Pirate Family

Chapter 1139 The Door at the End of the Godly Steps

Vegapunk opened a cabinet, and there were a bunch of devil fruits neatly arranged inside.

These Devil Fruits were all collected by the Vinhill family over the years.

Their master may have been the villain who stopped children from crying in the sea, or the master respected by everyone in the red land, or just a newcomer who has not yet started his own ambition.

But now, these devil fruits are all quietly lying in this cabinet, twisted into a strange spiral shape, making people feel a little lost.

"Since your Tun Tun Fruit has awakened, let's verify our guess."

Vegapunk turned around and looked at Lorne.

"Let's see if the awakened Tun Tun Fruit can absorb the power of other Devil Fruits."

"Let's see if you can become a god after gathering all the devil fruits."

A trace of excitement flashed through Vegapunk's usually plain eyes.

The end of the road to the gods, the taboo gate, had already appeared in front of him.

And he only needs to turn the key in his hand lightly to fulfill his greatest ambition in his life.

He actually didn't know whether this key could open the ultimate door, but he knew very well that if he failed this time, he would never have the chance to realize his ambition again.

Because, there is no such perfect material as Lorne in this world, which can be used by him.

However, this white-haired scientific madman still maintained his composure at this time, and he just looked at Lorne like this.

The right to choose lies with Lorne.

"Is that so?"

Lorne took a deep breath, he already knew the consequences of this incident.

In this world, no one can eat two devil fruits at the same time. There is only one consequence of doing so, that is, the two devil fruits fight each other, and the host explodes and dies.

If he failed, Lorne would lose his most powerful clone ever, and perhaps the ultimate power that could overwhelm this world. It even caused irreversible damage to his body.

"Now, you still have a chance to regret it."

At this time, Gage also looked at Lorne.

In the current situation, if something unexpected happens to Lorne, the entire Vinhill family may fall apart.

At this time, Lorne has already possessed the most peak force in this sea, possessed everything that a pirate can possess, he is still so young, and has a bright future.

No one knows how far Lorne will go in the end,

In history, no one has ever awakened Tun Tun Fruit, and no one knows whether after Tun Tun Fruit awakening can avoid the restriction that a person can only eat one Devil Fruit.

So, when things came to an end, Gage suddenly didn't want Lorne to gamble.

I don't want this most amazing and talented pirate in history to gamble on the one-in-a-million possibility.


Lorne just smiled.

He directly took out a dark golden fruit with spiral patterns from the cabinet.

"When I took this path, I never regretted it."

The pirate is the freest person in the world, and the pirate will never regret it.

"I am a pirate, and a pirate will never regret it."

As Lorne said, he snapped his fingers lightly, and in the petri dish next to him, the naked clone suddenly sat up.

Stretching out his arm stained with emerald green nutrient solution, he took this devil fruit from Lorne's hand.

"Let me see what the so-called god is."

As Lorne said, the clone was expressionless, and then slowly ate the dark golden devil fruit.

At this moment, the old guy's voice came to mind again.

That lion-like man fought for his whole life in the sea, and finally gave his strength to himself as his enemy.

Perhaps in his opinion, in this world, only himself can prevent his power from being ashamed.

There was no scene where two demons fought and the host exploded to death, nor did there appear to be scenes where the host's vitality rapidly faded and the muscles were exhausted due to insufficient energy supply.

The clone seemed to have eaten an ordinary fruit, expressionless. Like a sculpture.

But it was this still image that made everyone's hearts tremble.


Vegapunk asked. The Lorne clone, and even Lorne's body, were still in place, motionless, as if they hadn't heard anyone else speak.

"Lockdown the entire lab! Don't let any word get out!"

At this time, Jiaji reacted and immediately issued an order.

"Full strength, rescue Lorne!"

If anything happened to Lorne's body, and the news spread, the whole sea would be thrown into chaos.

They must do their best to rescue Lorne even if they give up the dawn of the Ascension Plan.

All the medical staff started to move. They knew one thing very well, and that was what the name Lorne meant in this sea.

But at this moment, a chewing sound was suddenly heard in everyone's ears.

The clone of Lorne, which had been turned into a sculpture, suddenly moved.

He chewed the devil fruit pulp in his mouth a few times, and then swallowed it, with a nostalgic expression on his face.

"This power has not been used for a long, long time."

Lorne himself and the clone spoke at the same time.

They raised their hands, and then, all the metal objects in the laboratory, and the glass bottles containing the medicine, all floated strangely as if they had lost gravity.

The entire laboratory began to vibrate as if it had encountered an earthquake.

However, this laboratory is located in SKY, the city of sky, in the sea of ​​clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters!

How could there be an earthquake here? !


A thunderbolt pierced through the door of the laboratory, and Enilo rushed in directly.

Behind him were the anxious Garrett people, and all the cadres of the Vinhill family and SKY were waiting outside the gate.

Because they all know that this is the moment to decide the fate of the Vinhill family, and no one dares to take it lightly.

When the laboratory suddenly shook violently, they rushed in directly.

However, the picture that appeared in front of them made them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

The two Lornes turned their heads at the same time, looking at them rushing in. In the entire laboratory, all non-living objects floated up and surrounded them.

It seems that everything in this space is under their control.

Everything at this time is like, in the legend, God.

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