Pirate Family

Chapter 1136 The power of awakening, the warm-up is over

"As expected of Shanks."

As for Lorne, who was at the center of the Overlord's territory, there was no big surprise.

Shanks, he knows, is the only man who can make the domineering aura affect the entity, and he is also the owner of the most powerful domineering aura in the sea today.

Only he can do this.

"I am angry."

After Shanks released his anger, he raised his eyes and looked at Lorne slowly.

His pupils gradually became indifferent.

"You will die!"

The overlord is the king, and the king is ruthless!

And Lorne, who was in the deep pit, smiled after hearing these words.

In a normal state, Shanks can't exert his full strength when facing himself. Only when he is really angry, truly fully arouses the "tyrant's territory" and makes himself the unique "tyrant", he Only then can you exert your peak power!

And this is exactly what Lorne wants! What he wants is a hearty battle! Rather than a discussion between friends.

Because, in fighting, there will be blood and death, but fighting will not!

"The warm-up is over!"

A layer of purple halo, thinner than that of Shanks, was released from Lorne's body.

In an instant, the sense of oppression brought by Shanks' "Territory of the Overlord" suddenly eased a lot.

"Me too, seriously!"

Lorne yelled. His legs bent slightly, and then he jumped up and rushed towards Shanks.

At a disadvantage, he actually wanted to preempt the enemy!


"Do you want close combat?"

Facing the menacing Lorne, Shanks did not hide or evade, allowing Lorne to get close to his three feet!


The two punched directly, and a huge shock wave burst out, like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, hitting the island.

The small island was smashed into a big hole, and countless tides gushed out from the hole, sweeping everything.

"If you still want to hide your strength, you will definitely lose!"

Shanks directly blasted Lorne away with one punch. In this competition of strength, he once again gained the upper hand!

Countless slashes followed Lorne, and the moment Lorne landed, they slashed on Lorne.

Boom boom boom!

The earth trembled.

"This is all my strength!"

However, Lorne responded to him with the same sentence.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, a black shadow rushed over from the smoke and dust.

Lorne was covered in blood, and he swung his hard fist at Shanks' head.


The only remaining hand of Shanks swung the sword back to defend, and the long sword directly hit Lorne's domineering arm covered with armor, and the two crossed, making a harsh sound like metal collision.

A cut was made in the outermost layer of Lorne's armed arrogance, and then the iron-hard skin was unfolded, revealing the solid muscles inside.


Shanks retracted the knife, blood splashed everywhere, Lorne covered his right arm with the other hand, a deep wound appeared on the right arm, and the white bones were faintly visible.

Shanks' attack is too strong, even if Lorne uses armed domineering, he can't protect his body.

"If you keep hiding, you will die!"

Shanks looked at the embarrassed Lorne in front of him, and said indifferently.

He was really disappointed. What he originally thought was that this was a pinnacle battle. No matter who wins or loses, the winner will surely be remembered in history.

However, Lorne let him down too much.

At this time, Lorne was too weak.

"I said, this is me, all my strength."

Lorne, on the other hand, covered his arm and said slowly.

"You have let me down too much."

Shanks shook his head.

The overlord's territory covering the entire island is gradually shrinking.

Then, zoom out to hundreds of meters.

Lorne felt that a huge mountain was pressing on him, and he finally understood the feeling of those weak people being out of breath in the face of the strong.

"Let me end this farce."

Shanks held the sword and waved it casually, and Lorne felt countless sword lights descending from the point, cutting towards him.

The sword light was like rain, and at this moment, I no longer had the strength to avoid the rain.


Countless tiny slashes fell from the sky and landed on Lorne, and Lorne could only use his own body to resist the attack of the world's top pirate.

His armed domineering was torn apart, and countless wounds appeared on his body. For a moment, Lorne turned into a blood man.

"I won't kill you, but from now on, we shall be passers-by."

Shanks said so.

"You are no longer qualified to continue walking on this sea."

After finishing speaking, Shanks turned around slowly and walked towards his companion. He was really, a little disappointed.

And Lorne, who was in the center of the sword array, seemed not to have heard Shanks' words.

This kind of suffocating feeling, this kind of severe pain in the body, has not been felt for a long time.

This feeling of near-death despair has also been given to him by no one for a long time. Lorne can even feel the cold touch of the slash penetrating his internal organs.

At first, this severe pain almost made him unable to think, but gradually, Lorne's body seemed to get used to this kind of attack.

A slash, like a rainbow light, descended from the sky.

This is Shanks' last attack. According to his thinking, this attack cannot kill Lorne, but it will definitely injure him severely and make him lose his combat effectiveness.

This is his last kindness as a friend, because if such a Lorne continues to be at sea, the next result will be death.

The weak are not qualified to sail in the sea of ​​the new world.

This is the iron law and the rule.

However, Lorne, who was supposed to be unable to move, opened his eyes slowly.

Facing this imposing slash, he didn't even have the slightest thought of dodging. Instead, he opened his mouth.

Then, he hit Shanks with all his strength and ate it!

"Are you crazy?!"

Shanks turned around suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked at Lorne.

He didn't expect that Lorne would actually do this. The esophagus is one of the softest parts of the human body, and no matter how powerful a gymnast is, it is impossible to train the esophagus.

Lorne's doing this is no different from courting death!

However, Shanks responded with a slight laugh.

"This is the awakening of Tun Tun Fruit?"

"Swallowing everything is the awakening of swallowing fruit?"

Lorne, who was supposed to explode to death, stood up from the ground.

He licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Shanks.

"Sure enough, only when you are on the verge of death can you break through the boundary."

The wounds on his body started to heal strangely. Almost in the blink of an eye, Lorne was back to his peak state.

"Thank you, old friend, for saving me a lot of time."

"Now, our battle officially begins."

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