Pirate Family

Chapter 1128 The Challenge That Shocked the World

After doing all this, the shadow will continue to wander until he reaches the next destination.

From a certain unknown island at the beginning, to the branch base of a group of pirates, and even to the lair of a certain pirate hero.

All the islands, without exception, sank into the sea after three days.

From three-year-old children to notorious pirates, anyone who tried to resist him was slaughtered by him.

Not even a single one was able to leave a scar on his body.

No one knows how strong this "shadow" is, and no one knows what he wants to do.

But one thing is clear to everyone, that is, he is a lunatic.

Crazy people don't need a reason to do things.

Now, the pirates in the new world are only looking forward to one thing, and that is when this shadow boat will float to the territory of a certain pirate emperor.

Then, what happens.


In addition to these terrifying monsters, there are many new faces with unlimited potential in the new world.

For example, "Adventurer", "White Swordsman" Jeno, "Nemesis" Nana, and "Sun" Wu, who were not well-known before, but have quietly risen recently.

Even the navy at this time can't see through the pattern of the new world.

"These people, quite a few of them, could be used."

Lieutenant General He said slowly.

"As long as they are used well, they may not necessarily make them a sharp sword in the hands of our navy."

The Warring States Period was silent.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became tense.

No one knows how dirty is behind the word "justice".


The tranquility of the navy did not last long. A few days later, a blockbuster came back from the New World.

"That guy Shanks is so casual!"

Sdio, Lorne looked at the gauntlet sent by Shanks, smiled, picked up a bottle of wine on the table and began to drink.

"Isn't your relationship good? Why does he want to challenge you?"

And Garrett next to her was puzzled.

It stands to reason that even if Shanks wants to become famous in one battle, he should challenge White Beard or his mother, instead of challenging Lorne, who has a good personal relationship with him.

"You don't understand the friendship between men."

Lorne put the wine bottle on the table, casually wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, and said slowly.

"Whitebeard is old, and Charlotte Lingling is extremely unstable, especially after being escaped by Case."

"Often prone to madness."

"Beating the two of them is not something worth promoting for Shanks."

Lorne pointed to himself, then said lightly.

"Only me, only me who is young and at the peak of my strength, is his opponent."

"Since he wants to make a name for himself, let's explain it in a straightforward and simple manner, and then let's arrange a battle to let people in the new world know that he is very strong, isn't that all right?"

Garrett gave Lorne a blank look, and said in a puzzled way.

How easy it is to become famous, the easiest way is to defeat a famous and strong man.

Among the Vinhill family, the most indispensable thing is a famous strong man. Whether it is himself or Enel, they all have quite terrifying reputations in the new world.

"You mean, you want to lose to him, build his reputation, or let Enilo lose to him?"

And Lorne smiled.

"Why, can't you? You think I care about reputation?"

"of course not."

Lorne shook his head, and gently patted Garrett's head. It had been a long time since he patted her head. He didn't expect that little girl to have grown so big.

"So, you don't understand men."

"Do you think, as proud as he is, he will fight with women? Or, can you convince Anilu to let him play fake matches?"

"What? Do you look down on women?"

After hearing Lorne's words, Garrett frowned slightly, and threw herself into Lorne's arms, as if she wanted to bite Lorne.

"On this sea, I am the only opponent in Shanks' eyes."

And Lorne continued.

"It can only be me."

Lorne gently put Garrett down. He put on a black cloak, and for a while, he was no longer the boy next door with a gentle smile, but became the new world, the most powerful and most powerful pirate.

"I agree."

Lorne said so.

"Let the whole sea know, I promise."

Garrett was lying on the chair, looking at Lorne, who was facing away from her, showing a domineering look, slightly lost in thought.

She really doesn't understand men anymore.


Red-haired Shanks decided to challenge Vennhill Lorne after seven days.

And the man with the title of "Devil" agreed to this duel.

The location was the same island where Lorne once defeated the Golden Lion Shiki, Vermejo!

The entire new world is surging, and everyone is turning their attention to the Rocks sea area.

These pirates vaguely have a glimmer of expectation.

Are the two most powerful pirates of the new era finally going to have a showdown?

For a while, many forces stopped what they were doing, and even the two sides that were fighting tacitly stopped fighting.

They all looked at each other to see what the outcome of this battle was.

It was Lorne who continued his strength and defeated the man who was the closest to him at the same time as him,

Or Shanks smashed the myth, stepped on the head of the invincible Lorne, and just took the throne?

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the pattern of the new world will be changed accordingly.

Countless people rushed towards the legendary battlefield, Vermeilo, just to witness this unprecedented battle of strong men!

Among them, the Navy is a bit battered.

Because they wanted to use the rising pirate heroes to drag the pirate emperors into the water, but their plan was not ready yet, Shanks directly launched this challenge to Lorne.

This is a good thing, because Lorne can no longer stay out of it.

But the Warring States period has a vague feeling of uneasiness,

This matter is too smooth, and sometimes, smoothness is not a good thing.

Countless naval spies walked towards the location of the legendary battle, and the Warring States wanted to know the result of the battle as soon as possible. At the same time, someone above Mary Joya slightly closed his eyes, he wanted to use his ability to see the result of this incident.

However, what responded to him was chaos.

Finally, after a long time, he sighed faintly, and then secretly issued an order.

And the executor of this order is... Five Old Stars!

In the whole new world, because of the duel between two men, undercurrents are surging!

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