

And taking advantage of the reshuffling of the new world's power structure during this period, Shanks also took advantage of the situation to rise, occupying a considerable part of the territory, and vaguely became the number one pirate king next to those pirate emperors. thief.

Even, within the New World Pirates, there is even a "Fourth Emperor". title.

According to the Navy's internal information, this man is a pure adventurer who has no interest in power and status. In his eyes, the adventures that people talk about are more attractive than the peak power.

Unlike the other pirate emperors, Shanks valued the balance of the sea more, which is why he prevented the navy from taking action against the Vinhill family. In addition to his good personal relationship with Lorne, more importantly , because once the navy raids the territory of the Vinhill family successfully, the future of this sea will be pushed into an irreversible abyss.

In the eyes of Lieutenant General Crane, Shanks is a strength that can be pulled.

Perhaps with the help of the red-haired pirates, some pirates in the new world can be cleared.

"The Devil," Douglas Barrett.

He was also a crew member of the Roger Pirates. Compared with the immature Shanks at the time, the young Barrett had the strength comparable to the legend. After the city's jailbreak broke out, together with Case and others, he broke with the Golden Lion and established a trial of grievances.

However, a few months ago, due to some unknown reason, Barrett suddenly announced that he had left the grievance trial, and then returned to this sea in his own name.

He tore through the defense of the navy with ease, and then came to the new world majestically. In just a few months, he continued to attack in the new world, and many old pirate forces fell into his hands.

Among them, there are many forces inherited from the Lockes era.

At this time, the pirates gradually disappeared the successors of Barrett's title "Devil's Successor".

He didn't inherit anyone's power, he was Barrett, a devil more terrifying than anyone else!

Now everyone in the whole sea is in danger, and no one knows, who is the next target of this devil?

The navy's minion, the king's Qiwuhai, or... the high-ranking Pirate Emperor?

What's more ingenious is that one of the Four Emperors, Vennhill Lorne's title is "the devil", so which one is more terrifying, the devil or the devil?

"Space Manipulator" Case, after a few months of recuperation, Case finally appeared on the sea again.

The first thing he did was to wipe out all the pirate forces involved in the incident of the Navy's New World Base.

As proud as he is, he does not allow any imperfection in his resume.

Moreover, the Navy has vaguely grasped the news of a rebellion within the Grudge Trial. Now that Case has reappeared, what will happen to the remaining members of the Grudge Trial? Sengoku doesn't want to speculate.

He only knew that after learning the lesson of failure, Case would be even more terrifying, like a poisonous snake that had been hiding in the shadows, he would not make a move easily, but every time he made a move, it was quite deadly.

No one wants to be the next target of this venomous snake.

"Golden Emperor" Gilder Tezzolo.

When Gulan Tezolo was attacked by Kaido, everyone thought that Gilder fell in that war. Even if he was lucky enough not to die, after losing everything, he would be devastated and quit. The hegemony of the sea.

However, they were all wrong.

A few months ago, Gilder made a comeback and returned to the ocean of the New World with even greater wealth than before.

He built a giant ship purely made of gold, and sailed in the rough seas of the New World.

However, among today's pirates, no one dares to have any thoughts about this sky-high wealth.

Because the pirates who had the same idea and put it into practice all died. Died at Gilder's hands.

Their heads hung on the golden giant ship, deterring everyone.

"I put my feet on the world and put all my wealth here. Anyone who wants to take this wealth, come to me."

This is Gilder's manifesto to all.

His ship is called "The World".

How arrogant and arrogant to step on the world! ?

However, the pirates in the new world today cannot develop the courage to deal with him.


No one knows who this person is, and no one knows what his true identity is. He is like a shadow that appeared out of thin air, and appeared in the new world a few months ago.

He has no friends, is alone, and never speaks.

Driving a small boat, drifting alone in the new world, no one knows what his destination is.

And the reason why he is so famous is because he only does one thing, that is, no matter which small island the boat drifts to, he will stay on the small island for three days.

On the first day, he will kill everyone on the island.

The next day, he will destroy all the buildings on the island.

On the third day, the entire island will sink into the sea.

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