Pirate Family

Chapter 1137 God (1)

Lorne did not deceive Shanks, he did not hold back before, and what he showed was indeed his full strength.

However, there is one point that Lorne did not mention to Shanks.

That is, the figure sitting in front of the tomb of the Golden Lion in Vermaeu is not his body, but a clone that ate the "Tun Tun Fruit".

After getting this fruit, Lorne has never made a move, and has never fought to the death with a real strong man, so he doesn't know where the limit of this body is.

Now, he knows.

Pure physical strength, in front of the attack of the peak pirates, is as fragile as a piece of white paper.

The moment Shanks opened "The Overlord's Realm", Lorne knew that he was definitely not Shanks' opponent at this time.

However, he did not back down. On the one hand, it was because Lorne's pride did not allow him to escape before the battle.

On the other hand, the devil fruit can only be awakened when it is near death.

Lorne is betting on whether Shanks will kill himself first, or his Tun Tun Fruit will awaken first.

Fortunately, he was right.

"You have become stronger."

Shanks turned around and looked at Lorne.

Although the ability Lorne displayed was a bit weird and did not conform to his previous rumors, only Lorne at this time could be called his opponent.

The battle just now was not even a warm-up.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Shanks said so.

Long knife, get out of the sheath again!

However, at this moment, Lorne moved.

In an instant, he came in front of Shanks, and the place where he was standing before, because he couldn't bear Lorne's huge strength, had already collapsed inch by inch.


It hit Shanks directly in the chest.

"Cough cough cough."

Caught off guard, Shanks suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood and splattered it all over the ground.

Did it just cause this effect? Seeing the attack power of his punch, Lorne frowned slightly.

, because what followed was Shanks' sword.

It's not worthwhile to exchange a punch for a sword from a peak swordsman.

"The fist is very hard, but it's still a little bit worse."

Shanks cut Lorne flying with a sword, and a terrifying wound appeared on Lorne's body.

From the left shoulder, all the way to the right abdomen.

This slash almost tore Lorne in half.

Now that he started to be serious, Shanks didn't hold back every sword.

However, Shanks, who succeeded in one blow, did not have any joyful expression on his face.

He didn't believe that Lorne's seriousness was only to this extent.

Sure enough, Lorne stood up from the ground expressionlessly, wiped the blood from his body casually, put it in front of his lips, and slowly licked it.

Then, the terrifying wound on Lorne's body began to heal at an astonishing speed.

"Weird ability, I have never seen you show it before."

Shanks didn't make a move, and watched Lorne coldly after recovering, before speaking slowly.

"However, if it's just the ability to fight and recover beyond ordinary people, then it really disappoints me..."

Shanks didn't continue to speak, but both people present knew the meaning of this sentence.

Because, this ability is no different from the basic ability of ordinary animal devil fruit awakeners after awakening.

If Lorne had an animal-type devil fruit, he would not have awakened after so long after obtaining the devil fruit, and he would not think that he had the slightest chance of winning just because of the awakening of a mere animal-type devil fruit.

After all, the most powerful animal devil fruit user in this world has already fallen.

And it was Lorne who killed him.

"It's just that if you have a quick recovery ability, I have many ways to solve you."

"For example, the speed of your recovery after successive attacks cannot keep up with the speed of your injury. Or, directly cut off your limbs."

Shanks spoke out the strategy he came up with without any scruples, which is a clever plan.

"Did you underestimate me so much?"

Lorne looked at the great swordsman standing in front of him, and suddenly smiled.

"Then, I have also come up with a little trick to press the bottom of the box."

Hearing Lorne's words, Shanks suddenly became more dignified, and the domineering domain of domineering color, which was several times thicker than before, instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

He was waiting for Lorne's shot.

But unexpectedly, Lorne didn't shoot directly like before, but bit his arm hard.

Then, on this small island, a scene that Shanks will never forget happened.

Lorne actually ate himself!

The ability to swallow fruit is to use the swallowed substance to strengthen itself, or in other words, to create a substance that is more powerful than the swallowed substance.

So, what happens if you swallow yourself?

Lorne has the answer.

After swallowing the flesh and blood, Lorne's lost limbs slowly grew out.

The wounds all over the body completely disappeared, and the skin was as white as a newborn baby. But Shanks knew how terrifying power was contained in Lorne's seemingly thin body.

If the previous Lorne was a lion, then the Lorne now is an ancient tyrannosaurus.

Before and after, they no longer belong to the same species.

However, Lorne, who was recreated, seemed dissatisfied with his new body, and then he did another thing.

That is to eat the body that he just created.

Shanks' complexion changed drastically, he swung his sword suddenly, and rushed towards Lorne.

At the very beginning, Lorne, even after awakening, was still under his own strength. Lorne, who had been reborn once, had completely overwhelmed him with his aura.

So, what would happen if Lorne ate himself again.

He could imagine, a demon. Shed off the flesh and blood of ordinary people, and slowly crawled out.

So, he had to stop it all.

However, Lorne didn't seem to want Shanks to disturb his evolution. He swung a circle in the air, and the shock wave of his fist hit Shanks directly. Then, Shanks' armed domineering defense was torn apart, and the whole People were knocked out.

With one punch, Lorne actually had an attack power close to Garp's before.

And when Shanks regained his strength and tried to stop Lorne, it was too late.

Because of the first experience, Lorne's second evolution process was much faster.

Just after Shanks reacted, he had completed the second evolution.

This time, Lorne turned into an image of a boy of about fifteen years old. If there were any prisoners from the advance city, they would never forget this image, because Lorne at this time was exactly the same as when he walked out of the advance city.

But in Shanks' eyes, it was no longer Lorne standing in front of him.

If he had to use one word to describe it, Shanks could only think of one word.


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