Pirate Family

Chapter 1138 God (2)

That, god-like man waved at Shanks.

The dark purple "Territory of the Overlord" that enveloped the island suddenly shattered.

An extinction-like force swept across the entire island.

Then, this small island, as if suffering from doomsday, was completely annihilated in the sea. Only a half-stepped mountain peak was left, floating alone on the sea.

On the mountain peak, there is a lonely grave.

The crew of Shanks rushed out immediately, tried their best to resist the terrible shock wave, and then helped Shanks out of a coma.

This group of vicious pirates looked at Lorne with horrified eyes.

Can this kind of power really exist on this sea?

Lorne ended this legendary duel with just one blow.

And the onlookers on the island couldn't bear the terrifying shock wave, they didn't even have time to escape, and were directly crushed by this annihilation-like force.

Only some lucky ones survived.

However, what they saw today will become a nightmare for their entire life.

"Sorry, I can't hold back anymore."

Lorne said slowly to Shanks' crew.

"Take your boss back."

"I recognize him. This sea should praise his reputation."

Shanks' crew, with Shanks, left the island.

No one expected that this battle of legends would end in this way.

As the instigator, Lorne coughed slightly after watching Shanks' ship disappear at the end.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and appeared beside him.

"Take me back to heaven."

Lorne turned his back to Enilu, who was beside him, and said slowly.

Enilu didn't speak, but when he touched Lorne's body, he frowned suddenly.

Because, he found that Lorne's body had become extremely stiff, even moving it was an extravagant hope!


"You are such a madman!"

SKY, the laboratory, Gaji in a white coat looked at the experimental subject lying in the petri dish, and yelled at Lorne who was sitting beside him with a calm expression.

"Obviously only need to evolve once to end this battle, why do you bother! Could it be that this body is not your own, can you waste it at will?"

Gage's saliva flew all over the place, while the black-haired man sitting next to him had a normal expression. After Jia Zhi had completely vented his anger, he said slowly.

"I just had a whim, and wanted to see what would happen if I ate my body that had already evolved once."

"As a result, the effect was somewhat beyond my expectations."

Lorne stretched out his hand with a trace of intoxication on his face.

"This kind of power, it seems that I am in control of everything, like a god."

"You bastard!" Seeing Lorne like this, Gage became even more angry.

"You have to know that if you fail to evolve, you will die on the spot, and we won't even have time to recover this precious devil fruit! Not to mention what kind of turmoil will be caused in this sea because of your clone's death. This Do you know everything???"

The project of ascending to the gods and senior ranks has been his life's painstaking effort, and now he has finally seen a glimmer of light. If this glimmer of dawn goes out, he may collapse on the spot.

And at this time, Vegapunk, who had been silent beside him, suddenly spoke.

"Stop for a moment, don't make noise."

He walked up to the petri dish, looked at the experimental subject lying in the emerald green liquid, thought for a moment, and then slowly said.

"What level do you think your strength is in this sea after you have evolved for the second time?"


Lorne said the word without hesitation.

"I feel that within a short distance, no one in this world is my opponent."

"However, there is one point that must be mentioned."

"The reason why Shanks was able to defeat Shanks so easily, on the one hand, was that Shanks didn't understand the power of my punch at all, so he subconsciously chose to use a body wrapped in armed domineering to resist, and he, It’s not superior in defense itself.”

"If it is a few other people, if they are prepared, they should not have such a good effect."

The strengths of the peak pirates were originally quite similar, at most, their focus was different.

As the newly promoted peak pirate, Shanks was not originally outstanding in defense.

If Shanks is replaced by Charlotte Lingling, who is known as the "steel balloon", she will definitely not be knocked out with one punch.

But there is one thing that Lorne can be sure of, that is, even Charlotte Lingling will definitely be seriously injured after punching herself in that state head-on.

"That is to say, Tun Tun Guo, your clone after the second evolution, has the advantage of crushing any strong person?"

Vegapunk captures the crux of Lorne's words.

"Then, how long do you need to recover before you can carry out the next evolution."

At this time, Lorne's clones had degenerated to the point of just awakening. If Lorne could evolve infinitely, then they would be able to touch the limit of human beings.

Even mastering the mysteries of God is not impossible.


Lorne shook his head.

"This body cannot withstand the second evolution."

"In other words, after the second evolution, I can only throw one punch, and then lose my fighting power. If I don't send it back in time, it is not impossible to die on the spot."

Lorne recalled the feeling that the energy in every cell in his body was drained after he swung that punch, and he was still a little scared.

"Or, in this world, there is no body that can bear this kind of consumption."

"Is that so?"

Vegapunk said with some pity. He asked Lorne just to understand what the consequences of evolution were.

If the secondary evolution is a common method, or a bottom-of-the-box trick that can be used after gritting his teeth and paying a certain price, he may give up his research and study how to strengthen Lorne's body.

But, alas, this is a one-time trick.

Then, the limitations of the second evolution are reflected. After all, the deeds of Lorne defeating Shanks in one move will soon spread across the sea.

Other peak powerhouses will be on guard against this, and it will be difficult to achieve amazing results again.

"Then, soon we can try the second thing."

However, Vegapunk quickly recovered. He looked at Lorne and said slowly.

"The last step of the God-level plan."

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